using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Media; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using PKHeX.Core; using PKHeX.Drawing; using PKHeX.Drawing.Misc; using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite; using PKHeX.WinForms.Controls; using static PKHeX.Core.MessageStrings; namespace PKHeX.WinForms; public partial class Main : Form { public Main() { string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); FormLoadInitialSettings(args, out bool showChangelog, out bool BAKprompt); InitializeComponent(); if (Settings.Display.DisableScalingDpi) AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; C_SAV.SetEditEnvironment(new SaveDataEditor(new FakeSaveFile(), PKME_Tabs)); FormLoadAddEvents(); #if DEBUG // translation updater -- all controls are added at this point -- call translate now if (DevUtil.IsUpdatingTranslations) WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, CurrentLanguage); // Translate the UI to language. #endif FormInitializeSecond(); FormLoadCheckForUpdates(); var startup = new StartupArguments(); startup.ReadArguments(args); startup.ReadSettings(Settings.Startup); startup.ReadTemplateIfNoEntity(TemplatePath); if (Settings.Startup.PluginLoadMethod != PluginLoadSetting.DontLoad) FormLoadPlugins(); FormLoadInitialFiles(startup); if (HaX) { EntityConverter.AllowIncompatibleConversion = EntityCompatibilitySetting.AllowIncompatibleAll; WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgProgramIllegalModeActive, MsgProgramIllegalModeBehave); } else if (showChangelog) { ShowAboutDialog(AboutPage.Changelog); } if (BAKprompt && !Directory.Exists(BackupPath)) PromptBackup(); BringToFront(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; Show(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } #region Important Variables public static string CurrentLanguage { get => GameInfo.CurrentLanguage; private set => GameInfo.CurrentLanguage = value; } private static bool _unicode; public static bool Unicode { get => _unicode; private set { _unicode = value; GenderSymbols = value ? GameInfo.GenderSymbolUnicode : GameInfo.GenderSymbolASCII; } } public static IReadOnlyList GenderSymbols { get; private set; } = GameInfo.GenderSymbolUnicode; public static bool HaX { get; private set; } private readonly string[] main_langlist = Enum.GetNames(); private static readonly List Plugins = []; #endregion #region Path Variables public static readonly string WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.ProcessPath)!; public static readonly string DatabasePath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "pkmdb"); public static readonly string MGDatabasePath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "mgdb"); public static readonly string ConfigPath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "cfg.json"); public static readonly string BackupPath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "bak"); public static readonly string CryPath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "sounds"); private static readonly string TemplatePath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "template"); private static readonly string TrainerPath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "trainers"); private static readonly string PluginPath = Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "plugins"); private const string ThreadPath = ""; public static readonly PKHeXSettings Settings = PKHeXSettings.GetSettings(ConfigPath); #endregion #region //// MAIN MENU FUNCTIONS //// private static void FormLoadInitialSettings(IEnumerable args, out bool showChangelog, out bool BAKprompt) { showChangelog = false; BAKprompt = false; FormLoadConfig(out BAKprompt, out showChangelog); HaX = Settings.Startup.ForceHaXOnLaunch || GetIsHaX(args); WinFormsUtil.AddSaveFileExtensions(Settings.Backup.OtherSaveFileExtensions); SaveFinder.CustomBackupPaths.Clear(); SaveFinder.CustomBackupPaths.AddRange(Settings.Backup.OtherBackupPaths.Where(Directory.Exists)); } private static bool GetIsHaX(IEnumerable args) { foreach (var x in args) { var arg = x.AsSpan().Trim('-'); if (arg.Equals(nameof(HaX), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) return true; } ReadOnlySpan path = Environment.ProcessPath!; return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).EndsWith(nameof(HaX)); } private void FormLoadAddEvents() { C_SAV.Menu_Redo = Menu_Redo; C_SAV.Menu_Undo = Menu_Undo; dragout.GiveFeedback += (sender, e) => e.UseDefaultCursors = false; GiveFeedback += (sender, e) => e.UseDefaultCursors = false; PKME_Tabs.EnableDragDrop(Main_DragEnter, Main_DragDrop); C_SAV.EnableDragDrop(Main_DragEnter, Main_DragDrop); // ToolTips for Drag&Drop toolTip.SetToolTip(dragout, "PKM QuickSave"); // Box to Tabs D&D dragout.AllowDrop = true; // Add ContextMenus var mnu = new ContextMenuPKM(); mnu.RequestEditorLegality += (o, args) => ClickLegality(mnu, args); mnu.RequestEditorQR += (o, args) => ClickQR(mnu, args); mnu.RequestEditorSaveAs += (o, args) => MainMenuSave(mnu, args); dragout.ContextMenuStrip = mnu.mnuL; = DisplayLegalityReport; } private void FormLoadInitialFiles(StartupArguments args) { var sav = args.SAV!; var path = sav.Metadata.FilePath ?? string.Empty; OpenSAV(sav, path); var pk = args.Entity!; OpenPKM(pk); if (args.Error is { } ex) ErrorWindow.ShowErrorDialog(MsgFileLoadFailAuto, ex, true); } private void LoadBlankSaveFile(GameVersion version) { var current = C_SAV?.SAV; var lang = SaveUtil.GetSafeLanguage(current); var tr = SaveUtil.GetSafeTrainerName(current, lang); var sav = SaveUtil.GetBlankSAV(version, tr, lang); if (sav.Version == GameVersion.Invalid) // will fail to load { var max = GameInfo.VersionDataSource.MaxBy(z => z.Value) ?? throw new Exception(); version = (GameVersion)max.Value; sav = SaveUtil.GetBlankSAV(version, tr, lang); } OpenSAV(sav, string.Empty); C_SAV!.SAV.State.Edited = false; // Prevents form close warning from showing until changes are made } private void FormLoadCheckForUpdates() { Task.Run(async () => { Version? latestVersion; // User might not be connected to the internet or with a flaky connection. try { latestVersion = UpdateUtil.GetLatestPKHeXVersion(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"Exception while checking for latest version: {ex}"); return; } if (latestVersion is null || latestVersion <= Program.CurrentVersion) return; while (!IsHandleCreated) // Wait for form to be ready await Task.Delay(2_000).ConfigureAwait(false); Invoke(() => NotifyNewVersionAvailable(latestVersion)); // invoke on GUI thread }); } private void NotifyNewVersionAvailable(Version version) { var date = $"{2000 + version.Major:00}{version.Minor:00}{version.Build:00}"; var lbl = L_UpdateAvailable; lbl.Text = $"{MsgProgramUpdateAvailable} {date}"; lbl.Click += (_, _) => Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(ThreadPath) { UseShellExecute = true }); lbl.Visible = lbl.TabStop = lbl.Enabled = true; } private static void FormLoadConfig(out bool BAKprompt, out bool showChangelog) { BAKprompt = false; showChangelog = false; // Version Check if (Settings.Startup.Version.Length != 0 && Settings.Startup.ShowChangelogOnUpdate) // already run on system { bool parsed = Version.TryParse(Settings.Startup.Version, out var lastrev); showChangelog = parsed && lastrev < Program.CurrentVersion; } Settings.Startup.Version = Program.CurrentVersion.ToString(); // set current version so this doesn't happen until the user updates next time // BAK Prompt if (!Settings.Backup.BAKPrompt) BAKprompt = Settings.Backup.BAKPrompt = true; } public static DrawConfig Draw { get; private set; } = new(); private void FormInitializeSecond() { var settings = Settings; Draw = C_SAV.M.Hover.Draw = PKME_Tabs.Draw = settings.Draw; ReloadProgramSettings(settings); CB_MainLanguage.Items.AddRange(main_langlist); PB_Legal.Visible = !HaX; C_SAV.HaX = PKME_Tabs.HaX = HaX; #if DEBUG DevUtil.AddControl(Menu_Tools); #endif // Select Language CB_MainLanguage.SelectedIndex = GameLanguage.GetLanguageIndex(settings.Startup.Language); } private void FormLoadPlugins() { #if !MERGED // merged should load dlls from within too, folder is no longer required if (!Directory.Exists(PluginPath)) return; #endif try { Plugins.AddRange(PluginLoader.LoadPlugins(PluginPath, Settings.Startup.PluginLoadMethod)); } catch (InvalidCastException c) { WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgPluginFailLoad, c); return; } foreach (var p in Plugins.OrderBy(z => z.Priority)) p.Initialize(C_SAV, PKME_Tabs, menuStrip1, Program.CurrentVersion); } // Main Menu Strip UI Functions private void MainMenuOpen(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.OpenSAVPKMDialog(C_SAV.SAV.PKMExtensions, out var path)) OpenQuick(path!); } private void MainMenuSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PKME_Tabs.EditsComplete) return; PKM pk = PreparePKM(); WinFormsUtil.SavePKMDialog(pk); } private void MainMenuExit(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) // triggered via hotkey { if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Quit PKHeX?")) return; } Close(); } private void MainMenuAbout(object sender, EventArgs e) => ShowAboutDialog(AboutPage.Shortcuts); private static void ShowAboutDialog(AboutPage index) { using var form = new About(index); form.ShowDialog(); } // Sub Menu Options private void MainMenuBoxReport(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.OpenWindowExists()) return; var report = new ReportGrid(); report.Show(); var list = new List(); SlotInfoLoader.AddFromSaveFile(C_SAV.SAV, list); var settings = Settings.Report; var extra = CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(settings.ExtraProperties); var hide = CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(settings.HiddenProperties); report.PopulateData(list, extra, hide); } private