using System; using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Verifies the . /// public sealed class EffortValueVerifier : Verifier { protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.EVs; private const int totalMax = 510; // Total Max private const int vitaMax = 100; // Vitamin Max for consideration in Gen3 & Gen4. public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pk = data.Entity; var enc = data.EncounterMatch; if (pk.IsEgg) { if (pk.EVTotal is not 0) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEffortEgg)); return; } // In Generations I and II, when a Pokémon is taken out of the Day Care, its experience will lower to the minimum value for its current level. int format = pk.Format; if (format < 3) // can abuse daycare for EV training without EXP gain return; int sum = pk.EVTotal; if (sum > totalMax) // format >= 3 data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEffortAbove510)); Span evs = stackalloc int[6]; pk.GetEVs(evs); if (format >= 6 && evs.IndexOfAny(253, 254, 255) != -1) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEffortAbove252)); else if (format < 5) // 3/4 VerifyGainedEVs34(data, enc, evs, pk); // Only one of the following can be true: 0, 508, and x%6!=0 if (sum == 0 && !enc.IsWithinEncounterRange(pk)) data.AddLine(Get(LEffortEXPIncreased, Severity.Fishy)); else if (sum == 508) data.AddLine(Get(LEffort2Remaining, Severity.Fishy)); else if (evs[0] != 0 && evs.IndexOfAnyExcept(evs[0]) == -1) data.AddLine(Get(LEffortAllEqual, Severity.Fishy)); } private void VerifyGainedEVs34(LegalityAnalysis data, IEncounterTemplate enc, Span evs, PKM pk) { if (enc.LevelMin == 100) // only true for Gen4 and Format=4 { // Cannot EV train at level 100 -- Certain events are distributed at level 100. if (evs.Find(static ev => ev > vitaMax) != default) // EVs can only be increased by vitamins to a max of 100. data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEffortCap100)); } else // check for gained EVs without gaining EXP -- don't check gen5+ which have wings to boost above 100. { var growth = PersonalTable.HGSS[enc.Species].EXPGrowth; var baseEXP = Experience.GetEXP(enc.LevelMin, growth); if (baseEXP == pk.EXP && evs.Find(static ev => ev > vitaMax) != default) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEffortUntrainedCap, vitaMax))); } } }