using System; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// Generation 7 format. public class PK7 : PKM, IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetEvent4, IRibbonSetCommon3, IRibbonSetCommon4, IRibbonSetCommon6, IRibbonSetCommon7 { public static readonly byte[] ExtraBytes = { 0x2A, // Old Marking Value // 0x36, 0x37, // Unused Ribbons 0x58, 0x59, 0x73, 0x90, 0x91, 0x9E, 0x9F, 0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA7, 0xAA, 0xAB, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0xC8, 0xC9, 0xD7, 0xE4, 0xE5, 0xE6, 0xE7 }; public sealed override int SIZE_PARTY => PKX.SIZE_6PARTY; public override int SIZE_STORED => PKX.SIZE_6STORED; public override int Format => 7; public override PersonalInfo PersonalInfo => PersonalTable.USUM.GetFormeEntry(Species, AltForm); public PK7(byte[] decryptedData = null, string ident = null) { Data = (byte[])(decryptedData ?? new byte[SIZE_PARTY]).Clone(); PKMConverter.CheckEncrypted(ref Data); Identifier = ident; if (Data.Length != SIZE_PARTY) Array.Resize(ref Data, SIZE_PARTY); } public override PKM Clone() => new PK7(Data); private string GetString(int Offset, int Count) => StringConverter.GetString7(Data, Offset, Count); private byte[] SetString(string value, int maxLength, bool chinese = false) => StringConverter.SetString7(value, maxLength, Language, chinese: chinese); // Trash Bytes public override byte[] Nickname_Trash { get => GetData(0x40, 24); set { if (value?.Length == 24) value.CopyTo(Data, 0x40); } } public override byte[] HT_Trash { get => GetData(0x78, 24); set { if (value?.Length == 24) value.CopyTo(Data, 0x78); } } public override byte[] OT_Trash { get => GetData(0xB0, 24); set { if (value?.Length == 24) value.CopyTo(Data, 0xB0); } } // Structure #region Block A public override uint EncryptionConstant { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x00); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x00); } public override ushort Sanity { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x04); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x04); } public override ushort Checksum { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x06); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x06); } public override int Species { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x08); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x08); } public override int HeldItem { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x0A); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x0A); } public override int TID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x0C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x0C); } public override int SID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x0E); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x0E); } public override uint EXP { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x10); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x10); } public override int Ability { get => Data[0x14]; set => Data[0x14] = (byte)value; } public override int AbilityNumber { get => Data[0x15]; set => Data[0x15] = (byte)value; } public override int MarkValue { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x16); protected set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x16); } public override uint PID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x18); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x18); } public override int Nature { get => Data[0x1C]; set => Data[0x1C] = (byte)value; } public override bool FatefulEncounter { get => (Data[0x1D] & 1) == 1; set => Data[0x1D] = (byte)(Data[0x1D] & ~0x01 | (value ? 1 : 0)); } public override int Gender { get => (Data[0x1D] >> 1) & 0x3; set => Data[0x1D] = (byte)(Data[0x1D] & ~0x06 | (value << 1)); } public override int AltForm { get => Data[0x1D] >> 3; set => Data[0x1D] = (byte)(Data[0x1D] & 0x07 | (value << 3)); } public override int EV_HP { get => Data[0x1E]; set => Data[0x1E] = (byte)value; } public override int EV_ATK { get => Data[0x1F]; set => Data[0x1F] = (byte)value; } public override int EV_DEF { get => Data[0x20]; set => Data[0x20] = (byte)value; } public override int EV_SPE { get => Data[0x21]; set => Data[0x21] = (byte)value; } public override int EV_SPA { get => Data[0x22]; set => Data[0x22] = (byte)value; } public override int EV_SPD { get => Data[0x23]; set => Data[0x23] = (byte)value; } public override int CNT_Cool { get => Data[0x24]; set => Data[0x24] = (byte)value; } public override int CNT_Beauty { get => Data[0x25]; set => Data[0x25] = (byte)value; } public override int CNT_Cute { get => Data[0x26]; set => Data[0x26] = (byte)value; } public override int CNT_Smart { get => Data[0x27]; set => Data[0x27] = (byte)value; } public override int CNT_Tough { get => Data[0x28]; set => Data[0x28] = (byte)value; } public override int CNT_Sheen { get => Data[0x29]; set => Data[0x29] = (byte)value; } public byte PelagoEventStatus { get => Data[0x2A]; set => Data[0x2A] = value; } private byte PKRS { get => Data[0x2B]; set => Data[0x2B] = value; } public override int PKRS_Days { get => PKRS & 0xF; set => PKRS = (byte)(PKRS & ~0xF | value); } public override int PKRS_Strain { get => PKRS >> 4; set => PKRS = (byte)(PKRS & 0xF | value << 4); } private byte ST1 { get => Data[0x2C]; set => Data[0x2C] = value; } public bool Unused0 { get => (ST1 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool Unused1 { get => (ST1 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain1_SPA { get => (ST1 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain1_HP { get => (ST1 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain1_ATK { get => (ST1 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain1_SPD { get => (ST1 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain1_SPE { get => (ST1 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain1_DEF { get => (ST1 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => ST1 = (byte)(ST1 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } private byte ST2 { get => Data[0x2D]; set => Data[0x2D] = value; } public bool SuperTrain2_SPA { get => (ST2 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain2_HP { get => (ST2 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain2_ATK { get => (ST2 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain2_SPD { get => (ST2 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain2_SPE { get => (ST2 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain2_DEF { get => (ST2 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain3_SPA { get => (ST2 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain3_HP { get => (ST2 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => ST2 = (byte)(ST2 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } private byte ST3 { get => Data[0x2E]; set => Data[0x2E] = value; } public bool SuperTrain3_ATK { get => (ST3 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain3_SPD { get => (ST3 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain3_SPE { get => (ST3 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain3_DEF { get => (ST3 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain4_1 { get => (ST3 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain5_1 { get => (ST3 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain5_2 { get => (ST3 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain5_3 { get => (ST3 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => ST3 = (byte)(ST3 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } private byte ST4 { get => Data[0x2F]; set => Data[0x2F] = value; } public bool SuperTrain5_4 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain6_1 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain6_2 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain6_3 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain7_1 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain7_2 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain7_3 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool SuperTrain8_1 { get => (ST4 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => ST4 = (byte)(ST4 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } private byte RIB0 { get => Data[0x30]; set => Data[0x30] = value; } // Ribbons are read as uints, but let's keep them per byte. private byte RIB1 { get => Data[0x31]; set => Data[0x31] = value; } private byte RIB2 { get => Data[0x32]; set => Data[0x32] = value; } private byte RIB3 { get => Data[0x33]; set => Data[0x33] = value; } private byte RIB4 { get => Data[0x34]; set => Data[0x34] = value; } private byte RIB5 { get => Data[0x35]; set => Data[0x35] = value; } private byte RIB6 { get => Data[0x36]; set => Data[0x36] = value; } // Unused private byte RIB7 { get => Data[0x37]; set => Data[0x37] = value; } // Unused public bool RibbonChampionKalos { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool RibbonChampionSinnoh { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool RibbonBestFriends { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool RibbonTraining { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool RibbonBattlerSkillful { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool RibbonBattlerExpert { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool RibbonEffort { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB0 = (byte)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } public bool RibbonAlert { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool RibbonShock { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool