using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// Repository of localized game strings for a given .
public sealed class GameStrings : IBasicStrings
// PKM Info
public readonly string[] specieslist, movelist, itemlist, abilitylist, types, natures, forms,
memories, genloc, feeling6, feeling8, intensity,
trainingbags, trainingstage, characteristics,
groundtiletypes, balllist, gamelist, pokeblocks, ribbons;
private readonly string[] g4items, g3coloitems, g3xditems, g3items, g2items, g1items;
// Met Locations
public readonly string[] metGSC_00000, metRSEFRLG_00000, metCXD_00000;
public readonly string[] metHGSS_00000, metHGSS_02000, metHGSS_03000;
public readonly string[] metBW2_00000, metBW2_30000, metBW2_40000, metBW2_60000;
public readonly string[] metXY_00000, metXY_30000, metXY_40000, metXY_60000;
public readonly string[] metSM_00000, metSM_30000, metSM_40000, metSM_60000;
public readonly string[] metGG_00000, metGG_30000, metGG_40000, metGG_60000;
public readonly string[] metSWSH_00000, metSWSH_30000, metSWSH_40000, metSWSH_60000;
public readonly string[] metBDSP_00000, metBDSP_30000, metBDSP_40000, metBDSP_60000;
public readonly string[] metLA_00000, metLA_30000, metLA_40000, metLA_60000;
// Misc
public readonly string[] wallpapernames, puffs, walkercourses;
public readonly string[] uggoods, ugspheres, ugtraps, ugtreasures;
private readonly string lang;
private readonly int LanguageIndex;
public string EggName { get; }
public IReadOnlyList Species => specieslist;
public IReadOnlyList Item => itemlist;
public IReadOnlyList Move => movelist;
public IReadOnlyList Ability => abilitylist;
public IReadOnlyList Types => types;
public IReadOnlyList Natures => natures;
private string[] Get(string ident) => GameLanguage.GetStrings(ident, lang);
private const string NPC = "NPC";
/// Item IDs that correspond to the value.
private static readonly ushort[] Items_Ball =
0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0009,
0010, 0011, 0012, 0013, 0014, 0015, 0016, 0492, 0493, 0494,
0495, 0496, 0497, 0498, 0499, 0576, 0851,
1785, 1710, 1711,
1712, 1713, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1771,
public GameStrings(string l)
lang = l;
LanguageIndex = GameLanguage.GetLanguageIndex(l);
ribbons = Get("ribbons");
// Past Generation strings
g3items = Get("ItemsG3");
g3coloitems = GetG3CXD(g3items, "ItemsG3Colosseum");
g3xditems = GetG3CXD(g3items, "ItemsG3XD");
g2items = Get("ItemsG2");
g1items = Get("ItemsG1");
metRSEFRLG_00000 = Get("rsefrlg_00000");
metGSC_00000 = Get("gsc_00000");
metCXD_00000 = Get("cxd_00000");
// Current Generation strings
natures = Util.GetNaturesList(l);
types = Get("types");
abilitylist = Get("abilities");
movelist = Get("moves");
string[] ps = { "P", "S" }; // Distinguish Physical/Special
for (int i = 622; i < 658; i++)
movelist[i] += $" ({ps[i % 2]})";
itemlist = Get("items");
characteristics = Get("character");
specieslist = Get("species");
wallpapernames = Get("wallpaper");
groundtiletypes = Get("groundtile");
gamelist = Get("games");
balllist = new string[Items_Ball.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < balllist.Length; i++)
balllist[i] = itemlist[Items_Ball[i]];
pokeblocks = Get("pokeblock");
forms = Get("forms");
memories = Get("memories");
feeling6 = Get("feeling6");
feeling8 = Get("feeling");
intensity = Get("intensity");
genloc = Get("genloc");
trainingbags = Get("trainingbag");
trainingstage = Get("supertraining");
puffs = Get("puff");
walkercourses = Get("hgss_walkercourses");
uggoods = Get("dppt_uggoods");
ugspheres = Get("dppt_ugspheres");
ugtraps = Get("dppt_ugtraps");
ugtreasures = Get("dppt_ugtreasures");
EggName = specieslist[0];
