using System; using static PKHeX.Core.RibbonIndex; using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Generation 8 Mystery Gift Template File, same as with fields at the end. /// public sealed class WA8 : DataMysteryGift, ILangNick, INature, IGigantamax, IDynamaxLevel, IRibbonIndex, IMemoryOT, IEncounterServerDate, ILangNicknamedTemplate, IGanbaru, IAlpha, IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetEvent4, IRibbonSetCommon3, IRibbonSetCommon4, IRibbonSetCommon6, IRibbonSetCommon7, IRibbonSetCommon8, IRibbonSetMark8 { public const int Size = 0x2C8; public override int Generation => 8; public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen8a; public override bool FatefulEncounter => true; public enum GiftType : byte { None = 0, Pokemon = 1, Item = 2, Clothing = 3, } public WA8() : this(new byte[Size]) { } public WA8(byte[] data) : base(data) { } public bool CanBeReceivedByVersion(int v, PKM pk) => v is (int) GameVersion.PLA || (pk is PK8 && v is (int)GameVersion.SW); public bool IsDateRestricted => true; public bool IsEquivalentFixedECPID => EncryptionConstant != 0 && PIDType == ShinyType8.FixedValue && PID == EncryptionConstant; // General Card Properties public override int CardID { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x8)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x8), (ushort)value); } public byte CardFlags { get => Data[0x0E]; set => Data[0x0E] = value; } public GiftType CardType { get => (GiftType)Data[0x0F]; set => Data[0x0F] = (byte)value; } public bool GiftRepeatable { get => (CardFlags & 1) == 0; set => CardFlags = (byte)((CardFlags & ~1) | (value ? 0 : 1)); } public override bool GiftUsed { get => false; set { } } public int CardTitleIndex { get => Data[0x13]; set => Data[0x13] = (byte) value; } public override string CardTitle { get => "Mystery Gift"; // TODO: Use text string from CardTitleIndex set => throw new Exception(); } // Item Properties public override bool IsItem { get => CardType == GiftType.Item; set { if (value) CardType = GiftType.Item; } } public override int ItemID { get => GetItem(0); set => SetItem(0, (ushort)value); } public override int Quantity { get => GetQuantity(0); set => SetQuantity(0, (ushort)value); } public int GetItem(int index) => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18 + (0x4 * index))); public void SetItem(int index, ushort item) => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18 + (4 * index)), item); public int GetQuantity(int index) => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1A + (0x4 * index))); public void SetQuantity(int index, ushort quantity) => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1A + (4 * index)), quantity); // Pokémon Properties public override bool IsEntity { get => CardType == GiftType.Pokemon; set { if (value) CardType = GiftType.Pokemon; } } public override bool IsShiny => Shiny.IsShiny(); public override Shiny Shiny => PIDType switch { ShinyType8.FixedValue => GetShinyXor() switch { 0 => Shiny.AlwaysSquare, <= 15 => Shiny.AlwaysStar, _ => Shiny.Never, }, ShinyType8.Random => Shiny.Random, ShinyType8.Never => Shiny.Never, ShinyType8.AlwaysStar => Shiny.AlwaysStar, ShinyType8.AlwaysSquare => Shiny.AlwaysSquare, _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(), }; private uint GetShinyXor() { // Player owned anti-shiny fixed PID if (ID32 == 0) return uint.MaxValue; var xor = PID ^ ID32; return (xor >> 16) ^ (xor & 0xFFFF); } public override uint ID32 { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18)); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18), value); } public override ushort TID16 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18), value); } public override ushort SID16 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1A)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1A), value); } public int OriginGame { get => ReadInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1C)); set => WriteInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1C), value); } public uint EncryptionConstant { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x20)); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x20), value); } public uint PID { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x24)); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x24), value); } // Nicknames, OT Names 0x30 - 0x228 public override int EggLocation { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x220)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x220), (ushort)value); } public int MetLocation { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x222)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x222), (ushort)value); } public override int Ball { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x224)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x224), (ushort)value); } public override int HeldItem { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x226)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x226), (ushort)value); } public ushort Move1 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x228)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x228), value); } public ushort Move2 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22A)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22A), value); } public ushort Move3 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22C)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22C), value); } public ushort Move4 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22E)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22E), value); } public ushort RelearnMove1 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x230)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x230), value); } public ushort RelearnMove2 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x232)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x232), value); } public ushort RelearnMove3 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x234)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x234), value); } public ushort RelearnMove4 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x236)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x236), value); } public override ushort Species { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x238)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x238), value); } public override byte Form { get => Data[0x23A]; set => Data[0x23A] = value; } public override int Gender { get => Data[0x23B]; set => Data[0x23B] = (byte)value; } public override byte Level { get => Data[0x23C]; set => Data[0x23C] = value; } public override bool IsEgg { get => Data[0x23D] == 1; set => Data[0x23D] = value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; } public int Nature { get => (sbyte)Data[0x23E]; set => Data[0x23E] = (byte)value; } public override int AbilityType { get => Data[0x23F]; set => Data[0x23F] = (byte)value; } private byte PIDTypeValue => Data[0x240]; public ShinyType8 PIDType => PIDTypeValue switch { 0 => ShinyType8.Never, 1 => ShinyType8.Random, 2 => ShinyType8.AlwaysStar, 3 => ShinyType8.AlwaysSquare, 4 => ShinyType8.FixedValue, _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(PIDType)), }; public int MetLevel { get => Data[0x241]; set => Data[0x241] = (byte)value; } public byte DynamaxLevel { get => Data[0x242]; set => Data[0x242] = value; } public bool CanGigantamax { get => Data[0x243] != 0; set => Data[0x243] = value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; } // Ribbons 0x24C-0x26C private const int RibbonBytesOffset = 0x244; private const int RibbonBytesCount = 0x20; private const int RibbonByteNone = 0xFF; // signed -1 private ReadOnlySpan RibbonSpan => Data.AsSpan(RibbonBytesOffset, RibbonBytesCount); public bool HasMarkEncounter8 { get { foreach (var value in RibbonSpan) { if (value == RibbonByteNone) return false; // end if (((RibbonIndex)value).IsEncounterMark8()) return true; } return false; } } public byte GetRibbonAtIndex(int byteIndex) { if ((uint)byteIndex >= RibbonBytesCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(byteIndex)); return Data[RibbonBytesOffset + byteIndex]; } public void SetRibbonAtIndex(int byteIndex, byte ribbonIndex) { if ((uint)byteIndex >= RibbonBytesCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(byteIndex)); Data[RibbonBytesOffset + byteIndex] = ribbonIndex; } public int IV_HP { get => Data[0x264]; set => Data[0x264] = (byte)value; } public int IV_ATK { get => Data[0x265]; set => Data[0x265] = (byte)value; } public int IV_DEF { get => Data[0x266]; set => Data[0x266] = (byte)value; } public int IV_SPE { get => Data[0x267]; set => Data[0x267] = (byte)value; } public int IV_SPA { get => Data[0x268]; set => Data[0x268] = (byte)value; } public int IV_SPD { get => Data[0x269]; set => Data[0x269] = (byte)value; } public int OTGender { get => Data[0x26A]; set => Data[0x26A] = (byte)value; } public int EV_HP { get => Data[0x26B]; set => Data[0x26B] = (byte)value; } public int EV_ATK { get => Data[0x26C]; set => Data[0x26C] = (byte)value; } public int EV_DEF { get => Data[0x26D]; set => Data[0x26D] = (byte)value; } public int EV_SPE { get => Data[0x26E]; set => Data[0x26E] = (byte)value; } public int EV_SPA { get => Data[0x26F]; set => Data[0x26F] = (byte)value; } public int EV_SPD { get => Data[0x270]; set => Data[0x270] = (byte)value; } public byte OT_Intensity { get => Data[0x271]; set => Data[0x271] = value; } public byte OT_Memory { get => Data[0x272]; set => Data[0x272] = value; } public byte OT_Feeling { get => Data[0x273]; set => Data[0x273] = value; } public ushort OT_TextVar { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x274)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x274), value); } // Only derivations to WC8 public byte