RibbonDowncast { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool RibbonCareless { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool RibbonRelax { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool RibbonSnooze { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool RibbonSmile { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool RibbonGorgeous { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB1 = (byte)(RIB1 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } public bool RibbonRoyal { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool RibbonGorgeousRoyal { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool RibbonArtist { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool RibbonFootprint { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool RibbonRecord { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool RibbonLegend { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool RibbonCountry { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool RibbonNational { get => (RIB2 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB2 = (byte)(RIB2 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } public bool RibbonEarth { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool RibbonWorld { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool RibbonClassic { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool RibbonPremier { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool RibbonEvent { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool RibbonBirthday { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool RibbonSpecial { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool RibbonSouvenir { get => (RIB3 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB3 = (byte)(RIB3 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } public bool RibbonWishing { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool RibbonChampionNational { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool RibbonChampionWorld { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool RIB4_5 { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } // Unused public bool RIB4_6 { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } // Unused public bool RibbonChampionG6Hoenn { get => (RIB4 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB4 = (byte)(RIB4 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } public bool RibbonContestStar { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool RibbonMasterCoolness { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool RibbonMasterBeauty { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool RibbonMasterCuteness { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool RibbonMasterCleverness { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool RibbonMasterToughness { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool RibbonChampionAlola { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool RibbonBattleRoyale { get => (RIB5 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB5 = (byte)(RIB5 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } public bool RibbonBattleTreeGreat { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool RibbonBattleTreeMaster { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool RIB6_2 { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } // Unused public bool RIB6_3 { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } // Unused public bool RIB6_4 { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } // Unused public bool RIB6_5 { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } // Unused public bool RIB6_6 { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } // Unused public bool RIB6_7 { get => (RIB6 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB6 = (byte)(RIB6 & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } // Unused public int RibbonCountMemoryContest { get => Data[0x38]; set => Data[0x38] = (byte)value; } public int RibbonCountMemoryBattle { get => Data[0x39]; set => Data[0x39] = (byte)value; } private ushort DistByte { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x3A); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x3A); } public bool DistSuperTrain1 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 0) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); } public bool DistSuperTrain2 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 1) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); } public bool DistSuperTrain3 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 2) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); } public bool DistSuperTrain4 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 3) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); } public bool DistSuperTrain5 