namespace PKHeX.Core
public static class ParseSettings
internal static ITrainerInfo ActiveTrainer = new SimpleTrainerInfo { OT = string.Empty, Game = (int)GameVersion.Any, Language = -1 };
/// Toggles whether or not the word filter should be used when checking the data.
public static bool CheckWordFilter { get; set; } = true;
/// Setting to specify if an analysis should permit data sourced from the physical cartridge era of GameBoy games.
public static bool AllowGBCartEra { get; set; }
/// Setting to specify if an analysis should permit trading a Generation 1 origin file to Generation 2, then back. Useful for checking RBY Metagame rules.
public static bool AllowGen1Tradeback { get; set; }
public static Severity NicknamedTrade { get; set; } = Severity.Invalid;
public static Severity NicknamedMysteryGift { get; set; } = Severity.Fishy;
public static Severity RNGFrameNotFound { get; set; } = Severity.Fishy;
/// Checks to see if Crystal is available to visit/originate from.
/// Pokemon Crystal was never released in Korea.
/// Korean data being checked
/// True if Crystal data is allowed
public static bool AllowGen2Crystal(bool Korean) => !Korean;
/// Checks to see if Crystal is available to visit/originate from.
/// Data being checked
/// True if Crystal data is allowed
public static bool AllowGen2Crystal(PKM pkm) => !pkm.Korean;
/// Checks to see if the Move Reminder (Relearner) is available.
/// Pokemon Stadium 2 was never released in Korea.
/// Data being checked
/// True if Crystal data is allowed
public static bool AllowGen2MoveReminder(PKM pkm) => !pkm.Korean && AllowGBCartEra;
internal static bool IsFromActiveTrainer(PKM pkm) => ActiveTrainer.IsFromTrainer(pkm);
/// Initializes certain settings
/// Newly loaded save file
/// Save file is Physical GB cartridge save file (not Virtual Console)
public static bool InitFromSaveFileData(SaveFile sav)
ActiveTrainer = sav;
if (sav.Generation >= 3)
return AllowGBCartEra = false;
string path = sav.FileName;
bool vc = path.EndsWith("dat");
return AllowGBCartEra = !vc; // physical cart selected