using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// Contains extension logic for modifying data.
public static class CommonEdits
public static bool ShowdownSetIVMarkings { get; set; } = true;
/// Sets the to the provided value.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// to set. If no nickname is provided, the is set to the default value for its current language and format.
public static void SetNickname(this PKM pk, string nick = null)
if (nick != null)
pk.IsNicknamed = true;
pk.Nickname = nick;
pk.IsNicknamed = false;
pk.Nickname = PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(pk.Species, pk.Language, pk.Format);
if (pk is PK1 pk1) pk1.SetNotNicknamed();
if (pk is PK2 pk2) pk2.SetNotNicknamed();
/// Sets the value, with special consideration for values which derive the value.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired value to set.
public static void SetAltForm(this PKM pk, int form)
switch (pk.Format)
case 2:
while (pk.AltForm != form)
case 3:
pk.AltForm = form;
/// Sets the value by sanity checking the provided against the possible pool of abilities.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired to set.
public static void SetAbility(this PKM pk, int abil)
var abilities = pk.PersonalInfo.Abilities;
int abilIndex = Array.IndexOf(abilities, abil);
abilIndex = Math.Max(0, abilIndex);
if (pk is PK5 pk5 && abilIndex == 2)
pk5.HiddenAbility = true;
else if (pk.Format <= 5)
pk.PID = PKX.GetRandomPID(pk.Species, pk.Gender, pk.Version, pk.Nature, pk.Format, (uint)(abilIndex * 0x10001));
/// Sets a Random value. The is not updated if the value should match the instead.
/// Pokémon to modify.
public static void SetRandomEC(this PKM pk)
int gen = pk.GenNumber;
if (gen < 6 && gen > 2)
pk.EncryptionConstant = pk.PID;
pk.EncryptionConstant = Util.Rand32();
/// Sets the derived value.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired state to set.
public static bool SetIsShiny(this PKM pk, bool shiny) => shiny ? pk.SetShiny() : pk.SetUnshiny();
/// Makes a shiny.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Returns if the data was modified.
public static bool SetShiny(this PKM pk)
if (pk.IsShiny)
return false;
if (pk.Format > 2)
return true;
/// Makes a not-shiny.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Returns if the data was modified.
public static bool SetUnshiny(this PKM pk)
if (!pk.IsShiny)
return false;
return true;
/// Sets the value, with special consideration for the values which derive the value.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired value to set.
public static void SetNature(this PKM pk, int nature)
if (pk.Format <= 4)
pk.SetPIDNature(Math.Max(0, nature));
pk.Nature = Math.Max(0, nature);
/// Sets the value, with special consideration for the values which derive the value.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired value to set.
public static void SetNature(this PKM pk, Nature nature) => pk.SetNature((int) nature);
/// Sets the individual PP Up count values depending if a Move is present in the moveslot or not.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// to use (if already known). Will fetch the current if not provided.
public static void SetPPUps(this PKM pk, int[] Moves = null)
if (Moves == null)
Moves = pk.Moves;
pk.Move1_PP = pk.GetMovePP(Moves[0], pk.Move1_PPUps = GetPPUpCount(Moves[0]));
pk.Move2_PP = pk.GetMovePP(Moves[1], pk.Move2_PPUps = GetPPUpCount(Moves[1]));
pk.Move3_PP = pk.GetMovePP(Moves[2], pk.Move3_PPUps = GetPPUpCount(Moves[2]));
pk.Move4_PP = pk.GetMovePP(Moves[3], pk.Move4_PPUps = GetPPUpCount(Moves[3]));
int GetPPUpCount(int moveID) => moveID > 0 ? 3 : 0;
/// Sets the value, with special consideration for the values which derive the value.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired value to set.
public static void SetGender(this PKM pk, string gender)
if (gender == null)
int cg = pk.Gender;
int sane = pk.GetSaneGender(cg);
if (cg != sane)
pk.Gender = sane;
int Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(gender);
/// Sets the value, with special consideration for the values which derive the value.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired value to set.
public static void SetGender(this PKM pk, int gender)
gender = Math.Min(2, Math.Max(0, gender));
if (pk.Format <= 2)
else if (pk.Format <= 4)
pk.Gender = gender;
/// Sets to valid values which may best enhance the stats.
/// to use (if already known). Will fetch the current if not provided.
public static void SetSuggestedHyperTrainingData(this PKM pkm, int[] IVs = null)
if (pkm.Format < 7)
if (pkm.CurrentLevel < 100)
pkm.HyperTrainFlags = 0;
if (IVs == null)
IVs = pkm.IVs;
pkm.HT_HP = IVs[0] != 31;
pkm.HT_ATK = IVs[1] != 31 && IVs[1] > 2;
pkm.HT_DEF = IVs[2] != 31;
pkm.HT_SPE = IVs[3] != 31 && IVs[3] > 2;
pkm.HT_SPA = IVs[4] != 31;
pkm.HT_SPD = IVs[5] != 31;
/// Fetches based on the provided .
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// which contains parsed information pertaining to legality.