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 4) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); } public bool DistSuperTrain6 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 5) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); } public bool Dist7 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 6) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); } public bool Dist8 { get => (DistByte & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => DistByte = (byte)(DistByte & ~(1 << 7) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); } public uint FormDuration { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x3C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x3C); } #endregion #region Block B public override string Nickname { get => GetString(0x40, 24); set { if (!IsNicknamed) { int lang = PKX.GetSpeciesNameLanguage(Species, value, 7); if (lang == 9 || lang == 10) { StringConverter.SetString7(value, 12, lang, chinese: true).CopyTo(Data, 0x40); return; } } SetString(value, 12).CopyTo(Data, 0x40); } } public override int Move1 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x5A); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x5A); } public override int Move2 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x5C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x5C); } public override int Move3 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x5E); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x5E); } public override int Move4 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x60); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x60); } public override int Move1_PP { get => Data[0x62]; set => Data[0x62] = (byte)value; } public override int Move2_PP { get => Data[0x63]; set => Data[0x63] = (byte)value; } public override int Move3_PP { get => Data[0x64]; set => Data[0x64] = (byte)value; } public override int Move4_PP { get => Data[0x65]; set => Data[0x65] = (byte)value; } public override int Move1_PPUps { get => Data[0x66]; set => Data[0x66] = (byte)value; } public override int Move2_PPUps { get => Data[0x67]; set => Data[0x67] = (byte)value; } public override int Move3_PPUps { get => Data[0x68]; set => Data[0x68] = (byte)value; } public override int Move4_PPUps { get => Data[0x69]; set => Data[0x69] = (byte)value; } public override int RelearnMove1 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x6A); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x6A); } public override int RelearnMove2 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x6C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x6C); } public override int RelearnMove3 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x6E); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x6E); } public override int RelearnMove4 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x70); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x70); } public override bool SecretSuperTrainingUnlocked { get => (Data[0x72] & 1) == 1; set => Data[0x72] = (byte)((Data[0x72] & ~1) | (value ? 1 : 0)); } public override bool SecretSuperTrainingComplete { get => (Data[0x72] & 2) == 2; set => Data[0x72] = (byte)((Data[0x72] & ~2) | (value ? 2 : 0)); } public byte _0x73 { get => Data[0x73]; set => Data[0x73] = value; } private uint IV32 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x74); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x74); } public override int IV_HP { get => (int)(IV32 >> 00) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 00)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 00)); } public override int IV_ATK { get => (int)(IV32 >> 05) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 05)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 05)); } public override int IV_DEF { get => (int)(IV32 >> 10) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 10)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 10)); } public override int IV_SPE { get => (int)(IV32 >> 15) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 15)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 15)); } public override int IV_SPA { get => (int)(IV32 >> 20) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 20)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 20)); } public override int IV_SPD { get => (int)(IV32 >> 25) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 25)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 25)); } public override bool IsEgg { get => ((IV32 >> 30) & 1) == 1; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~0x40000000) | (uint)(value ? 0x40000000 : 0)); } public override bool IsNicknamed { get => ((IV32 >> 31) & 1) == 1; set => IV32 = (IV32 & 0x7FFFFFFF) | (value ? 