using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// Analyzes a to determine if the provided parameters are a valid end product.
/// When generating a Trainer Team for , the game must generate PID values that match the programmed team specifications.
/// The game is 'locked' into a PID generating loop until a valid PID is created, after which the routine is unlocked and proceeds to generate the next member.
/// These locks cause the of the current to be rerolled until the requisite lock is satisfied.
/// This locking is the same as Method H/J/K and Gen3 Cute Charm by extension, with the additional restriction of not allowing shinies.
/// locks require a certain , which is derived from the .
/// locks require a certain gender value, which is derived from the and ratio.
/// locks require the member to not be shiny. This is enforced for non-shadow members for both games, and for shadow members in .
public sealed class TeamLockResult
/// Seed prior to generating the team per .
public readonly uint OriginSeed;
/// Indicates if the input parameters can be generated by the provided.
public readonly bool Valid;
/// NPC Team data containing a list of members.
internal readonly TeamLock Specifications;
/// Frame the is from, based on frames reversed from the input seed provided.
private int OriginFrame;
/// Required CPU Trainer Shiny Value
/// If this value is >= 0, the CPU Trainer Shiny Value must be equal to this value as a skipped over a matching interrupt frame.
/// If this value is , the CPU Trainer Shiny Value can be anything (except matching any of the result members.
private uint RCSV = NOT_FORCED;
/// Player Trainer Shiny Value
/// Only used by encounters, which disallow shiny shadow members for both player & CPU TSVs.
private readonly uint TSV;
private readonly Stack Locks;
private readonly FrameCache Cache;
// only save a list of valid nodes we've visited to save memory while we recursively search for a full team.
private readonly Stack Team;
private const uint NOT_FORCED = uint.MaxValue;
internal TeamLockResult(TeamLock teamSpec, uint originSeed, uint tsv)
Locks = new Stack((Specifications = teamSpec).Locks);
Team = new Stack(Locks.Count);
Cache = new FrameCache(XDRNG.Prev2(originSeed));
TSV = tsv;
Valid = FindLockSeed();
if (Valid)
OriginSeed = Cache.GetSeed(OriginFrame);
/// Depth-first search traversal which finds a possible origin for the .
/// Frame at which the search starts/continues at.
/// Prior data. If this is the last lock in the CPU Team, this is null.
/// True if the are valid.
private bool FindLockSeed(int frame = 0, NPCLock? prior = null)
if (Locks.Count == 0) // full team reverse-generated
return VerifyNPC(frame);
var current = Locks.Pop();
var locks = GetPossibleLocks(frame, current, prior);
foreach (var l in locks)
Team.Push(l); // possible match
if (FindLockSeed(l.FrameID, current))
return true; // all locks are satisfied
Team.Pop(); // no match, remove
Locks.Push(current); // return the lock, lock is impossible
return false;
/// Generates a list of frames the lock data can be generated at.
/// Starting frame for the traversal.
/// Current lock criteria to satisfy. Used to find valid results to yield.
/// Prior lock criteria. Used for determining when the traversal stops.
/// List of possible locks for the provided input.
private IEnumerable GetPossibleLocks(int ctr, NPCLock current, NPCLock? prior)
if (prior?.Shadow != false)
return GetSingleLock(ctr, current);
return GetAllLocks(ctr, current, (NPCLock)prior);
/// Returns a single as the lock must match precisely.
/// Starting frame for the traversal.
/// Current lock criteria to satisfy. Used to find valid results to yield.
private IEnumerable GetSingleLock(int ctr, NPCLock current)
uint pid = (Cache[ctr + 1] << 16) | Cache[ctr];
if (current.MatchesLock(pid))
yield return new SeedFrame(pid, ctr + current.FramesConsumed);
yield break;
// Reaching here means the single lock didn't cut it. Maybe the frame before it was an anti-shiny reroll?
// Track if we ever require the CPU Trainer Shiny Value to be a value for a shiny skip.
