using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using static PKHeX.Core.LearnMethod; using static PKHeX.Core.LearnEnvironment; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Exposes information about how moves are learned in . /// public sealed class LearnSource8BDSP : ILearnSource, IEggSource { public static readonly LearnSource8BDSP Instance = new(); private static readonly PersonalTable8BDSP Personal = PersonalTable.BDSP; private static readonly Learnset[] Learnsets = Legal.LevelUpBDSP; private static readonly EggMoves6[] EggMoves = Legal.EggMovesBDSP; private const int MaxSpecies = Legal.MaxSpeciesID_8b; private const LearnEnvironment Game = BDSP; public Learnset GetLearnset(int species, int form) => Learnsets[Personal.GetFormIndex(species, form)]; public bool TryGetPersonal(int species, int form, [NotNullWhen(true)] out PersonalInfo? pi) { pi = null; if ((uint)species > MaxSpecies) return false; pi = Personal[species, form]; return true; } public bool GetIsEggMove(int species, int form, int move) { // Array is optimized to not have entries for species above 460 (not able to breed / no egg moves). var arr = EggMoves; if ((uint)species >= arr.Length) return false; var moves = arr[species]; return moves.GetHasEggMove(move); } public ReadOnlySpan GetEggMoves(int species, int form) { // Array is optimized to not have entries for species above 460 (not able to breed / no egg moves). var arr = EggMoves; if ((uint)species >= arr.Length) return ReadOnlySpan.Empty; return arr[species].Moves; } public MoveLearnInfo GetCanLearn(PKM pk, PersonalInfo pi, EvoCriteria evo, int move, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All, LearnOption option = LearnOption.Current) { if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp)) { var learn = GetLearnset(evo.Species, evo.Form); var level = learn.GetLevelLearnMove(move); if (level != -1 && level <= evo.LevelMax) return new(LevelUp, Game, (byte)level); } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SharedEggMove) && GetIsSharedEggMove(pi, move)) return new(Shared, Game); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Machine) && GetIsTM(pi, move)) return new(TMHM, Game); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.TypeTutor) && GetIsTypeTutor(pi, move)) return new(Tutor, Game); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.EnhancedTutor) && GetIsEnhancedTutor(evo, pk, move, option)) return new(Tutor, Game); return default; } private static bool GetIsEnhancedTutor(EvoCriteria evo, ISpeciesForm current, int move, LearnOption option) => evo.Species is (int)Species.Rotom && move switch { (int)Move.Overheat => option == LearnOption.AtAnyTime || current.Form == 1, (int)Move.HydroPump => option == LearnOption.AtAnyTime || current.Form == 2, (int)Move.Blizzard => option == LearnOption.AtAnyTime || current.Form == 3, (int)Move.AirSlash => option == LearnOption.AtAnyTime || current.Form == 4, (int)Move.LeafStorm => option == LearnOption.AtAnyTime || current.Form == 5, _ => false, }; private bool GetIsSharedEggMove(PersonalInfo pi, int move) { var entry = (PersonalInfo8BDSP)pi; var baseSpecies = entry.HatchSpecies; var baseForm = entry.HatchFormIndex; return GetEggMoves(baseSpecies, baseForm).IndexOf(move) != -1; } private static bool GetIsTypeTutor(PersonalInfo pi, int move) { var index = Array.IndexOf(TypeTutor8b, move); if (index == -1) return false; return pi.TypeTutors[index]; } private static bool GetIsTM(PersonalInfo info, int move) { var index = Array.IndexOf(TMHM_BDSP, move); if (index == -1) return false; return info.TMHM[index]; } public void GetAllMoves(Span result, PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All) { if (!TryGetPersonal(evo.Species, evo.Form, out var pi)) return; if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp)) { var learn = GetLearnset(evo.Species, evo.Form); (bool hasMoves, int start, int end) = learn.GetMoveRange(evo.LevelMax); if (hasMoves) { var moves = learn.Moves; for (int i = end; i >= start; i--) result[moves[i]] = true; } } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SharedEggMove)) { var entry = (PersonalInfo8BDSP)pi; var baseSpecies = entry.HatchSpecies; var baseForm = entry.HatchFormIndex; var egg = GetEggMoves(baseSpecies, baseForm); foreach (var move in egg) result[move] = true; } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Machine)) { var flags = pi.TMHM; var moves = TMHM_BDSP; for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) { if (flags[i]) result[moves[i]] = true; } } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.TypeTutor)) { var flags = pi.TypeTutors; var moves = TypeTutor8b; for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) { if (flags[i]) result[moves[i]] = true; } } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.EnhancedTutor)) { var species = evo.Species; if (species is (int)Species.Rotom && evo.Form is not 0) result[MoveTutor.GetRotomFormMove(evo.Form)] = true; } } public static readonly int[] TMHM_BDSP = { 264, 337, 352, 347, 046, 092, 258, 339, 331, 526, 241, 269, 058, 059, 063, 113, 182, 240, 202, 219, 605, 076, 231, 085, 087, 089, 490, 091, 094, 247, 280, 104, 115, 351, 053, 188, 201, 126, 317, 332, 259, 263, 521, 156, 213, 168, 211, 285, 503, 315, 355, 411, 412, 206, 362, 374, 451, 203, 406, 409, 261, 405, 417, 153, 421, 371, 278, 416, 397, 148, 444, 419, 086, 360, 014, 446, 244, 555, 399, 157, 404, 214, 523, 398, 138, 447, 207, 365, 369, 164, 430, 433, 015, 019, 057, 070, 432, 249, 127, 431, }; internal static readonly int[] TypeTutor8b = { (int)Move.FrenzyPlant, (int)Move.BlastBurn, (int)Move.HydroCannon, (int)Move.DracoMeteor, }; }