using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using static PKHeX.Core.Legal; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Logic for obtaining a list of moves. /// internal static class MoveList { internal static IEnumerable GetValidRelearn(PKM pkm, int species, int form, bool inheritlvlmoves, GameVersion version = GameVersion.Any) { if (pkm.Generation < 6) return Array.Empty(); var r = new List(); r.AddRange(MoveEgg.GetRelearnLVLMoves(pkm, species, form, 1, version)); if (pkm.Format == 6 && pkm.Species != (int)Species.Meowstic) form = 0; r.AddRange(MoveEgg.GetEggMoves(pkm, species, form, version)); if (inheritlvlmoves) r.AddRange(MoveEgg.GetRelearnLVLMoves(pkm, species, form, 100, version)); return r.Distinct(); } internal static int[] GetShedinjaEvolveMoves(PKM pkm, int generation, int lvl) { if (pkm.Species != (int)Species.Shedinja || lvl < 20) return Array.Empty(); // If Nincada evolves into Ninjask and learns a move after evolution from Ninjask's LevelUp data, Shedinja would appear with that move. // Only one move above level 20 is allowed; check the count of Ninjask moves elsewhere. return generation switch { 3 when pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3) => LevelUpE[(int)Species.Ninjask].GetMoves(lvl, 20), // Same LevelUp data in all Gen3 games 4 when pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4) => LevelUpPt[(int)Species.Ninjask].GetMoves(lvl, 20), // Same LevelUp data in all Gen4 games _ => Array.Empty(), }; } internal static int GetShedinjaMoveLevel(int species, int move, int generation) { var src = generation == 4 ? LevelUpPt : LevelUpE; var moves = src[species]; return moves.GetLevelLearnMove(move); } internal static int[] GetBaseEggMoves(PKM pkm, int species, int form, GameVersion gameSource, int lvl) { if (gameSource == GameVersion.Any) gameSource = (GameVersion)pkm.Version; switch (gameSource) { case GameVersion.GSC: case GameVersion.GS: // If checking back-transfer specimen (GSC->RBY), remove moves that must be deleted prior to transfer static int[] getRBYCompatibleMoves(int format, int[] moves) => format == 1 ? moves.Where(m => m <= MaxMoveID_1).ToArray() : moves; if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(2)) return getRBYCompatibleMoves(pkm.Format, LevelUpGS[species].GetMoves(lvl)); break; case GameVersion.C: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(2)) return getRBYCompatibleMoves(pkm.Format, LevelUpC[species].GetMoves(lvl)); break; case GameVersion.R: case GameVersion.S: case GameVersion.RS: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3)) return LevelUpRS[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.E: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3)) return LevelUpE[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.FR: case GameVersion.LG: case GameVersion.FRLG: // The only difference in FR/LG is Deoxys, which doesn't breed. if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3)) return LevelUpFR[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.D: case GameVersion.P: case GameVersion.DP: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4)) return LevelUpDP[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.Pt: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4)) return LevelUpPt[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.HG: case GameVersion.SS: case GameVersion.HGSS: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4)) return LevelUpHGSS[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.B: case GameVersion.W: case GameVersion.BW: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(5)) return LevelUpBW[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.B2: case GameVersion.W2: case GameVersion.B2W2: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(5)) return LevelUpB2W2[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.X: case GameVersion.Y: case GameVersion.XY: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(6)) return LevelUpXY[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.AS: case GameVersion.OR: case GameVersion.ORAS: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(6)) return LevelUpAO[species].GetMoves(lvl); break; case GameVersion.SN: case GameVersion.MN: case GameVersion.SM: if (species > MaxSpeciesID_7) break; if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(7)) { int index = PersonalTable.SM.GetFormIndex(species, form); return LevelUpSM[index].GetMoves(lvl); } break; case GameVersion.US: case GameVersion.UM: case GameVersion.USUM: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(7)) { int index = PersonalTable.USUM.GetFormIndex(species, form); return LevelUpUSUM[index].GetMoves(lvl); } break; case GameVersion.SW: case GameVersion.SH: case GameVersion.SWSH: if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(8)) { int index = PersonalTable.SWSH.GetFormIndex(species, form); return LevelUpSWSH[index].GetMoves(lvl); } break; } return Array.Empty(); } internal static IReadOnlyList[] GetValidMovesAllGens(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList[] evoChains, int minLvLG1 = 1, int minLvLG2 = 1, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.ExternalSources, bool RemoveTransferHM = true) { var result = new IReadOnlyList[evoChains.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) result[i] = Array.Empty(); var min = pkm is IBattleVersion b ? b.GetMinGeneration() : 1; for (int i = min; i < evoChains.Length; i++) { if (evoChains[i].Count == 0) continue; result[i] = GetValidMoves(pkm, evoChains[i], i, minLvLG1, minLvLG2, types, RemoveTransferHM).ToList(); } return result; } internal static IEnumerable GetValidMoves(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList evoChain, int generation, int minLvLG1 = 1, int minLvLG2 = 1, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.ExternalSources, bool RemoveTransferHM = true) { GameVersion version = (GameVersion)pkm.Version; if (!pkm.IsUntraded) version = GameVersion.Any; return GetValidMoves(pkm, version, evoChain, generation, minLvLG1: minLvLG1, minLvLG2: minLvLG2, types: types, RemoveTransferHM: RemoveTransferHM); } internal static IEnumerable GetValidRelearn(PKM pkm, int species, int form, GameVersion version = GameVersion.Any) { return GetValidRelearn(pkm, species, form, Breeding.GetCanInheritMoves(species), version); } internal static List GetValidPostEvolutionMoves(PKM pkm, int species, IReadOnlyList[] evoChains, GameVersion Version) { // Return moves that the pokemon could learn after evolving var moves = new List(); for (int i = 1; i < evoChains.Length; i++) { if (evoChains[i].Count != 0) moves.AddRange(GetValidPostEvolutionMoves(pkm, species, evoChains[i], i, Version)); } if (pkm.Generation >= 6) moves.AddRange(pkm.RelearnMoves.Where(m => m != 0)); return moves.Distinct().ToList(); } private static List GetValidPostEvolutionMoves(PKM pkm, int species, IReadOnlyList evoChain, int generation, GameVersion Version) { var evomoves = new List(); var index = EvolutionChain.GetEvoChainSpeciesIndex(evoChain, species); for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) { var evo = evoChain[i]; var moves = GetMoves(pkm, evo.Species, 1, 1, evo.Level, evo.Form, Version: Version, types: MoveSourceType.ExternalSources, RemoveTransferHM: false, generation: generation); // Moves from Species or any species after in the evolution phase evomoves.AddRange(moves); } return evomoves; } internal static IEnumerable GetExclusivePreEvolutionMoves(PKM pkm, int Species, IReadOnlyList evoChain, int generation, GameVersion Version) { var preevomoves = new List(); var evomoves = new List(); var index = EvolutionChain.GetEvoChainSpeciesIndex(evoChain, Species); for (int i = 0; i < evoChain.Count; i++) { var evo = evoChain[i]; var moves = GetMoves(pkm, evo.Species, 1, 1, evo.Level, evo.Form, Version: Version, types: MoveSourceType.ExternalSources, RemoveTransferHM: false, generation: generation); var list = i >= index ? preevomoves : evomoves; list.AddRange(moves); } return preevomoves.Except(evomoves).Distinct(); } internal static IEnumerable GetValidMoves(PKM pkm, GameVersion version, IReadOnlyList chain, int generation, int minLvLG1 = 1, int minLvLG2 = 1, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.Reminder, bool RemoveTransferHM = true) { var r = new List { 0 }; int species = pkm.Species; if (FormChangeMoves.Contains(species)) // Deoxys & Shaymin & Giratina (others don't have extra but whatever) { // These don't evolve, so don't bother iterating for all entries in the evolution chain (should always be count==1). int formCount; // In