using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.Automation; using static PKHeX.WinForms.Properties.Resources; namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls; public partial class GenderToggle : UserControl, IGenderToggle { public bool AllowClick { get; set; } = true; private int Value = -1; // Initial load will trigger gender to appear (-1 => 0) private string? InitialAccessible; public static int FocusBorderDeflate { get; set; } public int Gender { get => Value; set => Value = SetGender(value); } public GenderToggle() => InitializeComponent(); protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { Focus(); base.OnMouseDown(e); } protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e) { Invalidate(); base.OnEnter(e); AccessibilityObject.RaiseAutomationNotification(AutomationNotificationKind.Other, AutomationNotificationProcessing.All, AccessibleDescription ?? AccessibleName ?? ""); } protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e) { Invalidate(); base.OnLeave(e); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { base.OnPaint(pe); if (!Focused) return; var rc = ClientRectangle; rc.Inflate(-FocusBorderDeflate, -FocusBorderDeflate); ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(pe.Graphics, rc); } private static readonly Image[] GenderImages = { gender_0, gender_1, gender_2, }; private int SetGender(int value) { if ((uint)value > 2) value = 2; if (Value == value) return value; BackgroundImage = GenderImages[value]; AccessibleName = (InitialAccessible ??= AccessibleName) + $" ({value})"; AccessibleDescription = (InitialAccessible ??= AccessibleName) + $" ({value})"; return value; } private void GenderToggle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!AllowClick) return; TryToggle(); } private void GenderToggle_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode is not (Keys.Enter or Keys.Space)) return; TryToggle(); } private void TryToggle() { if (AllowClick && ToggleGender().CanToggle) { AccessibilityObject.RaiseAutomationNotification(AutomationNotificationKind.Other, AutomationNotificationProcessing.All, $"Gender changed to {Gender}."); return; } AccessibilityObject.RaiseAutomationNotification(AutomationNotificationKind.Other, AutomationNotificationProcessing.All, $"Cannot change gender. Current value is {Gender}."); } public (bool CanToggle, int Value) ToggleGender() { if (CanToggle()) return (true, Gender ^= 1); return (false, Gender); } public bool CanToggle() => (uint)Gender < 2; } public interface IGenderToggle { /// /// Enables use of the built in click action. /// bool AllowClick { get; set; } /// /// Get or set the value the control displays. /// int Gender { get; set; } /// /// Manually flips the gender state if possible. /// /// True if can toggle, and the resulting value. (bool CanToggle, int Value) ToggleGender(); }