using System; using System.Text; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Stores parsed data about how a move was learned. /// /// Info about the game it was learned in. /// Evolution stage index within the evolution list it existed in. /// Rough indicator of generation the was. /// Optional value used when the move is not legal, to indicate that another move ID should have been in that move slot instead. public readonly record struct MoveResult(MoveLearnInfo Info, byte EvoStage = 0, byte Generation = 0, short Expect = 0) { public bool IsParsed => this != default; public bool Valid => Info.Method.IsValid(); internal MoveResult(LearnMethod method, LearnEnvironment game = 0) : this(new MoveLearnInfo(method, game), Generation: game.GetGeneration()) { } public string Summary(ISpeciesForm current, EvolutionHistory history) { var sb = new StringBuilder(48); Info.Summarize(sb); if (Info.Method.HasExpectedMove()) { var name = ParseSettings.MoveStrings[Expect]; var str = LegalityCheckStrings.LMoveFExpectSingle_0; sb.Append(' ').AppendFormat(str, name); return sb.ToString(); } var detail = GetDetail(history); if (detail.Species == 0) return sb.ToString(); if (detail.Species == current.Species && detail.Form == current.Form) return sb.ToString(); sb.Append(' ').Append(ParseSettings.SpeciesStrings[detail.Species]); if (detail.Form != current.Form) sb.Append('-').Append(detail.Form); return sb.ToString(); } private EvoCriteria GetDetail(EvolutionHistory history) { var evos = Info.Environment.GetEvolutions(history); var stage = EvoStage; if (stage >= evos.Length) return default; return evos[stage]; } /// Checks if the Move should be present in a Relearn move pool (assuming Gen6+ origins). /// Invalid moves that can't be validated should be here, hence the inclusion. public bool ShouldBeInRelearnMoves() => IsRelearn || !Valid; public bool IsRelearn => Info.Method.IsRelearn(); public Severity Judgement => Valid ? Severity.Valid : Severity.Invalid; public string Rating => Judgement.Description(); public string Format(string format, int index, PKM pk, EvolutionHistory history) => string.Format(format, Rating, index, Summary(pk, history)); public static readonly MoveResult Initial = new(LearnMethod.Initial); public static readonly MoveResult Relearn = new(LearnMethod.Relearn); public static readonly MoveResult Empty = new(LearnMethod.Empty); public static readonly MoveResult Duplicate = new(LearnMethod.Duplicate); public static readonly MoveResult EmptyInvalid = new(LearnMethod.EmptyInvalid); public static readonly MoveResult Sketch = new(LearnMethod.Sketch); public static MoveResult Unobtainable(int expect) => new(LearnMethod.UnobtainableExpect) { Expect = (short)expect }; public static MoveResult Unobtainable() => new(LearnMethod.Unobtainable); public static bool AllValid(ReadOnlySpan span) { foreach (var result in span) { if (!result.Valid) return false; } return true; } public static bool AllParsed(ReadOnlySpan span) { foreach (var result in span) { if (!result.IsParsed) return false; } return true; } }