metHGSS_00000 = Get("hgss_00000");
metHGSS_02000 = Get("hgss_02000");
metHGSS_03000 = Get("hgss_03000");
metBW2_00000 = Get("bw2_00000");
metBW2_30000 = Get("bw2_30000");
metBW2_40000 = Get("bw2_40000");
metBW2_60000 = Get("bw2_60000");
metXY_00000 = Get("xy_00000");
metXY_30000 = Get("xy_30000");
metXY_40000 = Get("xy_40000");
metXY_60000 = Get("xy_60000");
metSM_00000 = Get("sm_00000");
metSM_30000 = Get("sm_30000");
metSM_40000 = Get("sm_40000");
metSM_60000 = Get("sm_60000");
metGG_00000 = Get("gg_00000");
metGG_30000 = metSM_30000;
metGG_40000 = Get("gg_40000");
metGG_60000 = metSM_60000;
metSWSH_00000 = Get("swsh_00000");
metSWSH_30000 = Get("swsh_30000");
metSWSH_40000 = Get("swsh_40000");
metSWSH_60000 = Get("swsh_60000");
metLA_00000 = Get("la_00000");
metLA_30000 = Get("la_30000");
metLA_40000 = Get("la_40000");
metLA_60000 = Get("la_60000");
metBDSP_00000 = Get("bdsp_00000");
metBDSP_30000 = Get("bdsp_30000");
metBDSP_40000 = Get("bdsp_40000");
metBDSP_60000 = Get("bdsp_60000");
g4items = (string[])itemlist.Clone();
Get("mail4").CopyTo(g4items, 137);
private string[] GetG3CXD(string[] arr, string fileName)
string[] item500 = Get(fileName);
var result = new string[500 + item500.Length];
for (int i = arr.Length; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = $"UNUSED {i}";
arr.CopyTo(result, 0);
item500.CopyTo(result, 500);
return result;
private static void SanitizeMetStringsCXD(string[] cxd)
// Less than 10% of met location values are unique.
// Just mark them with the ID if they aren't empty.
for (int i = 0; i < 227; i++)
var str = cxd[i];
if (str.Length != 0)
cxd[i] = $"{str} [{i:000}]";
private void Sanitize()
// De-duplicate the Calyrex ability names
abilitylist[(int)Core.Ability.AsOneI] += $" ({specieslist[(int)Core.Species.Glastrier]})";
abilitylist[(int)Core.Ability.AsOneG] += $" ({specieslist[(int)Core.Species.Spectrier]})";
// Replace the Egg Name with ---; egg name already stored to eggname
specieslist[0] = "---";
// Fix (None) tags
var none = $"({itemlist[0]})";
abilitylist[0] = itemlist[0] = movelist[0] = metXY_00000[0] = metBW2_00000[0] = metHGSS_00000[0] = metCXD_00000[0] = puffs[0] = none;
private void SanitizeItemNames()
// Fix Item Names (Duplicate entries)
var HM06 = itemlist[425];
var HM0 = HM06[..^1]; // language ambiguous!
itemlist[426] = $"{HM0}7 (G4)";
itemlist[427] = $"{HM0}8 (G4)";
itemlist[456] += " (HG/SS)"; // S.S. Ticket
itemlist[736] += " (OR/AS)"; // S.S. Ticket
itemlist[463] += " (DPPt)"; // Storage Key
itemlist[734] += " (OR/AS)"; // Storage Key
itemlist[476] += " (HG/SS)"; // Basement Key
itemlist[723] += " (OR/AS)"; // Basement Key
itemlist[621] += " (M)"; // Xtransceiver
itemlist[626] += " (F)"; // Xtransceiver
itemlist[629] += " (2)"; // DNA Splicers
itemlist[637] += " (2)"; // Dropped Item
itemlist[707] += " (2)"; // Travel Trunk
itemlist[713] += " (2)"; // Alt Bike
itemlist[714] += " (2)"; // Holo Caster
itemlist[729] += " (1)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[740] += " (2)"; // Contest Costume
itemlist[751] += " (2)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[771] += " (3)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[772] += " (4)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[842] += " (SM)"; // Fishing Rod
itemlist[945] += " (2)"; // Used Solarizer
itemlist[946] += " (2)"; // Used Lunarizer
itemlist[873] += " (GP/GE)"; // S.S. Ticket
itemlist[459] += " (HG/SS)"; // Parcel
itemlist[467] += " (Pt)"; // Secret Key
itemlist[475] += " (HG/SS)"; // Card Key
itemlist[894] += " (GP)"; // Leaf Letter
itemlist[895] += " (GE)"; // Leaf Letter
// some languages have same names for other items!
