using System.Collections.Generic; namespace PKHeX.Core; // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local #pragma warning disable IDE0051 // Remove unused private members #pragma warning disable RCS1213 // Remove unused member declaration. public sealed class SaveBlockAccessor8LA : SCBlockAccessor, ISaveBlock8LA { public override IReadOnlyList BlockInfo { get; } public Party8a PartyInfo { get; } public Box8 BoxInfo { get; } public MyStatus8a MyStatus { get; } public PokedexSave8a PokedexSave { get; } public BoxLayout8a BoxLayout { get; } public MyItem8a Items { get; } public AdventureStart8a AdventureStart { get; } public Coordinates8a Coordinates { get; } public LastSaved8a LastSaved { get; } public PlayerFashion8a FashionPlayer { get; } public PlayTime8a Played { get; } public SaveBlockAccessor8LA(SAV8LA sav) { BlockInfo = sav.AllBlocks; BoxInfo = new Box8(sav, GetBlock(KBox)); PokedexSave = new PokedexSave8a(sav, GetBlock(KZukan)); BoxLayout = new BoxLayout8a(sav, GetBlock(KBoxLayout)); PartyInfo = new Party8a(sav, GetBlock(KParty)); MyStatus = new MyStatus8a(sav, GetBlock(KMyStatus)); Items = new MyItem8a(sav, GetBlock(KItemRegular)); AdventureStart = new AdventureStart8a(sav, GetBlock(KAdventureStart)); LastSaved = new LastSaved8a(sav, GetBlock(KLastSaved)); Played = new PlayTime8a(sav, GetBlock(KPlayTime)); Coordinates = new Coordinates8a(sav, GetBlock(KCoordinates)); FashionPlayer = new PlayerFashion8a(sav, GetBlock(KFashionPlayer)); // Misc = new Misc8(sav, GetBlock(KMisc)); // TrainerCard = new TrainerCard8(sav, GetBlock(KTrainerCard)); // Fashion = new FashionUnlock8(sav, GetBlock(KFashionUnlock)); } // Arrays (Blocks) private const uint KBoxLayout = 0x19722c89; // Box Names public const uint KBoxWallpapersUnused = 0x2EB1B190; // Box Wallpapers public const uint KItemFavorite = 0x00EF4BAE; // Favorite Item ID bitflags // Objects (Blocks) private const uint KBox = 0x47E1CEAB; // Box Data public const uint KItemRegular = 0x9FE2790A; public const uint KItemKey = 0x59A4D0C3; public const uint KItemStored = 0x8E434F0D; public const uint KItemRecipe = 0xF5D9F4A5; private const uint KMysteryGift = 0x99E1625E; private const uint KZukan = 0x02168706; private const uint KAdventureStart = 0xAEE903A2; // Save File Started private const uint KParty = 0x2985fe5d; // Party Data private const uint KPlayTime = 0xC4FA7C8C; // Time Played private const uint KMyStatus = 0xf25c070e; // Trainer Details private const uint KLastSaved = 0x1B1E3D8B; // Last Saved private const uint KCoordinates = 0x267DD9DA; // Coordinates private const uint KFashionPlayer = 0x6B35BADB; // Player's Current Fashion private const uint KFashionUnlockedHat = 0x3ADB8A98; private const uint KFashionUnlockedTop = 0x82D57F17; private const uint KFashionUnlockedBottoms = 0x11B37EC9; private const uint KFashionUnlockedOverall = 0x45851092; private const uint KFashionUnlockedShoes = 0x636A5ABD; private const uint KFashionUnlockedGlasses = 0x58AB6233; private const uint KSwarm = 0x1E0F1BA3; // 5 entries, 0x50 each private const uint KCaptureRecords = 0x6506EE96; // 1000 entries, 0x1C each private const uint KOverworld = 0x511622B3; // 0x100 entries, 0x880 each private const uint KOtherPlayerSatchels = 0x05E7EBEB; private const uint KMyLostSatchels = 0xC5D7112B; // Values public const uint KCurrentBox = 0x017C3CBB; // U8 Box Index public const uint KBoxesUnlocked = 0x71825204; // U8 private const uint KVolumeBGM = 0xF8154AC9; // U32 Background Music volume control (0-10) private const uint KVolumeSFX = 0x62F05895; // U32 Sound Effects volume control (0-10) private const uint KVolumeCry = 0x1D482A63; // U32 Pokémon Cries volume control (0-10) private const uint KOptionTextSpeed = 0x92EB0306; // U32 text speed (0 = Slow, 1 = Normal, 2 = Fast, 3 = Instant) private const uint KOptionCameraVertical = 0x2846B7DB; // U32 vertical camera controls (0 = Normal, 1 = Inverted) private const uint KOptionCameraHorizontal = 0x7D249649; // U32 horizontal camera controls (0 = Normal, 1 = Inverted) private const uint KOptionCameraSensitivity = 0x22DEF108; // U32 camera sensitivity (0-4) private