using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Verifies the . /// public sealed class GenderVerifier : Verifier { protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Gender; public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pk = data.Entity; var pi = pk.PersonalInfo; if (pi.Genderless != (pk.Gender == 2)) { // DP/HGSS shedinja glitch -- only generation 4 spawns bool ignore = pk.Format == 4 && pk.Species == (int)Species.Shedinja && pk.Met_Level != pk.CurrentLevel; if (!ignore) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LGenderInvalidNone)); return; } // Check for PID relationship to Gender & Nature if applicable int gen = data.Info.Generation; if (gen is 3 or 4 or 5) { // Gender-PID & Nature-PID relationship check var result = IsValidGenderPID(data) ? GetValid(LPIDGenderMatch) : GetInvalid(LPIDGenderMismatch); data.AddLine(result); if (gen != 5) VerifyNaturePID(data); return; } // Check fixed gender cases if ((pi.OnlyFemale && pk.Gender != 1) || (pi.OnlyMale && pk.Gender != 0)) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LGenderInvalidNone)); } private static void VerifyNaturePID(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pk = data.Entity; var result = pk.EncryptionConstant % 25 == pk.Nature ? GetValid(LPIDNatureMatch, CheckIdentifier.Nature) : GetInvalid(LPIDNatureMismatch, CheckIdentifier.Nature); data.AddLine(result); } private static bool IsValidGenderPID(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pk = data.Entity; bool genderValid = pk.IsGenderValid(); if (!genderValid) return IsValidGenderMismatch(pk); // check for mixed->fixed gender incompatibility by checking the gender of the original species int original = data.EncounterMatch.Species; if (Legal.FixedGenderFromBiGender.Contains(original)) return IsValidFixedGenderFromBiGender(pk, original); return true; } private static bool IsValidFixedGenderFromBiGender(PKM pk, int original) { var current = pk.Gender; if (current == 2) // shedinja, genderless return true; var gender = EntityGender.GetFromPID(original, pk.EncryptionConstant); return gender == current; } private static bool IsValidGenderMismatch(PKM pk) => pk.Species switch { // Shedinja evolution gender glitch, should match original Gender (int) Species.Shedinja when pk.Format == 4 => pk.Gender == EntityGender.GetFromPIDAndRatio(pk.EncryptionConstant, 0x7F), // 50M-50F // Evolved from Azurill after transferring to keep gender (int) Species.Marill or (int) Species.Azumarill when pk.Format >= 6 => pk.Gender == 1 && (pk.EncryptionConstant & 0xFF) > 0x3F, _ => false, }; }