void MainMenuDatabase(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { if (!this.OpenWindowExists()) new KChart(C_SAV.SAV).Show(); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(DatabasePath)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgDatabase, string.Format(MsgDatabaseAdvice, DatabasePath)); return; } if (!this.OpenWindowExists()) new SAV_Database(PKME_Tabs, C_SAV).Show(); } private void Menu_EncDatabase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.OpenWindowExists()) return; var db = new TrainerDatabase(); var sav = C_SAV.SAV; Task.Run(() => { var dir = TrainerPath; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) return; var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(TrainerPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var pk = BoxUtil.GetPKMsFromPaths(files, sav.Context); foreach (var f in pk) db.RegisterCopy(f); }); new SAV_Encounters(PKME_Tabs, db).Show(); } private void MainMenuMysteryDB(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.OpenWindowExists()) new SAV_MysteryGiftDB(PKME_Tabs, C_SAV).Show(); } private static void ClosePopups() { var forms = Application.OpenForms.OfType
().Where(IsPopupFormType).ToArray(); foreach (var f in forms) { if (f.InvokeRequired) continue; // from another thread, not our scope. f.Close(); } } private static bool IsPopupFormType(Form z) => z is not (Main or SplashScreen or SAV_FolderList or PokePreview); private void MainMenuSettings(object sender, EventArgs e) { var settings = Settings; using var form = new SettingsEditor(settings); form.ShowDialog(); // Reload text (if OT details hidden) Text = GetProgramTitle(C_SAV.SAV); // Update final settings ReloadProgramSettings(Settings); if (form.BlankChanged) // changed by user { LoadBlankSaveFile(Settings.Startup.DefaultSaveVersion); return; } PKME_Tabs_UpdatePreviewSprite(sender, e); if (C_SAV.SAV.HasBox) C_SAV.ReloadSlots(); } private void ReloadProgramSettings(PKHeXSettings settings) { Draw.LoadBrushes(); PKME_Tabs.Unicode = Unicode = settings.Display.Unicode; PKME_Tabs.UpdateUnicode(GenderSymbols); SpriteName.AllowShinySprite = settings.Sprite.ShinySprites; SpriteBuilderUtil.SpriterPreference = settings.Sprite.SpritePreference; var write = settings.SlotWrite; SaveFile.SetUpdateDex = write.SetUpdateDex ? PKMImportSetting.Update : PKMImportSetting.Skip; SaveFile.SetUpdatePKM = write.SetUpdatePKM ? PKMImportSetting.Update : PKMImportSetting.Skip; SaveFile.SetUpdateRecords = write.SetUpdateRecords ? PKMImportSetting.Update : PKMImportSetting.Skip; C_SAV.ModifyPKM = PKME_Tabs.ModifyPKM = settings.SlotWrite.SetUpdatePKM; CommonEdits.ShowdownSetIVMarkings = settings.Import.ApplyMarkings; CommonEdits.ShowdownSetBehaviorNature = settings.Import.ApplyNature; C_SAV.FlagIllegal = settings.Display.FlagIllegal; C_SAV.M.Hover.GlowHover = settings.Hover.HoverSlotGlowEdges; ParseSettings.Initialize(settings.Legality); PKME_Tabs.HideSecretValues = C_SAV.HideSecretDetails = settings.Privacy.HideSecretDetails; WinFormsUtil.DetectSaveFileOnFileOpen = settings.Startup.TryDetectRecentSave; SelectablePictureBox.FocusBorderDeflate = GenderToggle.FocusBorderDeflate = settings.Display.FocusBorderDeflate; settings.SaveLanguage.Apply(); var converter = settings.Converter; EntityConverter.AllowIncompatibleConversion = converter.AllowIncompatibleConversion; EntityConverter.RejuvenateHOME = converter.AllowGuessRejuvenateHOME; EntityConverter.VirtualConsoleSourceGen1 = converter.VirtualConsoleSourceGen1; EntityConverter.VirtualConsoleSourceGen2 = converter.VirtualConsoleSourceGen2; EntityConverter.RetainMetDateTransfer45 = converter.RetainMetDateTransfer45; SpriteBuilder.LoadSettings(settings.Sprite); } private void MainMenuBoxLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { string? path = null; if (Directory.Exists(DatabasePath)) { var dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgDatabaseLoad); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) path = DatabasePath; } if (C_SAV.LoadBoxes(out string result, path)) WinFormsUtil.Alert(result); } /// /// Dumps all Entity content stored in the SaveFile's boxes to disk. /// private void MainMenuBoxDump(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult ld = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgDatabaseExport); if (ld == DialogResult.Yes) { BoxExport.Export(C_SAV.SAV, DatabasePath, BoxExportSettings.Default); return; } if (ld != DialogResult.No) return; using var dumper = new BoxExporter(C_SAV.SAV, BoxExporter.ExportOverride.All); dumper.ShowDialog(); } private void MainMenuBoxDumpSingle(object sender, EventArgs e) { C_SAV.SAV.CurrentBox = C_SAV.CurrentBox; // double check using var dumper = new BoxExporter(C_SAV.SAV, BoxExporter.ExportOverride.Current); dumper.ShowDialog(); } private void MainMenuBatchEditor(object sender, EventArgs