If you are having issues viewing certain symbols/text: Options -> Toggle Font. // Main Window CTRL-O: Open CTRL-S: Export PK6 CTRL-E: Export SAV CTRL-B: Export BAK CTRL-Q: Quit CTRL-D: Open Database CTRL-R: Open Box Report CTRL-P: Open About PKHeX CTRL-T: Import Showdown Set CTRL-SHIFT-T: Export Showdown Set Control + Click on... - Species: Import Showdown/Smogon set from Clipboard. - Nickname/OT box: Bring up the ingame-special characters. - Individual IVs: Set IV to max. - Individual EVs: Set EV to max. - Randomize IVs: Set all IVs to max. - Randomize EVs: Set all EVs to 0. - PP Ups Label: Set all PP Ups to 0. (Click = 3) - Friendship Label: Set Friendship to 0. (Click = 255 or Base) Alt + Click on... - Preview Sprite to load from a QR url on your clipboard. - Species: Export Showdown/Smogon set to Clipboard. - Individual IVs: Set IV to 0. - Individual EVs: Set EV to 0. Shift + Click on... - Preview Sprite to bring up a QR for the viewed Pokémon. Hold Control when dragging out the Preview Sprite to save encrypted (ekx). Click on the OT label to set relevant details to that of the save file. Drop WC6/PGF/PCD/PGT to convert to PK6 in the main tabs. - Hold CTRL to open the Wonder Card interface when opening a WC6. // Party / Battle Box - Double click to export team to Showdown set format. // Save File Click on the Save File path (above Boxes): Auto-detect/Reload save. - Shift skips SaveDataFiler // Boxes Control-Click Box Tab: Sort Boxes. Control-Drag a Box Slot to Copy-Overwrite Alt-Drag a Box Slot to Delete-Overwrite Control-Alt-Click a slot to (Clone/Delete) set a Pokemon to every slot in the box. Control-Click a slot to load slot to tabs. Shift-Click a slot to set tabs to slot. Alt-Click a slot to delete the data in slot. Doubleclick on the Party or Battle Box label to export Showdown/Smogon Set (Team) to Clipboard. // Misc Editors INVENTORY: - Alt-Click loading a pouch will give all items with quantity x995. *1 for TMHM/Key. POKEPUFF: - Control Click the All Button to give un-exceptional Pokepuffs. - Control Click the Sort Button to sort in reverse. WONDERCARD: - Alt-Click QR to import from QR image.