itemlist[878] += " (GP/GE)"; // Lift Key (Elevator Key=700)
itemlist[479] += " (HG/SS)"; // Lost Item (Dropped Item=636)
// Append Z-Crystal flagging
foreach (var i in Legal.Pouch_ZCrystal_USUM)
itemlist[i] += " [Z]";
itemlist[0121] += " (1)"; // Pokémon Box Link
itemlist[1075] += " (2)"; // Pokémon Box Link
itemlist[1080] += " (SW/SH)"; // Fishing Rod
itemlist[1081] += " (1)"; // Rotom Bike
itemlist[1266] += " (2)"; // Rotom Bike
itemlist[1585] += " (3)"; // Rotom Bike
itemlist[1586] += " (4)"; // Rotom Bike
itemlist[1590] += " (1)"; // Reins of Unity
itemlist[1591] += " (2)"; // Reins of Unity
itemlist[1607] += " (3)"; // Reins of Unity
for (int i = 12; i <= 29; i++) // Differentiate DNA Samples
g3coloitems[500 + i] += $" ({i - 11:00})";
// differentiate G3 Card Key from Colo
g3coloitems[500 + 10] += " (COLO)";
if (lang is "fr")
itemlist[1681] += " (LA)"; // Galet Noir dup with 617 (Dark Stone | Black Tumblestone)
else if (lang is "ja")
itemlist[1693] += " (LA)"; // むしよけスプレー dup with 79 (Repel)
itemlist[1716] += " (LA)"; // ビビリだま dup with 847 (Adrenaline Orb | Scatter Bang)
itemlist[1717] += " (LA)"; // けむりだま dup with 228 (Smoke Ball | Smoke Bomb)
itemlist[464] += " (G4)"; // Secret Medicine
itemlist[1763] += " (LA)"; // Secret Medicine
private static void SanitizeItemsLA(string[] items)
// Recipes
items[1784] += " (~)"; // Gigaton Ball
items[1783] += " (~)"; // Leaden Ball
items[1753] += " (~)"; // Heavy Ball
items[1752] += " (~)"; // Jet Ball
items[1751] += " (~)"; // Wing Ball
items[1731] += " (~)"; // Twice-Spiced Radish
items[1730] += " (~)"; // Choice Dumpling
items[1729] += " (~)"; // Swap Snack
items[1677] += " (~)"; // Aux Powerguard
items[1676] += " (~)"; // Aux Evasion
items[1675] += " (~)"; // Dire Hit
items[1674] += " (~)"; // Aux Guard
items[1673] += " (~)"; // Aux Power
items[1671] += " (~)"; // Stealth Spray
items[1670] += " (~)"; // Max Elixir
items[1669] += " (~)"; // Max Ether
items[1668] += " (~)"; // Max Revive
items[1667] += " (~)"; // Revive
items[1666] += " (~)"; // Full Heal
items[1665] += " (~)"; // Jubilife Muffin
items[1664] += " (~)"; // Old Gateau
items[1663] += " (~)"; // Superb Remedy
items[1662] += " (~)"; // Fine Remedy
items[1661] += " (~)"; // Remedy
items[1660] += " (~)"; // Full Restore
items[1659] += " (~)"; // Max Potion
items[1658] += " (~)"; // Hyper Potion
items[1657] += " (~)"; // Super Potion
items[1656] += " (~)"; // Potion
items[1655] += " (~)"; // Salt Cake
items[1654] += " (~)"; // Bean Cake
items[1653] += " (~)"; // Grain Cake
items[1652] += " (~)"; // Honey Cake
items[1650] += " (~)"; // Mushroom Cake
items[1649] += " (~)"; // Star Piece
items[1648] += " (~)"; // Sticky Glob
items[1647] += " (~)"; // Scatter Bang
items[1646] += " (~)"; // Smoke Bomb
items[1644] += " (~)"; // Pokéshi Doll
items[1643] += " (~)"; // Feather Ball
items[1642] += " (~)"; // Ultra Ball
items[1641] += " (~)"; // Great Ball
items[1640] += " (~)"; // Poké Ball
// Items
items[1616] += " (LA)"; // Dire Hit
items[1689] += " (LA)"; // Snowball
items[1710] += " (LA)"; // Poké Ball
items[1711] += " (LA)"; // Great Ball
items[1712] += " (LA)"; // Ultra Ball
items[1748] += " (LA)"; // Heavy Ball
// Key Items
items[1622] += " (-)"; // Poké Ball
items[1765] += " (1)"; // Lost Satchel
items[1766] += " (2)"; // Lost Satchel
items[1767] += " (3)"; // Lost Satchel
items[1768] += " (4)"; // Lost Satchel
items[1769] += " (5)"; // Lost Satchel
private void SanitizeMetLocations()
// Fix up some of the Location strings to make them more descriptive
if (lang is "es" or "it")
// Campeonato Mundial duplicates
for (int i = 28; i < 35; i++)
metXY_40000[i] += " (-)";
// Evento de Videojuegos -- first as duplicate
metXY_40000[35] += " (-)";
metSM_40000[38] += " (-)";
metGG_40000[27] += " (-)";
if (lang == "ko")
// Pokémon Ranger duplicate (should be Ranger Union)
metBW2_40000[71] += " (-)";
private void SanitizeMetG4HGSS()
metHGSS_00000[054] += " (DP/Pt)"; // Victory Road
metHGSS_00000[221] += " (HG/SS)"; // Victory Road
// German language duplicate; handle for all since it can be confused.