GV_HP { get => Data[0x276]; set => Data[0x276] = value; } public byte GV_ATK { get => Data[0x277]; set => Data[0x277] = value; } public byte GV_DEF { get => Data[0x278]; set => Data[0x278] = value; } public byte GV_SPE { get => Data[0x279]; set => Data[0x279] = value; } public byte GV_SPA { get => Data[0x27A]; set => Data[0x27A] = value; } public byte GV_SPD { get => Data[0x27B]; set => Data[0x27B] = value; } // Meta Accessible Properties public override int[] IVs { get => new[] { IV_HP, IV_ATK, IV_DEF, IV_SPE, IV_SPA, IV_SPD }; set { if (value.Length != 6) return; IV_HP = value[0]; IV_ATK = value[1]; IV_DEF = value[2]; IV_SPE = value[3]; IV_SPA = value[4]; IV_SPD = value[5]; } } public override void GetIVs(Span value) { if (value.Length != 6) return; value[0] = IV_HP; value[1] = IV_ATK; value[2] = IV_DEF; value[3] = IV_SPE; value[4] = IV_SPA; value[5] = IV_SPD; } public int[] EVs { get => new[] { EV_HP, EV_ATK, EV_DEF, EV_SPE, EV_SPA, EV_SPD }; set { if (value.Length != 6) return; EV_HP = value[0]; EV_ATK = value[1]; EV_DEF = value[2]; EV_SPE = value[3]; EV_SPA = value[4]; EV_SPD = value[5]; } } public bool GetIsNicknamed(int language) => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(GetNicknameOffset(language))) != 0; public bool CanBeAnyLanguage() { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { var ofs = GetLanguageOffset(i); var lang = ReadInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(ofs)); if (lang != 0) return false; } return true; } public bool CanHaveLanguage(int language) { if (language is < (int)LanguageID.Japanese or > (int)LanguageID.ChineseT) return false; if (CanBeAnyLanguage()) return true; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { var ofs = GetLanguageOffset(i); var lang = ReadInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(ofs)); if (lang == language) return true; } return GetLanguage(language) == 0; } public int GetLanguage(int redeemLanguage) => Data[GetLanguageOffset(GetLanguageIndex(redeemLanguage))]; private static int GetLanguageOffset(int index) => 0x28 + (index * 0x1C) + 0x1A; public bool GetHasOT(int language) => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(GetOTOffset(language))) != 0; private static int GetLanguageIndex(int language) { var lang = (LanguageID) language; if (lang is < LanguageID.Japanese or LanguageID.UNUSED_6 or > LanguageID.ChineseT) return (int) LanguageID.English; // fallback return lang < LanguageID.UNUSED_6 ? language - 1 : language - 2; } public override int Location { get => MetLocation; set => MetLocation = (ushort)value; } public override Moveset Moves { get => new(Move1, Move2, Move3, Move4); set { Move1 = value.Move1; Move2 = value.Move2; Move3 = value.Move3; Move4 = value.Move4; } } public override Moveset Relearn { get => new(RelearnMove1, RelearnMove2, RelearnMove3, RelearnMove4); set { RelearnMove1 = value.Move1; RelearnMove2 = value.Move2; RelearnMove3 = value.Move3; RelearnMove4 = value.Move4; } } public override string OT_Name { get => GetOT(Language); set { for (int i = 1; i < (int)LanguageID.ChineseT; i++) SetOT(i, value); } } public string Nickname => GetIsNicknamed(Language) ? GetNickname(Language) : string.Empty; public bool IsNicknamed => false; public int Language => 2; private Span GetNicknameSpan(int language) => Data.AsSpan(GetNicknameOffset(language), 0x1A); public string GetNickname(int language) => StringConverter8.GetString(GetNicknameSpan(language)); public void SetNickname(int language, ReadOnlySpan value) => StringConverter8.SetString(GetNicknameSpan(language), value, 12, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); private Span GetOTSpan(int language) => Data.AsSpan(GetOTOffset(language), 0x1A); public string GetOT(int language) => StringConverter8.GetString(GetOTSpan(language)); public void SetOT(int language, ReadOnlySpan value) => StringConverter8.SetString(GetOTSpan(language), value, 12, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); private static int GetNicknameOffset(int language) { int index = GetLanguageIndex(language); return 0x28 + (index * 0x1C); } private static int GetOTOffset(int language) { int index = GetLanguageIndex(language); return 0x124 + (index * 0x1C); } public bool IsHOMEGift => CardID >= 9000; public bool CanHandleOT(int language) => !GetHasOT(language); public override GameVersion Version { get => OriginGame != 0 ? (GameVersion)OriginGame : GameVersion.PLA; set { } } public bool IsAlpha { get => false; set { } } public override PA8 ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo tr, EncounterCriteria criteria) { if (!IsEntity) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(IsEntity)); int currentLevel = Level > 0 ? Level : 1 + Util.Rand.Next(100); int metLevel = MetLevel > 0 ? MetLevel : currentLevel; var pi = PersonalTable.LA.GetFormEntry(Species, Form); var language = tr.Language; bool hasOT = GetHasOT(language); var pk = new PA8 { EncryptionConstant = EncryptionConstant != 0 ? EncryptionConstant : Util.Rand32(), TID16 = TID16, SID16 = SID16, Species = Species, Form = Form, CurrentLevel = currentLevel, Ball = Ball != 0 ? Ball : (int)Core.Ball.LAPoke, // Default is Pokeball Met_Level = metLevel, HeldItem = HeldItem, EXP = Experience.GetEXP(currentLevel, pi.EXPGrowth), Move1 = Move1, Move2 = Move2, Move3 = Move3, Move4 = Move4, RelearnMove1 = RelearnMove1, RelearnMove2 = RelearnMove2, RelearnMove3 = RelearnMove3, RelearnMove4 = RelearnMove4, Version = OriginGame != 0 ? OriginGame : tr.Game, OT_Name = hasOT ? GetOT(language) : tr.OT, OT_Gender = OTGender < 2 ? OTGender : tr.Gender, HT_Name = hasOT ? tr.OT : string.Empty, HT_Gender = hasOT ? tr.Gender : 0, HT_Language = hasOT ? (byte)language : (byte)0, CurrentHandler = hasOT ? 1 : 0, OT_Friendship = pi.BaseFriendship, OT_Intensity = OT_Intensity, OT_Memory = OT_Memory, OT_TextVar = OT_TextVar, OT_Feeling = OT_Feeling, FatefulEncounter = true, EV_HP = EV_HP, EV_ATK = EV_ATK, EV_DEF = EV_DEF, EV_SPE = EV_SPE, EV_SPA = EV_SPA, EV_SPD = EV_SPD, GV_HP = GV_HP, GV_ATK = GV_ATK, GV_DEF = GV_DEF, GV_SPE = GV_SPE, GV_SPA = GV_SPA, GV_SPD = GV_SPD, //CanGigantamax = CanGigantamax, //DynamaxLevel = DynamaxLevel, Met_Location = MetLocation, Egg_Location = EggLocation, }; pk.SetMaximumPPCurrent(); if ((tr.Generation > Generation && OriginGame == 0) || !CanBeReceivedByVersion(pk.Version, pk)) pk.Version = (int)GameVersion.PLA; if (OTGender >= 2) { pk.TID16 = tr.TID16; pk.SID16 = tr.SID16; } pk.MetDate = IsDateRestricted && EncounterServerDate.WA8Gifts.TryGetValue(CardID, out var dt) ? dt.Start : EncounterDate.GetDateSwitch(); // HOME Gifts for Sinnoh/Hisui starters were forced JPN until May 20, 2022 (UTC). if (CardID is 9018 or 9019 or 9020) pk.Met_Day = 20; var nickname_language = GetLanguage(language); pk.Language = nickname_language != 0 ? nickname_language : tr.Language; pk.IsNicknamed = GetIsNicknamed(language); pk.Nickname = pk.IsNicknamed ? GetNickname(language) : SpeciesName.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(Species, pk.Language, Generation); for (var i = 0; i < RibbonBytesCount; i++) { var ribbon = GetRibbonAtIndex(i); if (ribbon != RibbonByteNone) pk.SetRibbon(ribbon); } SetPINGA(pk, criteria); if (IsEgg) SetEggMetData(pk); pk.CurrentFriendship = pk.IsEgg ? pi.HatchCycles : pi.BaseFriendship; pk.HeightScalar = PokeSizeUtil.GetRandomScalar(); pk.WeightScalar = PokeSizeUtil.GetRandomScalar(); pk.Scale = pk.HeightScalar; pk.ResetHeight(); pk.ResetWeight(); pk.ResetPartyStats(); pk.RefreshChecksum(); return pk; } private void SetEggMetData(PA8 pk) { pk.IsEgg = true; pk.EggMetDate = EncounterDate.GetDateSwitch(); pk.Nickname = SpeciesName.GetEggName(pk.Language, Generation); pk.IsNicknamed = true; } private void SetPINGA(PA8 pk, EncounterCriteria criteria) { var pi = pk.PersonalInfo; pk.Nature = pk.StatNature = (int)criteria.GetNature(Nature == -1 ? Core.Nature.Random : (Nature)Nature); pk.Gender = criteria.GetGender(Gender, pi); var av = GetAbilityIndex(criteria); pk.RefreshAbility(av); SetPID(pk); SetIVs(pk); } private int GetAbilityIndex(EncounterCriteria criteria) => AbilityType switch { 00 or 01 or 02 => AbilityType, // Fixed 0/1/2 03 or 04 => criteria.GetAbilityFromNumber(Ability), // 0/1 or 0/1/H _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(AbilityType)), }; public override AbilityPermission Ability => AbilityType switch { 0 => AbilityPermission.OnlyFirst, 1 => AbilityPermission.OnlySecond, 2 => AbilityPermission.OnlyHidden, 3 => AbilityPermission.Any12, _ => AbilityPermission.Any12H, }; private uint GetPID(ITrainerID32 tr, ShinyType8 type) => type switch { ShinyType8.Never => GetAntishiny(tr), // Random, Never Shiny ShinyType8.Random => Util.Rand32(), // Random, Any ShinyType8.AlwaysStar => (1u ^ (PID & 0xFFFF) ^ tr.TID16 ^ tr.SID16) << 16 | (PID & 0xFFFF), // Fixed, Force Star ShinyType8.AlwaysSquare => (0u ^ (PID & 0xFFFF) ^ tr.TID16 ^ tr.SID16) << 16 | (PID & 0xFFFF), // Fixed, Force Square ShinyType8.FixedValue => GetFixedPID(tr), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type)), }; private uint GetFixedPID(ITrainerID32 tr) { var pid = PID; if (pid != 0 && ID32 != 0) return pid; if (!tr.IsShiny(pid, 8)) return pid; if (IsHOMEGift) return GetAntishinyFixedHOME(tr); return pid; } private static uint GetAntishinyFixedHOME(ITrainerID32 tr) => tr.ID32 ^ 0x10u; private static uint GetAntishiny(ITrainerID32 tr) { var pid = Util.Rand32(); if (tr.IsShiny(pid, 8)) return pid ^ 0x1000_0000; return pid; } private void SetPID(PKM pk) { pk.PID = GetPID(pk, PIDType); } private void SetIVs(PKM pk) { Span finalIVs = stackalloc int[6]; GetIVs(finalIVs); var ivflag = finalIVs.Find(static iv => (byte)(iv - 0xFC) < 3); var rng = Util.Rand; if (ivflag == default) // Random IVs { for (int i = 0; i < finalIVs.Length; i++) { if (finalIVs[i] > 31) finalIVs[i] = rng.Next(32); } } else // 1/2/3 perfect IVs { int IVCount = ivflag - 0xFB; do { finalIVs[rng.Next(6)] = 31; } while (finalIVs.Count(31) < IVCount); for (int i = 0; i < finalIVs.Length; i++) { if (finalIVs[i] != 31) finalIVs[i] = rng.Next(32); } } pk.SetIVs(finalIVs); } public override bool IsMatchExact(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo) { if (!IsEgg) { if (OTGender < 2) { if (SID16 != pk.SID16) return false; if (TID16 != pk.TID16) return false; if (OTGender != pk.OT_Gender) return false; } if (!CanBeAnyLanguage() && !CanHaveLanguage(pk.Language)) return false; var OT = GetOT(pk.Language); // May not be guaranteed to work. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OT) && OT != pk.OT_Name) return false; if (OriginGame != 0 && OriginGame != pk.Version) { if (OriginGame is (int)GameVersion.PLA && !(pk.Version is (int)GameVersion.SW && pk.Met_Location == LocationsHOME.SWLA)) return false; } if (EncryptionConstant != 0) { if (EncryptionConstant != pk.EncryptionConstant) return false; } } if (Form != evo.Form && !FormInfo.IsFormChangeable(Species, Form, pk.Form, Context, pk.Context)) return false; // Never Egg { if (!Shiny.IsValid(pk)) return false; if (!IsMatchEggLocation(pk)) return false; if (pk is PK8) { if (pk.Met_Location != LocationsHOME.SWLA) return false; } else { if (MetLocation != pk.Met_Location) return false; } } if (MetLevel != 0 && MetLevel != pk.Met_Level) return false; if (OTGender < 2 && OTGender != pk.OT_Gender) return false; if (Nature != -1 && pk.Nature != Nature) return false; if (Gender != 3 && Gender != pk.Gender) return false; const int poke = (int)Core.Ball.LAPoke; var expectedBall = Ball == 0 ? poke : Ball; if (expectedBall < poke) // Not even Cherish balls are safe! They get set to the proto-Poké ball. expectedBall = poke; if (pk is PK8) expectedBall = (int)Core.Ball.Poke; // Transferred to SW/SH -> Regular Poké ball if (expectedBall != pk.Ball) return false; if (pk is IDynamaxLevel dl && dl.DynamaxLevel < DynamaxLevel) return false; if (pk is IGanbaru b && b.IsGanbaruValuesBelow(this)) return false; // PID Types 0 and 1 do not use the fixed PID value. // Values 2,3 are specific shiny states, and 4 is fixed value. // 2,3,4 can change if it is a traded egg to ensure the same shiny state. var type = PIDType; if (type is ShinyType8.Never or ShinyType8.Random) return true; return pk.PID == GetPID(pk, type); } protected override bool IsMatchDeferred(PKM pk) => false; protected override bool IsMatchPartial(PKM pk) => false; // no version compatibility checks yet. #region Lazy Ribbon Implementation public bool RibbonEarth { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Earth); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Earth, value); } public bool RibbonNational { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(National); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(National, value); } public bool RibbonCountry { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Country); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Country, value); } public bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionBattle); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionBattle, value); } public bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionRegional); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionRegional, value); } public bool RibbonChampionNational { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionNational); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionNational, value); } public bool RibbonClassic { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Classic); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Classic, value); } public bool RibbonWishing { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Wishing); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Wishing, value); } public bool RibbonPremier { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Premier); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Premier, value); } public bool RibbonEvent { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Event); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Event, value); } public bool RibbonBirthday { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Birthday); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Birthday, value); } public bool RibbonSpecial { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Special); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Special, value); } public bool RibbonWorld { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(World); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(World, value); } public bool RibbonChampionWorld { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionWorld); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionWorld, value); } public bool RibbonSouvenir { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Souvenir); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Souvenir, value); } public bool RibbonChampionG3 { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionG3); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionG3, value); } public bool RibbonArtist { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Artist); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Artist, value); } public bool RibbonEffort { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Effort); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Effort, value); } public bool RibbonChampionSinnoh { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionSinnoh); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionSinnoh, value); } public bool RibbonAlert { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Alert); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Alert, value); } public bool RibbonShock { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Shock); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Shock, value); } public bool RibbonDowncast { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Downcast); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Downcast, value); } public bool RibbonCareless { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Careless); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Careless, value); } public bool RibbonRelax { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Relax); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Relax, value); } public bool RibbonSnooze { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Snooze); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Snooze, value); } public bool RibbonSmile { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Smile); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Smile, value); } public bool RibbonGorgeous { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Gorgeous); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Gorgeous, value); } public bool RibbonRoyal { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Royal); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Royal, value); } public bool RibbonGorgeousRoyal { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(GorgeousRoyal); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(GorgeousRoyal, value); } public bool RibbonFootprint { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Footprint); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Footprint, value); } public bool RibbonRecord { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Record); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Record, value); } public bool RibbonLegend { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Legend); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Legend, value); } public bool RibbonChampionKalos { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionKalos); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionKalos, value); } public bool RibbonChampionG6Hoenn { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionG6Hoenn); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionG6Hoenn, value); } public bool RibbonBestFriends { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(BestFriends); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(BestFriends, value); } public bool RibbonTraining { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Training); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Training, value); } public bool RibbonBattlerSkillful { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(BattlerSkillful); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(BattlerSkillful, value); } public bool RibbonBattlerExpert { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(BattlerExpert); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(BattlerExpert, value); } public bool RibbonContestStar { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ContestStar); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ContestStar, value); } public bool RibbonMasterCoolness { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MasterCoolness); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MasterCoolness, value); } public bool RibbonMasterBeauty { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MasterBeauty); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MasterBeauty, value); } public bool RibbonMasterCuteness { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MasterCuteness); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MasterCuteness, value); } public bool RibbonMasterCleverness { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MasterCleverness); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MasterCleverness, value); } public bool RibbonMasterToughness { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MasterToughness); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MasterToughness, value); } public