using System; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Group that checks the source of a move in . /// public sealed class LearnGroup5 : ILearnGroup { public static readonly LearnGroup5 Instance = new(); private const int Generation = 5; public ILearnGroup? GetPrevious(PKM pk, EvolutionHistory history, IEncounterTemplate enc, LearnOption option) => enc.Generation is Generation ? null : LearnGroup4.Instance; public bool HasVisited(PKM pk, EvolutionHistory history) => history.HasVisitedGen5; public bool Check(Span result, ReadOnlySpan current, PKM pk, EvolutionHistory history, IEncounterTemplate enc, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All, LearnOption option = LearnOption.Current) { var evos = history.Gen5; for (var i = 0; i < evos.Length; i++) Check(result, current, pk, evos[i], i, types, option); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Encounter) && enc is EncounterEgg { Generation: Generation } egg) CheckEncounterMoves(result, current, egg); return MoveResult.AllParsed(result); } private static void CheckEncounterMoves(Span result, ReadOnlySpan current, EncounterEgg egg) { ReadOnlySpan eggMoves, levelMoves; if (egg.Version > GameVersion.B) // B2/W2 { var inst = LearnSource5B2W2.Instance; eggMoves = inst.GetEggMoves(egg.Species, egg.Form); levelMoves = egg.CanInheritMoves ? inst.GetLearnset(egg.Species, egg.Form).Moves : ReadOnlySpan.Empty; } else { var inst = LearnSource5BW.Instance; eggMoves = inst.GetEggMoves(egg.Species, egg.Form); levelMoves = egg.CanInheritMoves ? inst.GetLearnset(egg.Species, egg.Form).Moves : ReadOnlySpan.Empty; } for (var i = result.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (result[i].Valid) continue; var move = current[i]; if (eggMoves.Contains(move)) result[i] = new(LearnMethod.EggMove); else if (levelMoves.Contains(move)) result[i] = new(LearnMethod.InheritLevelUp); else if (move is (int)Move.VoltTackle && egg.CanHaveVoltTackle) result[i] = new(LearnMethod.SpecialEgg); } } private static void Check(Span result, ReadOnlySpan current, PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo, int stage, MoveSourceType types, LearnOption option) { if (evo.Species is not ((int)Species.Deoxys or (int)Species.Giratina or (int)Species.Shaymin)) { CheckInternal(result, current, pk, evo, stage, types, option); return; } // Check all forms var inst = LearnSource5B2W2.Instance; if (!inst.TryGetPersonal(evo.Species, evo.Form, out var pi)) return; var fc = pi.FormCount; for (int i = 0; i < fc; i++) CheckInternal(result, current, pk, evo with {Form = (byte)i}, stage, types, option); } private static void CheckInternal(Span result, ReadOnlySpan current, PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo, int stage, MoveSourceType types, LearnOption option) { var b2w2 = LearnSource5B2W2.Instance; var species = evo.Species; if (!b2w2.TryGetPersonal(species, evo.Form, out var b2w2_pi)) return; // Some forms don't exist in B/W (Kyurem) var bw = LearnSource5BW.Instance; _ = bw.TryGetPersonal(species, evo.Form, out var bw_pi); for (int i = result.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (result[i].Valid) continue; // Level Up moves are different for each game, but others (TM/Tutor) are same. var move = current[i]; var chk = b2w2.GetCanLearn(pk, b2w2_pi, evo, move, types, option); if (chk != default) result[i] = new(chk, (byte)stage, Generation); if (bw_pi is null) continue; // B2/W2 is the same besides some level up moves. chk = LearnSource5BW.Instance.GetCanLearn(pk, bw_pi, evo, move, types & MoveSourceType.LevelUp, option); if (chk != default) result[i] = new(chk, (byte)stage, Generation); } } public void GetAllMoves(Span result, PKM pk, EvolutionHistory history, IEncounterTemplate enc, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All, LearnOption option = LearnOption.Current) { if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Encounter) && enc.Generation == Generation) FlagEncounterMoves(enc, result); foreach (var evo in history.Gen5) GetAllMoves(result, pk, evo, types); } private static void GetAllMoves(Span result, PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo, MoveSourceType types) { if (evo.Species is not ((int)Species.Deoxys or (int)Species.Giratina or (int)Species.Shaymin)) { LearnSource5B2W2.Instance.GetAllMoves(result, pk, evo, types); LearnSource5BW.Instance.GetAllMoves(result, pk, evo, types & MoveSourceType.LevelUp); return; } // Check all forms var inst = LearnSource5B2W2.Instance; if (!inst.TryGetPersonal(evo.Species, evo.Form, out var pi)) return; // Above species have same level up moves on BW & B2/W2; just check B2/W2. var fc = pi.FormCount; for (int i = 0; i < fc; i++) LearnSource5B2W2.Instance.GetAllMoves(result, pk, evo with { Form = (byte)i }, types); } private static void FlagEncounterMoves(IEncounterTemplate enc, Span result) { if (enc is IMoveset { Moves: int[] { Length: not 0 } x }) { foreach (var move in x) result[move] = true; } } }