gen 3 deoxys has different forms depending on the current game, in the PersonalInfo there is no alternate form info if (pkm.Format == 3 && species == (int)Species.Deoxys) formCount = 4; else formCount = pkm.PersonalInfo.FormCount; for (int form = 0; form < formCount; form++) r.AddRange(GetMoves(pkm, species, minLvLG1, minLvLG2, chain[0].Level, form, version, types, RemoveTransferHM, generation)); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.RelearnMoves)) r.AddRange(pkm.RelearnMoves); return r.Distinct(); } for (var i = 0; i < chain.Count; i++) { var evo = chain[i]; var moves = GetEvoMoves(pkm, version, types, chain, generation, minLvLG1, minLvLG2, RemoveTransferHM, i, evo); r.AddRange(moves); } if (pkm.Format <= 3) return r.Distinct(); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp)) MoveTutor.AddSpecialFormChangeMoves(r, pkm, generation, species); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SpecialTutor)) MoveTutor.AddSpecialTutorMoves(r, pkm, generation, species); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.RelearnMoves) && generation >= 6) r.AddRange(pkm.RelearnMoves); return r.Distinct(); } private static IEnumerable GetEvoMoves(PKM pkm, GameVersion Version, MoveSourceType types, IReadOnlyList chain, int generation, int minLvLG1, int minLvLG2, bool RemoveTransferHM, int i, EvoCriteria evo) { int minlvlevo1 = GetEvoMoveMinLevel1(pkm, generation, minLvLG1, evo); int minlvlevo2 = GetEvoMoveMinLevel2(pkm, generation, minLvLG2, evo); var maxLevel = evo.Level; if (i != 0 && chain[i - 1].RequiresLvlUp) // evolution ++maxLevel; // allow lvlmoves from the level it evolved to the next species return GetMoves(pkm, evo.Species, minlvlevo1, minlvlevo2, maxLevel, evo.Form, Version, types, RemoveTransferHM, generation); } /// /// Returns the minimum level the move can be learned at based on the species encounter level. /// private static int GetEvoMoveMinLevel1(PKM pkm, int generation, int minLvLG1, EvoCriteria evo) { if (generation != 1) return 1; // For evolutions, return the lower of the two; current level should legally be >= if (evo.MinLevel > 1) return Math.Min(pkm.CurrentLevel, evo.MinLevel); return minLvLG1; } private static int GetEvoMoveMinLevel2(PKM pkm, int generation, int minLvLG2, EvoCriteria evo) { if (generation != 2 || ParseSettings.AllowGen2MoveReminder(pkm)) return 1; // For evolutions, return the lower of the two; current level should legally be >= if (evo.MinLevel > 1) return Math.Min(pkm.CurrentLevel, evo.MinLevel); return minLvLG2; } private static IEnumerable GetMoves(PKM pkm, int species, int minlvlG1, int minlvlG2, int lvl, int form, GameVersion Version, MoveSourceType types, bool RemoveTransferHM, int generation) { var r = new List(); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp)) r.AddRange(MoveLevelUp.GetMovesLevelUp(pkm, species, minlvlG1, minlvlG2, lvl, form, Version, types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Reminder), generation)); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Machine)) r.AddRange(MoveTechnicalMachine.GetTMHM(pkm, species, form, generation, Version, RemoveTransferHM)); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.TechnicalRecord)) r.AddRange(MoveTechnicalMachine.GetRecords(pkm, species, form, generation)); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.AllTutors)) r.AddRange(MoveTutor.GetTutorMoves(pkm, species, form, types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SpecialTutor), generation)); return r.Distinct(); } } [Flags] public enum MoveSourceType { None, LevelUp = 1 << 0, RelearnMoves = 1 << 1, Machine = 1 << 2, TypeTutor = 1 << 3, SpecialTutor = 1 << 4, EnhancedTutor = 1 << 5, SharedEggMove = 1 << 6, TechnicalRecord = 1 << 7, AllTutors = TypeTutor | SpecialTutor | EnhancedTutor, AllMachines = Machine | TechnicalRecord, Reminder = LevelUp | RelearnMoves | TechnicalRecord, Encounter = LevelUp | RelearnMoves, ExternalSources = Reminder | AllMachines | AllTutors, All = ExternalSources | SharedEggMove | RelearnMoves, } public static class MoveSourceTypeExtensions { public static bool HasFlagFast(this MoveSourceType value, MoveSourceType flag) => (value & flag) != 0; public static MoveSourceType ClearNonEggSources(this MoveSourceType value) => value & MoveSourceType.Encounter; } }