const uint KOptionMotionSensitivity = 0x82AD5F84; // U32 motion sensitivity (0-3) private const uint KOptionAutosave = 0xB027F396; // U32 Autosave (0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled) private const uint KOptionToggleHUD = 0xF62D79D3; // U32 HUD Toggling (0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled) private const uint KOptionZRButtonConfirmation = 0x4D7EADDD; // U32 ZR Button confirmation (0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled) private const uint KOptionDynamicRange = 0xA4317061; // U32 Dynamic Range (0 = Wide, 1 = Narrow) public const uint KGameLanguage = 0x0BFDEBA1; // U32 Game Language public const uint KMoney = 0x3279D927; // U32 Money public const uint KMeritCurrent = 0x9D5D1CA5; // U32 Current Merit Points public const uint KMeritEarnedTotal = 0xC25B0D5A; // U32 Merit Points Earned public const uint KSatchelUpgrades = 0x75CE2CF6; // U32 Satchel Upgrades (0-39) public const uint KExpeditionTeamRank = 0x50FE632A; // U32 Galaxy Expedition Team Rank (0-10) private const uint KTotalUnownCaptured = 0x3EBEE1A7; // U32 Unown Captured (0-28) private const uint KStealthSpray = 0x385F9860; // U32 time remaining on active Stealth Spray (0-60000 in milliseconds) private const uint KRepelUnused = 0x9ec079da; // U16 Repel Steps remaining private const uint KWispsFoundArea00 = 0x8B18ADE5; // U32 Wisps obtained in Jubilife Village (0-7) private const uint KWispsFoundArea01 = 0x8B18AC32; // U32 Wisps obtained in Obsidian Fieldlands (0-20) private const uint KWispsFoundArea02 = 0x8B18AA7F; // U32 Wisps obtained in Crimson Mirelands (0-20) private const uint KWispsFoundArea03 = 0x8B18A8CC; // U32 Wisps obtained in Cobalt Coastlands (0-20) private const uint KWispsFoundArea04 = 0x8B18A719; // U32 Wisps obtained in Coronet Highlands (0-20) private const uint KWispsFoundArea05 = 0x8B18A566; // U32 Wisps obtained in Alabaster Icelands (0-20) private const uint KWispsFoundTotal = 0xB79EF1FE; // U32 total Wisps obtained (0-107) private const uint KWispsReported = 0x8F0D8720; // U32 Wisps reported to Vessa (0-107) private const uint KRecordTargetPractice = 0xA69E079B; // U32 High score for Target Practice minigame (Practice Field) private const uint KRecordLostSatchelsFound = 0x4AAF7FBE; // U32 Satchels retrieved for NPCs and other players private const uint KRecordOwnSatchelRetrieved = 0x8C46768E; // U32 Satchels other players retrieved for you private const uint KStarterChoice = 0x6960C6EF; // U32 0=Rowlet, 1=Cyndaquil, 2=Oshawott // Flags private const uint KEnableSpawnerSpiritomb = 0x2DC7E4CC; // FSYS_MKRG_100_SPAWN private const uint KEnableSpawnerUxie = 0x9EC1F2C4; // FEVE_YUKUSII_ENCOUNT_ENABLE private const uint KEnableSpawnerMesprit = 0xEF5C95D8; // FEVE_EMURITTO_ENCOUNT_ENABLE private const uint KEnableSpawnerAzelf = 0xD038BD89; // FEVE_AGUNOMU_ENCOUNT_ENABLE private const uint KEnableSpawnerHeatran = 0x3F6301AC; // FEVE_HIIDORAN__ENCOUNT_ENABLE private const uint KEnableSpawnerCresselia = 0x85134D02; // FEVE_KURESERIA_ENCOUNT_ENABLE private const uint KEnableSpawnerDarkrai = 0xEE027506; // FSYS_SPAWN_START_DARKRAI private const uint KEnableSpawnerShaymin = 0x0DCE6659; // FSYS_SPAWN_START_SHAYMIN private const uint KEnableSpawnerTornadus = 0x07D8EC38; // FSYS_SPAWN_START_TORNELOS private const uint KEnableSpawnerThundurus = 0x136D3D88; // FSYS_SPAWN_START_VOLTOLOS private const uint KEnableSpawnerLandorus = 0xE079071B; // FSYS_SPAWN_START_LANDLOS private const uint KEnableSpawnerEnamorus = 0x3AA64045; // FSYS_SPAWN_START_FAIRTOLOS private const uint KDisableSpawnerSpiritomb = 0x0AB16F69; // FSYS_MKRG_VALID_SPAWN private const uint KDisableSpawnerGiratina = 0x40B908EC; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_GIRATINA private const uint KDisableSpawnerPhione01 = 0x3C4DB3BE; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_PHIONE private const uint KDisableSpawnerPhione02 = 0xF6B469D3; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_PHIONE_2 private const uint KDisableSpawnerPhione03 = 0xF6B46820; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_PHIONE_3 private