0x80000000 : 0); } #endregion #region Block C public override string HT_Name { get => GetString(0x78, 24); set => SetString(value, 12).CopyTo(Data, 0x78); } public override int HT_Gender { get => Data[0x92]; set => Data[0x92] = (byte)value; } public override int CurrentHandler { get => Data[0x93]; set => Data[0x93] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo1_Region { get => Data[0x94]; set => Data[0x94] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo1_Country { get => Data[0x95]; set => Data[0x95] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo2_Region { get => Data[0x96]; set => Data[0x96] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo2_Country { get => Data[0x97]; set => Data[0x97] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo3_Region { get => Data[0x98]; set => Data[0x98] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo3_Country { get => Data[0x99]; set => Data[0x99] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo4_Region { get => Data[0x9A]; set => Data[0x9A] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo4_Country { get => Data[0x9B]; set => Data[0x9B] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo5_Region { get => Data[0x9C]; set => Data[0x9C] = (byte)value; } public override int Geo5_Country { get => Data[0x9D]; set => Data[0x9D] = (byte)value; } public byte _0x9E { get => Data[0x9E]; set => Data[0x9E] = value; } public byte _0x9F { get => Data[0x9F]; set => Data[0x9F] = value; } public byte _0xA0 { get => Data[0xA0]; set => Data[0xA0] = value; } public byte _0xA1 { get => Data[0xA1]; set => Data[0xA1] = value; } public override int HT_Friendship { get => Data[0xA2]; set => Data[0xA2] = (byte)value; } public override int HT_Affection { get => Data[0xA3]; set => Data[0xA3] = (byte)value; } public override int HT_Intensity { get => Data[0xA4]; set => Data[0xA4] = (byte)value; } public override int HT_Memory { get => Data[0xA5]; set => Data[0xA5] = (byte)value; } public override int HT_Feeling { get => Data[0xA6]; set => Data[0xA6] = (byte)value; } public byte _0xA7 { get => Data[0xA7]; set => Data[0xA7] = value; } public override int HT_TextVar { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xA8); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xA8); } public byte _0xAA { get => Data[0xAA]; set => Data[0xAA] = value; } public byte _0xAB { get => Data[0xAB]; set => Data[0xAB] = value; } public byte _0xAC { get => Data[0xAC]; set => Data[0xAC] = value; } public byte _0xAD { get => Data[0xAD]; set => Data[0xAD] = value; } public override byte Fullness { get => Data[0xAE]; set => Data[0xAE] = value; } public override byte Enjoyment { get => Data[0xAF]; set => Data[0xAF] = value; } #endregion #region Block D public override string OT_Name { get => GetString(0xB0, 24); set => SetString(value, 12).CopyTo(Data, 0xB0); } public override int OT_Friendship { get => Data[0xCA]; set => Data[0xCA] = (byte)value; } public override int OT_Affection { get => Data[0xCB]; set => Data[0xCB] = (byte)value; } public override int OT_Intensity { get => Data[0xCC]; set => Data[0xCC] = (byte)value; } public override int OT_Memory { get => Data[0xCD]; set => Data[0xCD] = (byte)value; } public override int OT_TextVar { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xCE); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xCE); } public override int OT_Feeling { get => Data[0xD0]; set => Data[0xD0] = (byte)value; } public override int Egg_Year { get => Data[0xD1]; set => Data[0xD1] = (byte)value; } public override int Egg_Month { get => Data[0xD2]; set => Data[0xD2] = (byte)value; } public override int Egg_Day { get => Data[0xD3]; set => Data[0xD3] = (byte)value; } public override int Met_Year { get => Data[0xD4]; set => Data[0xD4] = (byte)value; } public override int Met_Month { get => Data[0xD5]; set => Data[0xD5] = (byte)value; } public override int Met_Day { get => Data[0xD6]; set => Data[0xD6] = (byte)value; } public byte _0xD7 { get => Data[0xD7]; set => Data[0xD7] = value; } public override int Egg_Location { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xD8); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xD8); } public override int Met_Location { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xDA); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xDA); } public override int Ball { get => Data[0xDC]; set => Data[0xDC] = (byte)value; } public override int Met_Level { get => Data[0xDD] & ~0x80; set => Data[0xDD] = (byte)((Data[0xDD] & 0x80) | value); } public override int OT_Gender { get => Data[0xDD] >> 7; set => Data[0xDD] = (byte)((Data[0xDD] & ~0x80) | (value << 7)); } public override int HyperTrainFlags { get => Data[0xDE]; set => Data[0xDE] = (byte)value; } public override bool HT_HP { get => ((HyperTrainFlags >> 0) & 1) == 1; set => HyperTrainFlags = (HyperTrainFlags & ~(1 << 0)) | ((value ? 