bool RibbonChampionAlola { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionAlola); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionAlola, value); } public bool RibbonBattleRoyale { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(BattleRoyale); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(BattleRoyale, value); } public bool RibbonBattleTreeGreat { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(BattleTreeGreat); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(BattleTreeGreat, value); } public bool RibbonBattleTreeMaster { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(BattleTreeMaster); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(BattleTreeMaster, value); } public bool RibbonChampionGalar { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(ChampionGalar); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(ChampionGalar, value); } public bool RibbonTowerMaster { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(TowerMaster); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(TowerMaster, value); } public bool RibbonMasterRank { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MasterRank); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MasterRank, value); } public bool RibbonMarkLunchtime { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkLunchtime); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkLunchtime, value); } public bool RibbonMarkSleepyTime { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkSleepyTime); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkSleepyTime, value); } public bool RibbonMarkDusk { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkDusk); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkDusk, value); } public bool RibbonMarkDawn { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkDawn); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkDawn, value); } public bool RibbonMarkCloudy { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkCloudy); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkCloudy, value); } public bool RibbonMarkRainy { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkRainy); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkRainy, value); } public bool RibbonMarkStormy { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkStormy); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkStormy, value); } public bool RibbonMarkSnowy { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkSnowy); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkSnowy, value); } public bool RibbonMarkBlizzard { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkBlizzard); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkBlizzard, value); } public bool RibbonMarkDry { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkDry); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkDry, value); } public bool RibbonMarkSandstorm { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkSandstorm); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkSandstorm, value); } public bool RibbonMarkMisty { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkMisty); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkMisty, value); } public bool RibbonMarkDestiny { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkDestiny); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkDestiny, value); } public bool RibbonMarkFishing { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkFishing); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkFishing, value); } public bool RibbonMarkCurry { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkCurry); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkCurry, value); } public bool RibbonMarkUncommon { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkUncommon); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkUncommon, value); } public bool RibbonMarkRare { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkRare); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkRare, value); } public bool RibbonMarkRowdy { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkRowdy); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkRowdy, value); } public bool RibbonMarkAbsentMinded { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkAbsentMinded); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkAbsentMinded, value); } public bool RibbonMarkJittery { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkJittery); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkJittery, value); } public bool RibbonMarkExcited { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkExcited); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkExcited, value); } public bool RibbonMarkCharismatic { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkCharismatic); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkCharismatic, value); } public