using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Generation 4 object for Pokémon Battle Revolution saves. /// public sealed class SAV4BR : SaveFile { protected internal override string ShortSummary => $"{Version} #{SaveCount:0000}"; public override string Extension => string.Empty; public override PersonalTable Personal => PersonalTable.DP; public override IReadOnlyList HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_DP; private const int SAVE_COUNT = 4; public SAV4BR() : base(SaveUtil.SIZE_G4BR) { ClearBoxes(); } public SAV4BR(byte[] data) : base(data) { InitializeData(data); } private void InitializeData(ReadOnlySpan data) { Data = DecryptPBRSaveData(data); // Detect active save var first = ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x00004C)); var second = ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1C004C)); SaveCount = Math.Max(second, first); if (second > first) { // swap halves byte[] tempData = new byte[0x1C0000]; Array.Copy(Data, 0, tempData, 0, 0x1C0000); Array.Copy(Data, 0x1C0000, Data, 0, 0x1C0000); tempData.CopyTo(Data, 0x1C0000); } var names = (string[]) SaveNames; for (int i = 0; i < SAVE_COUNT; i++) { var name = GetOTName(i); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) name = $"Empty {i + 1}"; else if (_currentSlot == -1) _currentSlot = i; names[i] = name; } if (_currentSlot == -1) _currentSlot = 0; CurrentSlot = _currentSlot; } /// Amount of times the primary save has been saved private uint SaveCount; protected override byte[] GetFinalData() { SetChecksums(); return EncryptPBRSaveData(Data); } // Configuration protected override SaveFile CloneInternal() => new SAV4BR(Write()); public readonly IReadOnlyList SaveNames = new string[SAVE_COUNT]; private int _currentSlot = -1; private const int SIZE_SLOT = 0x6FF00; public int CurrentSlot { get => _currentSlot; // 4 save slots, data reading depends on current slot set { _currentSlot = value; var ofs = SIZE_SLOT * _currentSlot; Box = ofs + 0x978; Party = ofs + 0x13A54; // first team slot after boxes BoxName = ofs + 0x58674; } } protected override int SIZE_STORED => PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED; protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED + 4; public override PKM BlankPKM => new BK4(); public override Type PKMType => typeof(BK4); public override int MaxMoveID => 467; public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_4; public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_4; public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_4_HGSS; public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_4; public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_4; public override int MaxEV => 255; public override int Generation => 4; protected override int GiftCountMax => 1; public override int OTLength => 7; public override int NickLength => 10; public override int MaxMoney => 999999; public override int Language => (int)LanguageID.English; // prevent KOR from inhabiting public override int BoxCount => 18; public override int PartyCount { get { int ctr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (Data[GetPartyOffset(i) + 4] != 0) // sanity ctr++; } return ctr; } protected set { // Ignore, value is calculated } } // Checksums protected override void SetChecksums() { SetChecksum(Data, 0, 0x100, 8); SetChecksum(Data, 0, 0x1C0000, 0x1BFF80); SetChecksum(Data, 0x1C0000, 0x100, 0x1C0008); SetChecksum(Data, 0x1C0000, 0x1C0000, 0x1BFF80 + 0x1C0000); } public override bool ChecksumsValid => IsChecksumsValid(Data); public override string ChecksumInfo => $"Checksums valid: {ChecksumsValid}."; public static bool IsChecksumsValid(Span sav) { return VerifyChecksum(sav, 0x000000, 0x1C0000, 0x1BFF80) && VerifyChecksum(sav, 0x000000, 0x000100, 0x000008) && VerifyChecksum(sav, 0x1C0000, 0x1C0000, 0x1BFF80 + 0x1C0000) && VerifyChecksum(sav, 0x1C0000, 0x000100, 0x1C0008); } // Trainer Info public override GameVersion Version { get => GameVersion.BATREV; protected set { } } private string GetOTName(int slot) { var ofs = 0x390 + (0x6FF00 * slot); var span = Data.AsSpan(ofs, 16); return GetString(span); } private void SetOTName(int slot, string name) { var ofs = 0x390 + (0x6FF00 * slot); var span = Data.AsSpan(ofs, 16); SetString(span, name.AsSpan(), 7, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); } public string CurrentOT { get => GetOTName(_currentSlot); set => SetOTName(_currentSlot, value); } // Storage public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) => Party + (SIZE_PARTY * slot); public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => Box + (SIZE_STORED * box * 30); public override int TID { get => (Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12867] << 8) | Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12860]; set { Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12867] = (byte)(value >> 8); Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12860] = (byte)(value & 0xFF); } } public override int SID { get => (Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12865] << 8) | Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12866]; set { Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12865] = (byte)(value >> 8); Data[(_currentSlot * SIZE_SLOT) + 0x12866] = (byte)(value & 0xFF); } } // Save file does not have Box Name / Wallpaper info private int BoxName = -1; private const int BoxNameLength = 0x28; public override string GetBoxName(int box) { if (BoxName < 0) return $"BOX {box + 1}"; int ofs = BoxName + (box * BoxNameLength); var span = Data.AsSpan(ofs, BoxNameLength); if (span.Count((byte)0) == span.Length) return $"BOX {box + 1}"; return GetString(ofs, BoxNameLength); } public override void SetBoxName(int box, string value) { if (BoxName < 0) return; int ofs = BoxName + (box * BoxNameLength); var span = Data.AsSpan(ofs, BoxNameLength); if (span.Count((byte)0) == span.Length) return; SetString(span, value.AsSpan(), BoxNameLength / 2, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); } protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) { if (data.Length != SIZE_STORED) Array.Resize(ref data, SIZE_STORED); return BK4.ReadUnshuffle(data); } protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) => data; protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) { /* There's no PokéDex */ } protected override void SetPKM(PKM pkm, bool isParty = false) { var pk4 = (BK4)pkm; // Apply to this Save File DateTime Date = DateTime.Now; if (pk4.Trade(OT, TID, SID, Gender, Date.Day, Date.Month, Date.Year)) pkm.RefreshChecksum(); } protected override void SetPartyValues(PKM pkm, bool isParty) { if (pkm is G4PKM g4) g4.Sanity = isParty ? (ushort)0xC000 : (ushort)0x4000; } public static byte[] DecryptPBRSaveData(ReadOnlySpan input) { byte[] output = new byte[input.Length]; Span keys = stackalloc ushort[4]; for (int i = 0; i < SaveUtil.SIZE_G4BR; i += 0x1C0000) { ReadKeys(input, i, keys); input.Slice(i, 8).CopyTo(output.AsSpan(i, 8)); GeniusCrypto.Decrypt(input, i + 8, i + 0x1C0000, keys, output); } return output; } private static byte[] EncryptPBRSaveData(ReadOnlySpan input) { byte[] output = new byte[input.Length]; Span keys = stackalloc ushort[4]; for (int i = 0; i < SaveUtil.SIZE_G4BR; i += 0x1C0000) { ReadKeys(input, i, keys); input.Slice(i, 8).CopyTo(output.AsSpan(i, 8)); GeniusCrypto.Encrypt(input, i + 8, i + 0x1C0000, keys, output); } return output; } private static void ReadKeys(ReadOnlySpan input, int ofs, Span keys) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) keys[i] = ReadUInt16BigEndian(input[(ofs + (i * 2))..]); } public static bool VerifyChecksum(Span input, int offset, int len, int checksum_offset) { Span originalChecksums = stackalloc uint[16]; for (int i = 0; i < originalChecksums.Length; i++) { var chk = input.Slice(checksum_offset + (i * 4), 4); originalChecksums[i] = ReadUInt32BigEndian(chk); chk.Clear(); } Span checksums = stackalloc uint[16]; var span = input.Slice(offset, len); for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i += 2) { uint val = ReadUInt16BigEndian(span[i..]); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) checksums[j] += ((val >> j) & 1); } // Restore original checksums for (int i = 0; i < originalChecksums.Length; i++) { var chk = originalChecksums[i]; var dest = input[(checksum_offset + (i * 4))..]; WriteUInt32BigEndian(dest, chk); } // Check if they match for (int i = 0; i < originalChecksums.Length; i++) { if (originalChecksums[i] != checksums[i]) return false; } return true; } private static void SetChecksum(Span input, int offset, int len, int checksum_offset) { // Wipe Checksum region. input.Slice(checksum_offset, 4 * 16).Clear(); Span checksums = stackalloc uint[16]; var span = input.Slice(offset, len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { uint val = ReadUInt16BigEndian(span[i..]); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) checksums[j] += ((val >> j) & 1); } for (int i = 0; i < checksums.Length; i++) { var chk = checksums[i]; var dest = input[(checksum_offset + (i * 4))..]; WriteUInt32BigEndian(dest, chk); } } public override string GetString(ReadOnlySpan data) => StringConverter4GC.GetStringUnicode(data); public override int SetString(Span destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan value, int maxLength, StringConverterOption option) => StringConverter4GC.SetStringUnicode(value, destBuffer, maxLength, option); } }