e) { using var form = new BatchEditor(PKME_Tabs.PreparePKM(), C_SAV.SAV); form.ShowDialog(); C_SAV.SetPKMBoxes(); // refresh C_SAV.UpdateBoxViewers(); } private void MainMenuFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.OpenWindowExists()) return; var form = new SAV_FolderList(s => OpenSAV(s.Clone(), s.Metadata.FilePath!)); form.Show(); } // Misc Options private void ClickShowdownImportPKM(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Clipboard.ContainsText()) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgClipboardFailRead); return; } // Get Simulator Data var Set = new ShowdownSet(Clipboard.GetText()); if (Set.Species == 0) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSimulatorFailClipboard); return; } if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgSimulatorLoad, Set.Text)) return; if (Set.InvalidLines.Count > 0) WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSimulatorInvalid, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Set.InvalidLines)); PKME_Tabs.LoadShowdownSet(Set); } private void ClickShowdownExportPKM(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PKME_Tabs.EditsComplete) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSimulatorExportBadFields); return; } var pk = PreparePKM(); var text = ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk); bool success = WinFormsUtil.SetClipboardText(text); if (!success || !Clipboard.GetText().Equals(text)) WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgClipboardFailWrite, MsgSimulatorExportFail); else WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSimulatorExportSuccess, text); } private void ClickShowdownExportParty(object sender, EventArgs e) => C_SAV.ClickShowdownExportParty(sender, e); private void ClickShowdownExportCurrentBox(object sender, EventArgs e) => C_SAV.ClickShowdownExportCurrentBox(sender, e); // Main Menu Subfunctions private void OpenQuick(string path) { if (!CanFocus) { SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return; } OpenFromPath(path); } private void OpenFromPath(string path) { if (Plugins.Any(p => p.TryLoadFile(path))) return; // handled by plugin // detect if it is a folder (load into boxes or not) if (Directory.Exists(path)) { C_SAV.LoadBoxes(out string _, path); return; } var fi = new FileInfo(path); if (!fi.Exists) return; if (FileUtil.IsFileTooBig(fi.Length)) { WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgFileSizeLarge + Environment.NewLine + string.Format(MsgFileSize, fi.Length), path); return; } if (FileUtil.IsFileTooSmall(fi.Length)) { WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgFileSizeSmall + Environment.NewLine + string.Format(MsgFileSize, fi.Length), path); return; } byte[] input; try { input = File.ReadAllBytes(path); } catch (Exception e) { WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgFileInUse + path, e); return; } string ext = fi.Extension; #if DEBUG OpenFile(input, path, ext); #else try { OpenFile(input, path, ext); } catch (Exception e) { WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgFileLoadFail + "\nPath: " + path, e); } #endif } private void OpenFile(byte[] input, string path, string ext) { var obj = FileUtil.GetSupportedFile(input, ext, C_SAV.SAV); if (obj != null && LoadFile(obj, path)) return; WinFormsUtil.Error(GetHintInvalidFile(input, path), $"{MsgFileLoad}{Environment.NewLine}{path}", $"{string.Format(MsgFileSize, input.Length)}{Environment.NewLine}{input.Length} bytes (0x{input.Length:X4})"); } private static string GetHintInvalidFile(ReadOnlySpan input, string path) { bool isSAV = WinFormsUtil.IsFileExtensionSAV(path); if (!isSAV) return MsgPKMUnsupported; // Include a hint for the user to check if the file is all 00 or all FF bool allZero = !input.ContainsAnyExcept(0x00); if (allZero) return MsgFileLoadAllZero; bool allFF = !input.ContainsAnyExcept(0xFF); if (allFF) return MsgFileLoadAllFFFF; return MsgFileUnsupported; } private bool LoadFile(object? input, string path) { if (input == null) return false; switch (input) { case PKM pk: return OpenPKM(pk); case SaveFile s: return OpenSAV(s, path); case IPokeGroup b: return OpenGroup(b); case MysteryGift g: return OpenMysteryGift(g, path); case ConcatenatedEntitySet pkms: return OpenPCBoxBin(pkms); case IEncounterConvertible enc: return OpenPKM(enc.ConvertToPKM(C_SAV.SAV)); case SAV3GCMemoryCard gc: if (!CheckGCMemoryCard(gc, path)) return true; var mcsav = SaveUtil.GetVariantSAV(gc); if (mcsav is null) return false; mcsav.Metadata.SetExtraInfo(path); return OpenSAV(mcsav, path); } return false; } private bool OpenPKM(PKM pk) { var destType = C_SAV.SAV.PKMType; var tmp = EntityConverter.ConvertToType(pk, destType, out var c); Debug.WriteLine(c.GetDisplayString(pk, destType)); if (tmp == null) return false; C_SAV.SAV.AdaptPKM(tmp); PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(tmp); return true; } private bool