using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core; public sealed class LegalMoveComboSource : ILegalMoveDisplaySource { private readonly bool[] IsMoveBoxOrdered = new bool[4]; private ComboItem[] MoveDataAllowed = Array.Empty(); public IReadOnlyList DataSource => (ComboItem[])MoveDataAllowed.Clone(); /// /// Resets the data source with an updated collection. /// public void ReloadMoves(IReadOnlyList moves) { MoveDataAllowed = moves.ToArray(); ClearUpdateCheck(); } public bool GetIsMoveBoxOrdered(int index) => IsMoveBoxOrdered[index]; public void SetIsMoveBoxOrdered(int index, bool value) => IsMoveBoxOrdered[index] = value; public void ReloadMoves(LegalMoveInfo info) { ClearUpdateCheck(); SortMoves(info); } private void SortMoves(LegalMoveInfo info) => Array.Sort(MoveDataAllowed, (i1, i2) => Compare(i1, i2, info.CanLearn)); // defer re-population until dropdown is opened; handled by dropdown event private void ClearUpdateCheck() => Array.Clear(IsMoveBoxOrdered, 0, IsMoveBoxOrdered.Length); private static int Compare(ComboItem i1, ComboItem i2, Func check) { // split into 2 groups: Allowed & Not, and sort each sublist var (strA, value1) = i1; var (strB, value2) = i2; var c1 = check(value1); var c2 = check(value2); if (c1) return c2 ? string.CompareOrdinal(strA, strB) : -1; return c2 ? 1 : string.CompareOrdinal(strA, strB); } }