using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX { public partial class LegalityAnalysis { private readonly PK6 pk6; private object EncounterMatch; private List CardMatch; private Type EncounterType; private LegalityCheck ECPID, Nickname, IDs, IVs, EVs, Encounter, Level, Ribbons, Ability, Ball, History, OTMemory, HTMemory, Region, Form, Misc; private LegalityCheck[] Checks => new[] { Encounter, Level, Form, Ball, Ability, Ribbons, ECPID, Nickname, IVs, EVs, IDs, History, OTMemory, HTMemory, Region, Misc }; public bool Valid = true; public bool SecondaryChecked; public int[] RelearnBase; public LegalityCheck[] vMoves = new LegalityCheck[4]; public LegalityCheck[] vRelearn = new LegalityCheck[4]; public string Report => getLegalityReport(); public string VerboseReport => getVerboseLegalityReport(); public LegalityAnalysis(PKM pk) { if (!(pk is PK6)) return; pk6 = pk as PK6; try { updateRelearnLegality(); updateMoveLegality(); updateChecks(); getLegalityReport(); } catch { Valid = false; } } public void updateRelearnLegality() { try { vRelearn = verifyRelearn(); } catch { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) vRelearn[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Internal error."); } SecondaryChecked = false; } public void updateMoveLegality() { try { vMoves = verifyMoves(); } catch { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) vMoves[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Internal error."); } SecondaryChecked = false; } private void updateChecks() { Encounter = verifyEncounter(); EncounterType = EncounterMatch?.GetType(); ECPID = verifyECPID(); Nickname = verifyNickname(); IDs = verifyID(); IVs = verifyIVs(); EVs = verifyEVs(); Level = verifyLevel(); Ribbons = verifyRibbons(); Ability = verifyAbility(); Ball = verifyBall(); History = verifyHistory(); OTMemory = verifyOTMemory(); HTMemory = verifyHTMemory(); Region = verifyRegion(); Form = verifyForm(); Misc = verifyMisc(); SecondaryChecked = true; } private string getLegalityReport() { if (pk6 == null || !pk6.Gen6) return "Analysis only available for Pokémon that originate from X/Y & OR/AS."; var chks = Checks; string r = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (!vMoves[i].Valid) r += $"{vMoves[i].Judgement} Move {i + 1}: {vMoves[i].Comment}" + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (!vRelearn[i].Valid) r += $"{vRelearn[i].Judgement} Relearn Move {i + 1}: {vRelearn[i].Comment}" + Environment.NewLine; if (r.Length == 0 && chks.All(chk => chk.Valid)) return "Legal!"; Valid = false; // Build result string... r += chks.Where(chk => !chk.Valid).Aggregate("", (current, chk) => current + $"{chk.Judgement}: {chk.Comment}{Environment.NewLine}"); return r.TrimEnd(); } private string getVerboseLegalityReport() { string r = getLegalityReport() + Environment.NewLine; if (pk6 == null) return r; r += "===" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; int rl = r.Length; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (vMoves[i].Valid) r += $"{vMoves[i].Judgement} Move {i + 1}: {vMoves[i].Comment}" + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (vRelearn[i].Valid) r += $"{vRelearn[i].Judgement} Relearn Move {i + 1}: {vRelearn[i].Comment}" + Environment.NewLine; if (rl != r.Length) // move info added, break for next section r += Environment.NewLine; var chks = Checks; r += chks.Where(chk => chk != null && chk.Valid && chk.Comment != "Valid").OrderBy(chk => chk.Judgement) // Fishy sorted to top .Aggregate("", (current, chk) => current + $"{chk.Judgement}: {chk.Comment}{Environment.NewLine}"); return r.TrimEnd(); } public int[] getSuggestedRelearn() { if (RelearnBase == null) return new int[4]; if (!pk6.WasEgg) return RelearnBase; List window = new List(RelearnBase); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (!vMoves[i].Valid || vMoves[i].Flag) window.Add(pk6.Moves[i]); if (window.Count < 4) window.AddRange(new int[4 - window.Count]); return window.Skip(window.Count - 4).Take(4).ToArray(); } } }