OpenGroup(IPokeGroup b) { bool result = C_SAV.OpenGroup(b, out string c); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c)) WinFormsUtil.Alert(c); Debug.WriteLine(c); return result; } private bool OpenMysteryGift(MysteryGift tg, string path) { if (!tg.IsEntity) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgPKMMysteryGiftFail, path); return true; } var temp = tg.ConvertToPKM(C_SAV.SAV); var destType = C_SAV.SAV.PKMType; var pk = EntityConverter.ConvertToType(temp, destType, out var c); if (pk == null) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(c.GetDisplayString(temp, destType)); return true; } C_SAV.SAV.AdaptPKM(pk); PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(pk); Debug.WriteLine(c); return true; } private bool OpenPCBoxBin(ConcatenatedEntitySet pkms) { if (C_SAV.IsBoxDragActive) return true; Cursor = Cursors.Default; if (!C_SAV.OpenPCBoxBin(pkms.Data.Span, out string c)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgFileLoadIncompatible, c); return true; } WinFormsUtil.Alert(c); return true; } private static GameVersion SelectMemoryCardSaveGame(SAV3GCMemoryCard memCard) { if (memCard.SaveGameCount == 1) return memCard.SelectedGameVersion; var games = GetMemoryCardGameSelectionList(memCard); var dialog = new SAV_GameSelect(games, MsgFileLoadSaveMultiple, MsgFileLoadSaveSelectGame); dialog.ShowDialog(); return dialog.Result; } private static List GetMemoryCardGameSelectionList(SAV3GCMemoryCard memCard) { var games = new List(); if (memCard.HasCOLO) games.Add(new ComboItem(MsgGameColosseum, (int)GameVersion.COLO)); if (memCard.HasXD) games.Add(new ComboItem(MsgGameXD, (int)GameVersion.XD)); if (memCard.HasRSBOX) games.Add(new ComboItem(MsgGameRSBOX, (int)GameVersion.RSBOX)); return games; } private static bool CheckGCMemoryCard(SAV3GCMemoryCard memCard, string path) { var state = memCard.GetMemoryCardState(); switch (state) { case MemoryCardSaveStatus.NoPkmSaveGame: WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgFileGameCubeNoGames, path); return false; case MemoryCardSaveStatus.DuplicateCOLO: case MemoryCardSaveStatus.DuplicateXD: case MemoryCardSaveStatus.DuplicateRSBOX: WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgFileGameCubeDuplicate, path); return false; case MemoryCardSaveStatus.MultipleSaveGame: var game = SelectMemoryCardSaveGame(memCard); if (game == GameVersion.Invalid) //Cancel return false; memCard.SelectSaveGame(game); break; case MemoryCardSaveStatus.SaveGameCOLO: memCard.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.COLO); break; case MemoryCardSaveStatus.SaveGameXD: memCard.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.XD); break; case MemoryCardSaveStatus.SaveGameRSBOX: memCard.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.RSBOX); break; default: WinFormsUtil.Error(!SaveUtil.IsSizeValid(memCard.Data.Length) ? MsgFileGameCubeBad : GetHintInvalidFile(memCard.Data, path), path); return false; } return true; } private static void StoreLegalSaveGameData(SaveFile sav) { if (sav is SAV3 sav3) EReaderBerrySettings.LoadFrom(sav3); } private bool OpenSAV(SaveFile sav, string path) { if (!sav.IsVersionValid()) { WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgFileLoadSaveLoadFail, path); return true; } sav.Metadata.SetExtraInfo(path); if (!SanityCheckSAV(ref sav)) return true; if (C_SAV.SAV.State.Edited && Settings.SlotWrite.ModifyUnset) { var prompt = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgProgramCloseUnsaved, MsgProgramSaveFileConfirm); if (prompt != DialogResult.Yes) return true; } ClosePopups(); PKME_Tabs.Focus(); // flush any pending changes StoreLegalSaveGameData(sav); ParseSettings.InitFromSaveFileData(sav); // physical GB, no longer used in logic RecentTrainerCache.SetRecentTrainer(sav); SpriteUtil.Initialize(sav); // refresh sprite generator dragout.Size = new Size(SpriteUtil.Spriter.Width, SpriteUtil.Spriter.Height); // clean fields Menu_ExportSAV.Enabled = sav.State.Exportable; // No changes made yet Menu_Undo.Enabled = false; Menu_Redo.Enabled = false; GameInfo.FilteredSources = new FilteredGameDataSource(sav, GameInfo.Sources, HaX); ResetSAVPKMEditors(sav); C_SAV.M.Reset(); Text = GetProgramTitle(sav); TryBackupExportCheck(sav, path); CheckLoadPath(path); Menu_ShowdownExportParty.Visible = sav.HasParty; Menu_ShowdownExportCurrentBox.Visible = sav.HasBox; Settings.Startup.LoadSaveFile(path); if (Settings.Sounds.PlaySoundSAVLoad) SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return true; } private void ResetSAVPKMEditors(SaveFile sav) { C_SAV.SetEditEnvironment(new SaveDataEditor(sav, PKME_Tabs)); var pk = sav.LoadTemplate(TemplatePath); PKME_Tabs.CurrentPKM = pk; bool init = PKME_Tabs.IsInitialized; if (!init) { PKME_Tabs.InitializeBinding(); PKME_Tabs.SetPKMFormatMode(pk); PKME_Tabs.ChangeLanguage(sav); } else { PKME_Tabs.SetPKMFormatMode(pk); } PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(pk); // Initialize Overall Info Menu_LoadBoxes.Enabled = Menu_DumpBoxes.Enabled = Menu_DumpBox.Enabled = Menu_Report.Enabled = C_SAV.SAV.HasBox; // Initialize Subviews bool WindowTranslationRequired = false; WindowTranslationRequired |= PKME_Tabs.ToggleInterface(sav, pk); WindowTranslationRequired |= C_SAV.ToggleInterface(); if (WindowTranslationRequired) // force update -- re-added controls may be untranslated WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, CurrentLanguage); PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(pk); sav.State.Edited = false; foreach (var p in Plugins) p.NotifySaveLoaded(); } private static string GetProgramTitle() { #if DEBUG // Get the file path that started this exe. var date = File.GetLastWriteTime(Environment.ProcessPath!); string version = $"d-{date:yyyyMMdd}"; #else var v = Program.CurrentVersion; string version = $"{2000+v.Major:00}{v.Minor:00}{v.Build:00}"; #endif return $"PKH{(HaX ? "a" : "e")}X ({version})"; } private static string GetProgramTitle(SaveFile sav) { string title = GetProgramTitle() + $" - {sav.GetType().Name}: "; if (sav is ISaveFileRevision rev) title = title.Insert(title.Length - 2, rev.SaveRevisionString); var version = GameInfo.GetVersionName(sav.Version); if (Settings.Privacy.HideSAVDetails) return title + $"[{version}]"; if (!sav.State.Exportable) // Blank save file return title + $"{sav.Metadata.FileName} [{sav.OT} ({version})]"; return title + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Util.CleanFileName(sav.Metadata.BAKName)); // more descriptive } private static bool TryBackupExportCheck(SaveFile sav, string path) { // If backup folder exists, save a backup. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) return false; // not actual save if (!Settings.Backup.BAKEnabled) return false; if (!sav.State.Exportable) return false; // not actual save var dir = BackupPath; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) return false; var meta = sav.Metadata; string backupName = Path.Combine(dir, Util.CleanFileName(meta.BAKName)); if (File.Exists(backupName)) return false; // Already backed up. // Ensure the file we are copying exists. var src = meta.FilePath; if (src is not { } x || !File.Exists(x)) return false; try { // Don't need to force overwrite, but on the off-chance it was written externally, we force ours. File.Copy(x, backupName, true); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgBackupUnable, ex); return false; } } private static bool CheckLoadPath(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) return false; // not actual save if (!FileUtil.IsFileLocked(path)) return true; WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgFileWriteProtected + Environment.NewLine + path, MsgFileWriteProtectedAdvice); return false; } private static bool SanityCheckSAV(ref SaveFile sav) { if (sav.Generation <= 3) SaveLanguage.TryRevise(sav); if (sav.State.Exportable && sav is SAV3 s3) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || s3.IsCorruptPokedexFF()) { var games = GetGameList([GameVersion.R, GameVersion.S, GameVersion.E, GameVersion.FR, GameVersion.LG]); var msg = string.Format(MsgFileLoadVersionDetect, $"3 ({s3.Version})"); using var dialog = new SAV_GameSelect(games, msg, MsgFileLoadSaveSelectVersion); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Result is GameVersion.Invalid) return false; var s = s3.ForceLoad(dialog.Result); if (s is SAV3FRLG frlg) { bool result = frlg.ResetPersonal(dialog.Result); if (!result) return false; } var origin = sav.Metadata.FilePath; if (origin is not null) s.Metadata.SetExtraInfo(origin); sav = s; } else if (s3 is SAV3FRLG frlg && !frlg.Version.IsValidSavedVersion()) // IndeterminateSubVersion { string fr = GameInfo.GetVersionName(GameVersion.FR); string lg = GameInfo.GetVersionName(GameVersion.LG); string dual = "{1}/{2} " + MsgFileLoadVersionDetect; var games = GetGameList([GameVersion.FR, GameVersion.LG]); var msg = string.Format(dual, "3", fr, lg); using var dialog = new SAV_GameSelect(games, msg, MsgFileLoadSaveSelectVersion); dialog.ShowDialog(); bool result = frlg.ResetPersonal(dialog.Result); if (!result) return false; } } return true; static ComboItem[] GetGameList(ReadOnlySpan g) { var result = new ComboItem[g.