1 : 0) << 0); } public override bool HT_ATK { get => ((HyperTrainFlags >> 1) & 1) == 1; set => HyperTrainFlags = (HyperTrainFlags & ~(1 << 1)) | ((value ? 1 : 0) << 1); } public override bool HT_DEF { get => ((HyperTrainFlags >> 2) & 1) == 1; set => HyperTrainFlags = (HyperTrainFlags & ~(1 << 2)) | ((value ? 1 : 0) << 2); } public override bool HT_SPA { get => ((HyperTrainFlags >> 3) & 1) == 1; set => HyperTrainFlags = (HyperTrainFlags & ~(1 << 3)) | ((value ? 1 : 0) << 3); } public override bool HT_SPD { get => ((HyperTrainFlags >> 4) & 1) == 1; set => HyperTrainFlags = (HyperTrainFlags & ~(1 << 4)) | ((value ? 1 : 0) << 4); } public override bool HT_SPE { get => ((HyperTrainFlags >> 5) & 1) == 1; set => HyperTrainFlags = (HyperTrainFlags & ~(1 << 5)) | ((value ? 1 : 0) << 5); } public override int Version { get => Data[0xDF]; set => Data[0xDF] = (byte)value; } public override int Country { get => Data[0xE0]; set => Data[0xE0] = (byte)value; } public override int Region { get => Data[0xE1]; set => Data[0xE1] = (byte)value; } public override int ConsoleRegion { get => Data[0xE2]; set => Data[0xE2] = (byte)value; } public override int Language { get => Data[0xE3]; set => Data[0xE3] = (byte)value; } #endregion #region Battle Stats public override int Stat_Level { get => Data[0xEC]; set => Data[0xEC] = (byte)value; } public override int Stat_HPCurrent { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xF0); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xF0); } public override int Stat_HPMax { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xF2); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xF2); } public override int Stat_ATK { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xF4); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xF4); } public override int Stat_DEF { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xF6); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xF6); } public override int Stat_SPE { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xF8); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xF8); } public override int Stat_SPA { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xFA); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xFA); } public override int Stat_SPD { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0xFC); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xFC); } #endregion // Simple Generated Attributes public override int CurrentFriendship { get => CurrentHandler == 0 ? OT_Friendship : HT_Friendship; set { if (CurrentHandler == 0) OT_Friendship = value; else HT_Friendship = value; } } public int OppositeFriendship { get => CurrentHandler == 1 ? OT_Friendship : HT_Friendship; set { if (CurrentHandler == 1) OT_Friendship = value; else HT_Friendship = value; } } public override int SuperTrainingMedalCount(int maxCount = 30) { uint value = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x2C); int TrainCount = 0; value >>= 2; for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) { if ((value & 1) != 0) TrainCount++; value >>= 1; } return TrainCount; } public override int PSV => (int)((PID >> 16 ^ PID & 0xFFFF) >> 4); public override int TSV => (TID ^ SID) >> 4; public bool IsUntradedEvent6 => Geo1_Country == 0 && Geo1_Region == 0 && Met_Location / 10000 == 4 && Gen6; // Complex Generated Attributes public override int Characteristic { get { // Characteristic with EC%6 int pm6 = (int)(EncryptionConstant % 6); // EC MOD 6 int maxIV = IVs.Max(); int pm6stat = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (IVs[pm6stat = pm6++ % 6] == maxIV) break; return pm6stat*5 + maxIV%5; } } public override int[] Markings { get { int[] marks = new int[8]; int val = MarkValue; for (int i = 0; i < marks.Length; i++) marks[i] = ((val >> (i*2)) & 3) % 3; return marks; } set { if (value.Length > 8) return; int v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) v |= (value[i] % 3) << (i*2); MarkValue = v; } } // Methods protected override byte[] Encrypt() { RefreshChecksum(); return PKX.EncryptArray(Data); } // General User-error Fixes public void FixRelearn() { while (true) { if (RelearnMove4 != 0 && RelearnMove3 == 0) { RelearnMove3 = RelearnMove4; RelearnMove4 = 0; } if (RelearnMove3 != 0 && RelearnMove2 == 0) { RelearnMove2 = RelearnMove3; RelearnMove3 = 0; continue; } if (RelearnMove2 != 0 && RelearnMove1 == 0) { RelearnMove1 = RelearnMove2; RelearnMove2 = 0; continue; } break; } } public void FixMemories() { if (IsEgg) // No memories if is egg. { Geo1_Country = Geo2_Country = Geo3_Country = Geo4_Country = Geo5_Country = Geo1_Region = Geo2_Region = Geo3_Region = Geo4_Region = Geo5_Region = HT_Friendship = HT_Affection = HT_TextVar = HT_Memory = HT_Intensity = HT_Feeling = /* OT_Friendship */ OT_Affection = OT_TextVar = OT_Memory = OT_Intensity = OT_Feeling = 0; // Clear Handler HT_Name = "".PadRight(11, '\0'); return; } if (IsUntraded) HT_Friendship = HT_Affection = HT_TextVar = HT_Memory = HT_Intensity = HT_Feeling = 0; if (GenNumber < 6) OT_Affection = OT_TextVar = OT_Memory = OT_Intensity = OT_Feeling = 0; Geo1_Region = Geo1_Country > 0 ? Geo1_Region : 0; Geo2_Region = Geo2_Country > 0 ? Geo2_Region : 0; Geo3_Region = Geo3_Country > 0 ? Geo3_Region : 0; Geo4_Region = Geo4_Country > 0 ? Geo4_Region : 0; Geo5_Region = Geo5_Country > 0 ? Geo5_Region : 0; while (true) { if (Geo5_Country != 0 && Geo4_Country == 0) { Geo4_Country = Geo5_Country; Geo4_Region = Geo5_Region; Geo5_Country = Geo5_Region = 0; } if (Geo4_Country != 0 && Geo3_Country == 0) { Geo3_Country = Geo4_Country; Geo3_Region = Geo4_Region; Geo4_Country = Geo4_Region = 0; continue; } if (Geo3_Country != 0 && Geo2_Country == 0) { Geo2_Country = Geo3_Country; Geo2_Region = Geo3_Region; Geo3_Country = Geo3_Region = 0; continue; } if (Geo2_Country != 0 && Geo1_Country == 0) { Geo1_Country = Geo2_Country; Geo1_Region = Geo2_Region; Geo2_Country = Geo2_Region = 0; continue; } break; } if (GenNumber < 7) // must be transferred via bank, and must have memories { TradeMemory(Bank: true); // georegions cleared on 6->7, no need to set } } // Synthetic Trading Logic public void Trade(string SAV_Trainer, int SAV_TID, int SAV_SID, int SAV_COUNTRY, int SAV_REGION, int SAV_GENDER, bool Bank, int Day = 1, int Month = 1, int Year = 2015) { // Eggs do not have any modifications done if they are traded if (IsEgg && !(SAV_Trainer == OT_Name && SAV_TID == TID && SAV_SID == SID && SAV_GENDER == OT_Gender)) UpdateEgg(Day, Month, Year); // Process to the HT if the OT of the Pokémon does not match the SAV's OT info. else if (!TradeOT(SAV_Trainer, SAV_TID, SAV_SID, SAV_COUNTRY, SAV_REGION, SAV_GENDER)) TradeHT(SAV_Trainer, SAV_COUNTRY, SAV_REGION, SAV_GENDER, Bank); } private bool TradeOT(string SAV_Trainer, int SAV_TID, int SAV_SID, int SAV_COUNTRY, int SAV_REGION, int SAV_GENDER) { // Check to see if the OT matches the SAV's OT info. if (!(SAV_Trainer == OT_Name && SAV_TID == TID && SAV_SID == SID && SAV_GENDER == OT_Gender)) return false; CurrentHandler = 0; if (!IsUntraded && (SAV_COUNTRY != Geo1_Country || SAV_REGION != Geo1_Region)) TradeGeoLocation(SAV_COUNTRY, SAV_REGION); return true; } private void TradeHT(string SAV_Trainer, int SAV_COUNTRY, int SAV_REGION, int SAV_GENDER, bool Bank) { if (SAV_Trainer != HT_Name || SAV_GENDER != HT_Gender || (Geo1_Country == 0 && Geo1_Region == 0 && !IsUntradedEvent6)) TradeGeoLocation(SAV_COUNTRY, SAV_REGION); CurrentHandler = 1; if (HT_Name != SAV_Trainer) { HT_Friendship = PersonalInfo.BaseFriendship; HT_Affection = 0; } HT_Name = SAV_Trainer; HT_Gender = SAV_GENDER; // Make a memory if no memory already exists. Pretty terrible way of doing this but I'd rather not overwrite existing memories. if (HT_Memory == 0) TradeMemory(Bank); } // Misc Updates private void UpdateEgg(int Day, int Month, int Year) { Met_Location = 30002; Met_Day = Day; Met_Month = Month; Met_Year = Year - 2000; } private void TradeGeoLocation(int GeoCountry, int GeoRegion) { return; // No geolocations are set, ever! -- except for bank. Don't set them anyway. //// Allow the method to abort if the values are invalid //if (GeoCountry < 0 || GeoRegion < 0) // return; // //// Trickle down //Geo5_Country = Geo4_Country; //Geo5_Region = Geo4_Region; // //Geo4_Country = Geo3_Country; //Geo4_Region = Geo3_Region; // //Geo3_Country = Geo2_Country; //Geo3_Region = Geo2_Region; // //Geo2_Country = Geo1_Country; //Geo2_Region = Geo1_Region; // //Geo1_Country = GeoCountry; //Geo1_Region = GeoRegion; } public void TradeMemory(bool Bank) { if (!Bank) return; HT_Memory = 4; // Link trade to [VAR: General Location] HT_TextVar = 0; // Somewhere (Bank) HT_Intensity = 1; HT_Feeling = Util.Rand.Next(0, 9); // 0-9 Bank } // Legality Properties public override bool WasLink => Met_Location == 30011; public override bool WasEvent => Met_Location > 40000 && Met_Location < 50000 || FatefulEncounter; public override bool WasEventEgg => GenNumber < 5 ? base.WasEventEgg : ((Egg_Location > 40000 && Egg_Location < 50000) || (FatefulEncounter && Egg_Location == 30002)) && Met_Level == 1; // Maximums public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_7_USUM; public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_7_USUM; public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_7; public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_7_USUM; public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_7; public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_7; public override int MaxIV => 31; public override int MaxEV => 252; public override int OTLength => 12; public override int NickLength => 12; } }