metHGSS_00000[104] += " (DP/Pt)"; // Vista Lighthouse
metHGSS_00000[212] += " (HG/SS)"; // Lighthouse
metHGSS_02000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metHGSS_02000[2] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade
private void SanitizeMetG5BW()
metBW2_00000[36] = $"{metBW2_00000[84]}/{metBW2_00000[36]}"; // Cold Storage in BW = PWT in BW2
metBW2_00000[40] += " (B/W)"; // Victory Road in BW
metBW2_00000[134] += " (B2/W2)"; // Victory Road in B2W2
// BW2 Entries from 76 to 105 are for Entralink in BW
for (int i = 76; i < 106; i++)
metBW2_00000[i] += "●";
// Collision between 40002 (legal) and 00002 (illegal) "Faraway place"
if (metBW2_00000[2] == metBW2_40000[2])
metBW2_00000[2] += " (2)";
for (int i = 97; i < 109; i++)
metBW2_40000[i] += $" ({i - 97})";
// Localize the Poketransfer to the language (30001)
metBW2_30000[1] = GameLanguage.GetTransporterName(LanguageIndex);
metBW2_30000[2] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metBW2_30000[3] += $" ({EggName})"; // Link Trade (Egg)
// Zorua/Zoroark events
metBW2_30000[10] = $"{specieslist[251]} ({specieslist[570]} 1)"; // Celebi's Zorua Event
metBW2_30000[11] = $"{specieslist[251]} ({specieslist[570]} 2)"; // Celebi's Zorua Event
metBW2_30000[12] = $"{specieslist[571]} (1)"; // Zoroark
metBW2_30000[13] = $"{specieslist[571]} (2)"; // Zoroark
metBW2_60000[3] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg Treasure Hunter/Breeder, whatever...
private void SanitizeMetG6XY()
metXY_00000[104] += " (X/Y)"; // Victory Road
metXY_00000[106] += " (X/Y)"; // Pokémon League
metXY_00000[202] += " (OR/AS)"; // Pokémon League
metXY_00000[298] += " (OR/AS)"; // Victory Road
metXY_30000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metXY_30000[2] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade
for (int i = 63; i <= 69; i++)
metXY_40000[i] += $" ({i - 62})";
private void SanitizeMetG7SM()
// Sun/Moon duplicates -- elaborate!
for (int i = 6; i < metSM_00000.Length; i += 2)
if (i is >= 194 and < 198)
continue; // Skip Island Names (unused)
var nextLoc = metSM_00000[i + 1];
if (nextLoc.Length == 0)
metSM_00000[i + 1] = string.Empty;
metSM_00000[i] += $" ({nextLoc})";
metSM_00000[32] += " (2)";
metSM_00000[102] += " (2)";
metSM_30000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metSM_30000[2] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade
for (int i = 3; i <= 6; i++) // distinguish first set of regions (unused) from second (used)
metSM_30000[i] += " (-)";
for (int i = 59; i < 66; i++) // distinguish Event year duplicates
metSM_40000[i] += " (-)";
for (int i = 48; i < 55; i++) // distinguish Event year duplicates
metGG_40000[i] += " (-)";
private void SanitizeMetG8SWSH()
// SW/SH duplicates -- elaborate!