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < g.Length; i++) { int id = (int)g[i]; result[i] = GameInfo.VersionDataSource.First(v => v.Value == id); } return result; } } public static void SetCountrySubRegion(ComboBox CB, string type) { int index = CB.SelectedIndex; string cl = GameInfo.CurrentLanguage; CB.DataSource = Util.GetCountryRegionList(type, cl); if (index > 0 && index < CB.Items.Count) CB.SelectedIndex = index; } // Language Translation private void ChangeMainLanguage(object sender, EventArgs e) { var index = CB_MainLanguage.SelectedIndex; if ((uint)index < CB_MainLanguage.Items.Count) CurrentLanguage = GameLanguage.Language2Char(index); // Set the culture (makes it easy to pass language to other forms) var lang = CurrentLanguage; Settings.Startup.Language = lang; var ci = new CultureInfo(lang[..2]); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci; Menu_Options.DropDown.Close(); var sav = C_SAV.SAV; LocalizeUtil.InitializeStrings(lang, sav, HaX); WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, lang); // Translate the UI to language. LocalizedDescriptionAttribute.Localizer = WinFormsTranslator.GetDictionary(lang); if (sav is not FakeSaveFile) { var pk = PKME_Tabs.CurrentPKM.Clone(); PKME_Tabs.ChangeLanguage(sav); PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(pk); // put data back in form Text = GetProgramTitle(sav); } foreach (var plugin in Plugins) plugin.NotifyDisplayLanguageChanged(lang); } #endregion #region //// PKX WINDOW FUNCTIONS //// private bool QR6Notified; private void ClickQR(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) { string url = Clipboard.GetText(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { if (url.StartsWith("http") && !url.Contains('\n')) // qr payload ImportQRToTabs(url); else ClickShowdownImportPKM(sender, e); return; } } ExportQRFromTabs(); } private void ImportQRToTabs(string url) { var msg = QRDecode.GetQRData(url, out var input); if (msg != 0) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(msg.ConvertMsg()); return; } if (input.Length == 0) return; var sav = C_SAV.SAV; if (FileUtil.TryGetPKM(input, out var pk, sav.Generation.ToString(), sav)) { OpenPKM(pk); return; } if (FileUtil.TryGetMysteryGift(input, out var mg, url)) { OpenMysteryGift(mg, url); return; } WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgQRDecodeFail, string.Format(MsgQRDecodeSize, input.Length)); } private void ExportQRFromTabs() { if (!PKME_Tabs.EditsComplete) return; PKM pk = PreparePKM(); if (pk.Format == 6 && !QR6Notified) // hint that the user should not be using QR6 injection { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgQRDeprecated, MsgQRAlternative); QR6Notified = true; } var qr = QREncode.GenerateQRCode(pk); var sprite = dragout.Image; var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk, C_SAV.SAV.Personal); if (la.Parsed && pk.Species != 0) { var img = SpriteUtil.GetLegalIndicator(la.Valid); sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, img, sprite.Width - img.Width, 0); } string[] r = pk.GetQRLines(); string refer = GetProgramTitle(); using var form = new QR(qr, sprite, pk, r[0], r[1], r[2], $"{refer} ({pk.GetType().Name})"); form.ShowDialog(); } private void ClickLegality(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PKME_Tabs.EditsComplete) { SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); return; } var pk = PreparePKM(); if (pk.Species == 0 || !pk.ChecksumValid) { SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); return; } var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk, C_SAV.SAV.Personal); PKME_Tabs.UpdateLegality(la); DisplayLegalityReport(la); } private static void DisplayLegalityReport(LegalityAnalysis la) { bool verbose = ModifierKeys == Keys.Control; var report = la.Report(verbose); if (verbose) { var dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, report, MsgClipboardLegalityExport); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) return; #if DEBUG var enc = la.EncounterOriginal.GetTextLines(); report += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, enc); #endif WinFormsUtil.SetClipboardText(report); } else if (Settings.Display.IgnoreLegalPopup && la.Valid) { if (Settings.Sounds.PlaySoundLegalityCheck) SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } else { WinFormsUtil.Alert(Settings.Sounds.PlaySoundLegalityCheck, report); } } private void ClickClone(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PKME_Tabs.EditsComplete) return; // don't copy garbage to the box PKM pk = PKME_Tabs.PreparePKM(); C_SAV.SetClonesToBox(pk); } private void GetPreview(PictureBox pb, PKM? pk = null) { pk ??= PreparePKM(false); // don't perform control loss click var menu = dragout.ContextMenuStrip; if (menu != null) menu.Enabled = pk.Species != 0 || HaX; // Species pb.Image = pk.Sprite(C_SAV.SAV, -1, -1, flagIllegal: false); if (pb.BackColor == SlotUtil.BadDataColor) pb.BackColor = SlotUtil.GoodDataColor; } private void PKME_Tabs_UpdatePreviewSprite(object sender, EventArgs e) => GetPreview(dragout); private void PKME_Tabs_LegalityChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HaX) { PB_Legal.Visible = false; return; } PB_Legal.Visible = true; bool isValid = (sender as bool?) != false; PB_Legal.Image = SpriteUtil.GetLegalIndicator(isValid); toolTip.SetToolTip(PB_Legal, isValid ? "Valid" : "Invalid: Click for more info"); } private void PKME_Tabs_RequestShowdownExport(object sender, EventArgs