bool RibbonMarkCalmness { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkCalmness); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkCalmness, value); } public bool RibbonMarkIntense { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkIntense); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkIntense, value); } public bool RibbonMarkZonedOut { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkZonedOut); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkZonedOut, value); } public bool RibbonMarkJoyful { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkJoyful); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkJoyful, value); } public bool RibbonMarkAngry { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkAngry); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkAngry, value); } public bool RibbonMarkSmiley { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkSmiley); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkSmiley, value); } public bool RibbonMarkTeary { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkTeary); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkTeary, value); } public bool RibbonMarkUpbeat { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkUpbeat); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkUpbeat, value); } public bool RibbonMarkPeeved { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkPeeved); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkPeeved, value); } public bool RibbonMarkIntellectual { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkIntellectual); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkIntellectual, value); } public bool RibbonMarkFerocious { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkFerocious); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkFerocious, value); } public bool RibbonMarkCrafty { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkCrafty); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkCrafty, value); } public bool RibbonMarkScowling { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkScowling); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkScowling, value); } public bool RibbonMarkKindly { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkKindly); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkKindly, value); } public bool RibbonMarkFlustered { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkFlustered); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkFlustered, value); } public bool RibbonMarkPumpedUp { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkPumpedUp); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkPumpedUp, value); } public bool RibbonMarkZeroEnergy { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkZeroEnergy); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkZeroEnergy, value); } public bool RibbonMarkPrideful { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkPrideful); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkPrideful, value); } public bool RibbonMarkUnsure { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkUnsure); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkUnsure, value); } public bool RibbonMarkHumble { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkHumble); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkHumble, value); } public bool RibbonMarkThorny { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkThorny); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkThorny, value); } public bool RibbonMarkVigor { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkVigor); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkVigor, value); } public bool RibbonMarkSlump { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(MarkSlump); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(MarkSlump, value); } public bool RibbonTwinklingStar { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(TwinklingStar); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(TwinklingStar, value); } public bool RibbonHisui { get => this.GetRibbonIndex(Hisui); set => this.SetRibbonIndex(Hisui, value); } public int GetRibbonByte(int index) => Array.IndexOf(Data, (byte)index, RibbonBytesOffset, RibbonBytesCount); public bool GetRibbon(int index) => GetRibbonByte(index) >= 0; public void SetRibbon(int index, bool value = true) { if ((uint)index > (uint)MarkSlump) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); if (value) { if (GetRibbon(index)) return; var openIndex = Array.IndexOf(Data, RibbonByteNone, RibbonBytesOffset, RibbonBytesCount); if (openIndex == -1) // Full? throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); SetRibbonAtIndex(openIndex, (byte)index); } else { var ofs = GetRibbonByte(index); if (ofs < 0) return; SetRibbonAtIndex(ofs, RibbonByteNone); } } #endregion }