/// best suited for the current data.
public static int[] GetSuggestedRelearnMoves(this PKM pk, LegalityAnalysis legal)
int[] m = legal.GetSuggestedRelearn();
if (!m.All(z => z == 0))
return m;
if (pk.WasEgg || pk.WasEvent || pk.WasEventEgg || pk.WasLink)
return m;
var encounter = legal.GetSuggestedMetInfo();
if (encounter != null)
m = encounter.Relearn;
return m;
/// Sanity checks the provided value, and returns a sane value.
/// Current preference
/// Most-legal value
public static int GetSaneGender(this PKM pkm, int cg)
int gt = pkm.PersonalInfo.Gender;
switch (gt)
case 255: return 2; // Genderless
case 254: return 1; // Female-Only
case 0: return 0; // Male-Only
if (cg == 2 || pkm.GenNumber < 6)
return (byte)pkm.PID <= gt ? 1 : 0;
return cg;
/// Copies details to the .
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// details to copy from.
public static void ApplySetDetails(this PKM pk, ShowdownSet Set)
pk.Species = Set.Species;
pk.Moves = Set.Moves;
pk.HeldItem = Set.HeldItem < 0 ? 0 : Set.HeldItem;
pk.CurrentLevel = Set.Level;
pk.CurrentFriendship = Set.Friendship;
pk.IVs = Set.IVs;
pk.EVs = Set.EVs;
if (ShowdownSetIVMarkings)
var legal = new LegalityAnalysis(pk);
if (legal.Info.Relearn.Any(z => !z.Valid))
pk.RelearnMoves = pk.GetSuggestedRelearnMoves(legal);
/// Sets all Memory related data to the default value (zero).
/// Pokémon to modify.
public static void ClearMemories(this PKM pk)
pk.OT_Memory = pk.OT_Affection = pk.OT_Feeling = pk.OT_Intensity = pk.OT_TextVar =
pk.HT_Memory = pk.HT_Affection = pk.HT_Feeling = pk.HT_Intensity = pk.HT_TextVar = 0;
/// Sets the to indicate flawless (or near-flawless) .
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// to use (if already known). Will fetch the current if not provided.
public static void SetMarkings(this PKM pk, int[] IVs = null)
if (pk.Format <= 3)
return; // no markings (gen3 only has 4; can't mark stats intelligently
if (IVs == null)
IVs = pk.IVs;
pk.Markings = IVs.Select(MarkingMethod(pk)).ToArray();
public static Func> MarkingMethod { get; set; } = FlagHighLow;
private static Func FlagHighLow(PKM pk)
if (pk.Format < 7)
return GetSimpleMarking;
return GetComplexMarking;
int GetSimpleMarking(int val, int index) => val == 31 ? 1 : 0;
int GetComplexMarking(int val, int index)
if (val == 31 || val == 1)
return 1;
if (val == 30 || val == 0)
return 2;
return 0;
/// Sets one of the based on its index within the array.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Index to set to
/// Value to set
public static void SetEV(this PKM pk, int index, int value)
switch (index)
case 0: pk.EV_HP = value; break;
case 1: pk.EV_ATK = value; break;
case 2: pk.EV_DEF = value; break;
case 3: pk.EV_SPE = value; break;
case 4: pk.EV_SPA = value; break;
case 5: pk.EV_SPD = value; break;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
/// Sets one of the based on its index within the array.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Index to set to
/// Value to set
public static void SetIV(this PKM pk, int index, int value)
switch (index)
case 0: pk.IV_HP = value; break;
case 1: pk.IV_ATK = value; break;
case 2: pk.IV_DEF = value; break;
case 3: pk.IV_SPE = value; break;
case 4: pk.IV_SPA = value; break;
case 5: pk.IV_SPD = value; break;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
/// Updates the for a Generation 1/2 format .
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired .
public static void SetATKIVGender(this PKM pk, int gender)
do { pk.IV_ATK = (int)(Util.Rand32() & pk.MaxIV); }
while (pk.Gender != gender);
/// Fetches the highest value the provided index can be while considering others.
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Index to fetch for
/// Highest value the value can be.
public static int GetMaximumEV(this PKM pk, int index)
if (pk.Format < 3)
return ushort.MaxValue;
var EVs = pk.EVs;
EVs[index] = 0;
var sum = EVs.Sum();
int remaining = 510 - sum;
var newEV = Math.Min(Math.Max(remaining, 0), 252);
return newEV;
/// Fetches the highest value the provided .
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Index to fetch for
/// Causes the returned value to be dropped down -1 if the value is already at a maxmimum.
/// Highest value the value can be.
public static int GetMaximumIV(this PKM pk, int index, bool Allow30 = false)
if (pk.IVs[index] == pk.MaxIV && Allow30)
return pk.MaxIV - 1;
return pk.MaxIV;
/// Sets the to match a provided .
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired Hidden Power typing.
public static void SetHiddenPower(this PKM pk, int hptype)
var IVs = pk.IVs;
HiddenPower.SetIVsForType(hptype, pk.IVs);
pk.IVs = IVs;
/// Sets the to match a provided .
/// Pokémon to modify.
/// Desired Hidden Power typing.
public static void SetHiddenPower(this PKM pk, MoveType hptype) => pk.SetHiddenPower((int) hptype);