// We need to un-set this flag if future frames don't pan out.
bool forcedOT = false;
int start = 2;
while (true)
var upper = Cache[start + 1];
var lower = Cache[start];
// uint cid = upper << 16 | lower;
var sv = (upper ^ lower) >> 3;
if (sv == TSV) // XD shiny checks all opponent PKM, even non-shadow.
// Anti-shiny rerolled! This is a possible frame.
else if (RCSV != NOT_FORCED) // CPU shiny value is required for a previous lock
if (sv == RCSV)
// No CPU shiny value forced yet. Lets try to skip this lock by requiring the eventual OT to get this shiny.
RCSV = sv;
forcedOT = true;
continue; // don't break
if (forcedOT) // current call to this method had forced the OT; clear the forced OT before breaking.
yield break; // Since we can't skip this interrupt, we're done.
// Yield the final rerolled pid instead of the bad anti-shiny (metadata/validation).
yield return new SeedFrame(pid, start + current.FramesConsumed);
start += 2;
/// Generates nodes until the traversal is ended by an interrupt frame that matches the .
/// Starting frame for the traversal.
/// Current lock criteria to satisfy. Used to find valid results to yield.
/// Prior lock criteria. Used for determining when the traversal stops.
/// List of possible locks for the provided input.
/// An "interrupt" signals the end of the traversal.
/// Any afterwards (when generated forward from the CPU Trainer) will use the interrupt rather than the previous that was found for the lock.
private IEnumerable GetAllLocks(int ctr, NPCLock current, NPCLock prior)
// Since the prior(next) lock is generated 7+2*n frames after, the worst case break is 7 frames after the PID.
// Continue reversing until a sequential generation case is found.
int start = ctr;
// Track if we ever require the CPU Trainer Shiny Value to be a value for a shiny skip.
// We need to un-set this flag if future frames don't pan out.
bool forcedOT = false;
while (true)
int p7 = ctr - 7;
if (p7 > start)
// check for interrupting cpu team cases
var upper = Cache[p7 + 1];
var lower = Cache[p7];
uint cid = (upper << 16) | lower;
var sv = (upper ^ lower) >> 3;
if (sv == TSV) // XD shiny checks all opponent PKM, even non-shadow.
// This interrupt is ignored! The result is shiny.
else if (prior.MatchesLock(cid)) // lock matched cpu mon
if (RCSV != NOT_FORCED) // CPU shiny value is required for a previous lock
if (sv != RCSV)
if (forcedOT) // current call to this method had forced the OT; clear the forced OT before breaking.
yield break; // Since we can't skip this interrupt, we're done.
else // No CPU shiny value forced yet. Lets try to skip this lock by requiring the eventual OT to get this shiny.
RCSV = sv;
forcedOT = true;
// don't break
uint pid = (Cache[ctr + 1] << 16) | Cache[ctr];
if (current.MatchesLock(pid))
yield return new SeedFrame(pid, ctr + current.FramesConsumed);
ctr += 2;
/// Checks to see if the generated is compatible with the CPU Trainer Data.
/// Ending frame of the traversal.
/// True if the are valid.
private bool VerifyNPC(int ctr)
var TID16 = Cache[ctr + 1];
var SID16 = Cache[ctr];
var CPUSV = (TID16 ^ SID16) >> 3;
return false; // required CPU Trainer's shiny value did not match the required value.
int pos = Team.Count - 1; // stack can't do a for loop :(
foreach (var member in Team)
var pid = member.PID;
var psv = ((pid & 0xFFFF) ^ (pid >> 16)) >> 3;
// check for shiny for Trainer -- XD only
// if (psv == TSV) // XD shiny checks all opponent PKM, even non-shadow.
// return false; // no shiny shadow mons
// we already checked this when re-generating the team
// check for shiny for CPU
if (psv == CPUSV)
if (!Specifications.Locks[pos].Shadow)
return false; // no shiny CPU mons
if (TSV != NOT_FORCED) // XD
return false; // no shiny shadow mons
OriginFrame = ctr + 2;
return true;