e) => ClickShowdownExportPKM(sender, e); private void PKME_Tabs_RequestShowdownImport(object sender, EventArgs e) => ClickShowdownImportPKM(sender, e); private SaveFile PKME_Tabs_SaveFileRequested(object sender, EventArgs e) => C_SAV.SAV; private PKM PreparePKM(bool click = true) => PKME_Tabs.PreparePKM(click); // Drag & Drop Events private static void Main_DragEnter(object? sender, DragEventArgs? e) { if (e is null) return; if (e.AllowedEffect == (DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Link)) // external file e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; else if (e.Data != null) // within e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; } private void Main_DragDrop(object? sender, DragEventArgs? e) { if (e?.Data?.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) is not string[] { Length: not 0 } files) return; OpenQuick(files[0]); e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; } private async void Dragout_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) return; if (ModifierKeys is Keys.Alt or Keys.Shift) { ClickQR(sender, e); return; } if (!PKME_Tabs.EditsComplete) return; // Gather data var pk = PreparePKM(); var encrypt = ModifierKeys == Keys.Control; var data = encrypt ? pk.EncryptedPartyData : pk.DecryptedPartyData; // Create Temp File to Drag var newfile = FileUtil.GetPKMTempFileName(pk, encrypt); try { await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(newfile, data).ConfigureAwait(true); var pb = (PictureBox)sender; if (pb.Image is Bitmap img) C_SAV.M.Drag.Info.Cursor = Cursor = new Cursor(img.GetHicon()); DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new[] { newfile }), DragDropEffects.Copy); } // Tons of things can happen with drag & drop; don't try to handle things, just indicate failure. catch (Exception x) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Drag && Drop Error", x); } finally { C_SAV.M.Drag.ResetCursor(this); await DeleteAsync(newfile, 20_000).ConfigureAwait(false); } } private static async Task DeleteAsync(string path, int delay) { await Task.Delay(delay).ConfigureAwait(true); if (!File.Exists(path)) return; try { File.Delete(path); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } private void Dragout_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e) => e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; private void DragoutEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { dragout.BackgroundImage = PKME_Tabs.Entity.Species > 0 ? SpriteUtil.Spriter.Set : SpriteUtil.Spriter.Delete; Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } private void DragoutLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { dragout.BackgroundImage = SpriteUtil.Spriter.Transparent; if (Cursor == Cursors.Hand) Cursor = Cursors.Default; } private void DragoutDrop(object? sender, DragEventArgs? e) { if (e?.Data?.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) is not string[] { Length: not 0 } files) return; OpenQuick(files[0]); e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; Cursor = DefaultCursor; } private async void Main_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (C_SAV.SAV.State.Edited || PKME_Tabs.PKMIsUnsaved) { var prompt = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgProgramCloseUnsaved, MsgProgramCloseConfirm); if (prompt != DialogResult.Yes) { e.Cancel = true; return; } } await PKHeXSettings.SaveSettings(ConfigPath, Settings).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region //// SAVE FILE FUNCTIONS //// private void ClickExportSAV(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Menu_ExportSAV.Enabled) return; // hot-keys can't cheat the system! C_SAV.ExportSaveFile(); Text = GetProgramTitle(C_SAV.SAV); } private void ClickSaveFileName(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!SaveFinder.TryDetectSaveFile(out var sav)) return; var path = sav.Metadata.FilePath!; var time = new FileInfo(path).CreationTime; var timeStamp = time.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgFileLoadSaveDetectReload, path, timeStamp) == DialogResult.Yes) LoadFile(sav, path); // load save } catch (Exception ex) { WinFormsUtil.Error(ex.Message); // `path` contains the error message } } private static void PromptBackup() { if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, string.Format(MsgBackupCreateLocation, BackupPath), MsgBackupCreateQuestion)) return; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(BackupPath); WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgBackupSuccess, string.Format(MsgBackupDelete, BackupPath)); } catch (Exception ex) // Maybe they put their exe in a folder that we can't create files/folders to. { WinFormsUtil.Error($"{MsgBackupUnable} @ {BackupPath}", ex); } } private void ClickUndo(object sender, EventArgs e) => C_SAV.ClickUndo(); private void ClickRedo(object sender, EventArgs e) => C_SAV.ClickRedo(); #endregion }