using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// Unpacks a BinLinkerAccessor generated file container into individual arrays.
public readonly ref struct BinLinkerAccessor
/// Backing data object
private readonly ReadOnlySpan Data;
/// Total count of files available for accessing.
public int Length => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data[2..]);
/// Magic identifier for the file.
public string Identifier => new(new[] {(char)Data[0], (char)Data[1]});
/// Retrieves a view of the entry at the requested .
/// Entry to retrieve.
public ReadOnlySpan this[int index] => GetEntry(index);
private BinLinkerAccessor(ReadOnlySpan data) => Data = data;
private ReadOnlySpan GetEntry(int index)
int offset = 4 + (index * sizeof(int));
int end = ReadInt32LittleEndian(Data[(offset + 4)..]);
int start = ReadInt32LittleEndian(Data[offset..]);
return Data[start..end];
/// Sanity checks the input only in DEBUG builds, and returns a new wrapper.
/// Data reference
/// Expected identifier (debug verification only)
public static BinLinkerAccessor Get(ReadOnlySpan data, [ConstantExpected(Min = 2, Max = 2)] ReadOnlySpan identifier)
SanityCheckIdentifier(data, identifier);
return new BinLinkerAccessor(data);
private static void SanityCheckIdentifier(ReadOnlySpan data, [ConstantExpected(Min = 2, Max = 2)] ReadOnlySpan identifier)
Debug.Assert(data.Length > 4);
Debug.Assert(identifier[0] == data[0] && identifier[1] == data[1]);