for (int i = 88; i < metSWSH_00000.Length; i += 2)
var nextLoc = metSWSH_00000[i + 1];
if (nextLoc.Length == 0)
metSWSH_00000[i + 1] = string.Empty;
metSWSH_00000[i] += $" ({nextLoc})";
metSWSH_30000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metSWSH_30000[2] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade
for (int i = 3; i <= 6; i++) // distinguish first set of regions (unused) from second (used)
metSWSH_30000[i] += " (-)";
metSWSH_30000[19] += " (?)"; // Kanto for the third time
for (int i = 55; i < 61; i++) // distinguish Event year duplicates
metSWSH_40000[i] += " (-)";
metSWSH_40000[30] += " (-)"; // a Video game Event (in spanish etc) -- duplicate with line 39
metSWSH_40000[53] += " (-)"; // a Pokémon event -- duplicate with line 37
metSWSH_40000[81] += " (-)"; // Pokémon GO -- duplicate with 30000's entry
metSWSH_40000[86] += " (-)"; // Pokémon HOME -- duplicate with 30000's entry
// metSWSH_30000[12] += " (-)"; // Pokémon GO -- duplicate with 40000's entry
// metSWSH_30000[18] += " (-)"; // Pokémon HOME -- duplicate with 40000's entry
private void SanitizeMetG8BDSP()
metBDSP_30000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metBDSP_30000[2] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade
Deduplicate(metBDSP_00000, 00000);
Deduplicate(metBDSP_30000, 30000);
Deduplicate(metBDSP_40000, 40000);
Deduplicate(metBDSP_60000, 60000);
private void SanitizeMetG8PLA()
metLA_00000[31] += " (2)"; // in Floaro Gardens
metLA_30000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metLA_30000[2] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade
for (int i = 3; i <= 6; i++) // distinguish first set of regions (unused) from second (used)
metLA_30000[i] += " (-)";
metLA_30000[19] += " (?)"; // Kanto for the third time
metLA_40000[30] += " (-)"; // a Video game Event (in spanish etc) -- duplicate with line 39
metLA_40000[53] += " (-)"; // a Pokémon event -- duplicate with line 37
metLA_40000[81] += " (-)"; // Pokémon GO -- duplicate with 30000's entry
metLA_40000[86] += " (-)"; // Pokémon HOME -- duplicate with 30000's entry
// metLA_30000[12] += " (-)"; // Pokémon GO -- duplicate with 40000's entry
// metLA_30000[18] += " (-)"; // Pokémon HOME -- duplicate with 40000's entry
for (int i = 55; i <= 60; i++) // distinguish second set of YYYY Event from the first
metLA_40000[i] += " (-)";
if (lang is "es")
// en un lugar misterioso
metLA_00000[2] += " (2)"; // in a mystery zone
metLA_00000[4] += " (4)"; // in a faraway place
else if (lang is "ja")
// ひょうざんのいくさば
metLA_00000[099] += " (099)"; // along the Arena’s Approach
metLA_00000[142] += " (142)"; // at Icepeak Arena
else if (lang is "fr" or "it")
// Final four locations are not nouns, rather the same location reference (at the...) as prior entries.