const uint KDisableSpawnerManaphy = 0xBBE677C7; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_MANAPHY private const uint KDisableSpawnerDarkrai = 0x8AE49E85; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_DARKRAI private const uint KDisableSpawnerShaymin = 0xF873BBFA; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_SHAYMIN private const uint KDisableSpawnerTornadus = 0xC8AA3D69; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_TORNELOS private const uint KDisableSpawnerThundurus = 0x79E259CD; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_VOLTOLOS private const uint KDisableSpawnerLandorus = 0xD613F320; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_LANDLOS private const uint KDisableSpawnerEnamorus = 0xE50F4B4E; // FMAP_CANNOT_RESPAWN_FAIRTOLOS private const uint KReceivedAlolanVulpix = 0xAC90C782; // FEVE_POKE_SUB092_GET private const uint KCanRideWyrdeer = 0x47365FE8; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_01 //private const uint KCanRideUnused02 = 0x47366501; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_02 private const uint KCanRideUrsaluna = 0x4736634E; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_03 //private const uint KCanRideUnused04 = 0x47366867; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_04 private const uint KCanRideBasculegion = 0x473666B4; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_05 //private const uint KCanRideUnused06 = 0x47366BCD; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_06 private const uint KCanRideSneasler = 0x47366A1A; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_07 //private const uint KCanRideUnused08 = 0x47365403; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_08 //private const uint KCanRideUnused09 = 0x47365250; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_09 private const uint KCanRideBraviary = 0x47334812; // FSYS_RIDE_OPEN_10 private const uint KDefeatedLordKleavor = 0x96774421; // FSYS_NS_01_CLEARED private const uint KDefeatedLadyLilligant = 0x3A50000C; // FSYS_NS_02_CLEARED private const uint KDefeatedLordArcanine = 0xA5981A37; // FSYS_NS_03_CLEARED private const uint KDefeatedLordElectrode = 0x6EF3C712; // FSYS_NS_04_CLEARED private const uint KDefeatedLordAvalugg = 0x424E9F0D; // FSYS_NS_05_CLEARED private const uint KDefeatedOriginDialga = 0x5185ADC0; // FSYS_NS_D_CLEARED private const uint KDefeatedOriginPalkia = 0x5E5BFD94; // FSYS_NS_P_CLEARED private const uint KDefeatedArceus = 0x2F91EFD3; // FSYS_SCENARIO_CLEARED_URA private const uint KCompletedPokedex = 0xD985E1C2; // FEVE_EV110100_END (Enables using Azure Flute to reach Arceus) private const uint KPerfectedPokedex = 0x98ED661E; // FSYS_POKEDEX_COMPLETE_WITHOUT_EXCEPTION private const uint KUnlockedUnownNotes = 0xC9127B4E; // FSYS_UNNN_ENABLE_PLACEMENT private const uint KUnlockedLostAndFound = 0xFE837926; // FSYS_LOSTBAG_SEARCH_REQUEST_ENABLE private const uint KUnlockedMassRelease = 0x0C16BEF4; // FSYS_APP_BOX_SUMFREE_ENABLE private const uint KUnlockedDistortions = 0x7611BFC3; // FSYS_WORMHOLE_OPEN private const uint KCanFastTravel = 0xFE98F73F; // FSYS_CAN_USE_FAST_TRAVEL private const uint KUnlockedArea01 = 0x24C0252D; // FSYS_AREA_01_OPEN private const uint KUnlockedArea02 = 0x1599C206; // FSYS_AREA_02_OPEN private const uint KUnlockedArea03 = 0x408DE1D3; // FSYS_AREA_03_OPEN private const uint KUnlockedArea04 = 0x8C062C9C; // FSYS_AREA_04_OPEN private const uint KUnlockedArea05 = 0xC08D4C69; // FSYS_AREA_05_OPEN private const uint KUnlockedArea06 = 0x76350E52; // FSYS_AREA_06_OPEN private const uint KAutoConnectInternet = 0xAFA034A5; private const uint KHasPlayRecordsBDSP = 0x52CE2052; // FSYS_SAVEDATA_LINKAGE_DEL_01 private const uint KHasPlayRecordsSWSH = 0x530EF0B9; // FSYS_SAVEDATA_LINKAGE_ORI_01 private const uint KHasPlayRecordsLGPE = 0x6CFA9468; // FSYS_SAVEDATA_LINKAGE_BEL_01 public const uint KUnlockedSecretBox01 = 0xF224CA8E; // FSYS_SECRET_BOX_01_OPEN public const uint KUnlockedSecretBox02 = 0x06924515; // FSYS_SECRET_BOX_02_OPEN public const uint KUnlockedSecretBox03 = 0xF67C6DC8; // FSYS_SECRET_BOX_03_OPEN }