metLA_00000[152] += " (152)"; // Galaxy Hall
metLA_00000[153] += " (153)"; // Front Gate
metLA_00000[154] += " (154)"; // Farm
metLA_00000[155] += " (155)"; // Training Grounds
private static void Deduplicate(string[] arr, int group)
var counts = new Dictionary();
foreach (var s in arr)
counts.TryGetValue(s, out var value);
counts[s] = value + 1;
#if !DEBUG
var maxCounts = new Dictionary(counts);
for (var i = arr.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
arr[i] += $" ({group + i:00000})";
var s = arr[i];
var count = counts[s]--;
if (count == 1)
var format = maxCounts[s] switch
>= 100 => " ({0:000})",
>= 10 => " ({0:00})",
_ => " ({0})",
arr[i] += string.Format(format, count);
public string[] GetItemStrings(int generation, GameVersion game = GameVersion.Any) => generation switch
0 => Array.Empty(),
1 => g1items,
2 => g2items,
3 => GetItemStrings3(game),
4 => g4items, // mail names changed 4->5
8 when game is GameVersion.BD or GameVersion.SP or GameVersion.BDSP => GetItemStrings8b(),
_ => itemlist,
private string[] GetItemStrings8b()
// Item Indexes
var clone = (string[])itemlist.Clone();
var tm = clone[419][..2];
for (int i = 420; i <= 427; i++)
clone[i] = $"{tm}{i - 420 + 93}";
clone[618] += "(-)"; // TM93
clone[619] += "(-)"; // TM94
clone[620] += "(-)"; // TM95
clone[690] += "(-)"; // TM96
clone[691] += "(-)"; // TM97
clone[692] += "(-)"; // TM98
clone[693] += "(-)"; // TM99
clone[694] += "(-)"; // TM100
return clone;
private string[] GetItemStrings3(GameVersion game)
switch (game)
case GameVersion.COLO:
return g3coloitems;
case GameVersion.XD:
return g3xditems;
if (EReaderBerrySettings.IsEnigma)
return g3items;
var g3ItemsWithEBerry = (string[])g3items.Clone();
g3ItemsWithEBerry[175] = EReaderBerrySettings.DisplayName;
return g3ItemsWithEBerry;
/// Gets the location name for the specified parameters.
/// Location is from the
/// Location value
/// Current
/// of origin
/// Current GameVersion (only applicable for differentiation)
/// Location name. May be an empty string if no location name is known for that location value.
public string GetLocationName(bool isEggLocation, int location, int format, int generation, GameVersion version)
int gen = -1;
int bankID = 0;
if (format == 1)
if (location == 0)
return string.Empty;
format = 3; // Legality binaries have Location IDs that were manually remapped to Gen3 location IDs.
if (format == 2)
gen = 2;
else if (format == 3)
gen = 3;
else if (generation == 4 && (isEggLocation || format == 4)) // 4
const int size = 1000;
bankID = location / size;
gen = 4;
location %= size;
else // 5-7+
const int size = 10000;
bankID = location / size;
int g = generation;
if (g >= 5)
gen = g;
else if (format >= 5)
gen = format;
location %= size;
var bank = GetLocationNames(gen, version, bankID);
if ((uint)location >= bank.Count)
return string.Empty;
return bank[location];
/// Gets the location names array for a specified generation.
/// Generation to get location names for.
/// Version of origin
/// BankID used to choose the text bank.
/// List of location names.
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames(int gen, GameVersion version, int bankID = 0) => gen switch
2 => metGSC_00000,
3 => GameVersion.CXD.Contains(version) ? metCXD_00000 : metRSEFRLG_00000,
4 => GetLocationNames4(bankID),
5 => GetLocationNames5(bankID),
6 => GetLocationNames6(bankID),
7 => GameVersion.Gen7b.Contains(version) ? GetLocationNames7GG(bankID) : GetLocationNames7(bankID),
8 when version is GameVersion.PLA => GetLocationNames8a(bankID),
8 when GameVersion.BDSP.Contains(version) => GetLocationNames8b(bankID),
8 => GetLocationNames8(bankID),
_ => Array.Empty(),
private IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames4(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metHGSS_00000,
2 => metHGSS_02000,
3 => metHGSS_03000,
_ => Array.Empty(),
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames5(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metBW2_00000,
3 => metBW2_30000,
4 => metBW2_40000,
6 => metBW2_60000,
_ => Array.Empty(),
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames6(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metXY_00000,
3 => metXY_30000,
4 => metXY_40000,
6 => metXY_60000,
_ => Array.Empty(),
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames7(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metSM_00000,
3 => metSM_30000,
4 => metSM_40000,
6 => metSM_60000,
_ => Array.Empty(),
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames7GG(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metGG_00000,
3 => metGG_30000,
4 => metGG_40000,
6 => metGG_60000,
_ => Array.Empty(),
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames8(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metSWSH_00000,
3 => metSWSH_30000,
4 => metSWSH_40000,
6 => metSWSH_60000,
_ => Array.Empty(),
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames8a(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metLA_00000,
3 => metLA_30000,
4 => metLA_40000,
6 => metLA_60000,
_ => Array.Empty(),
public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames8b(int bankID) => bankID switch
0 => metBDSP_00000,
3 => metBDSP_30000,
4 => metBDSP_40000,
6 => metBDSP_60000,
_ => Array.Empty(),