using System.Linq; using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Verifies the values for markings. /// public sealed class MarkVerifier : Verifier { protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.RibbonMark; public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pkm = data.pkm; if (pkm is not IRibbonIndex m) return; if (data.Info.Generation != 8 || (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Shedinja && data.EncounterOriginal.Species is not (int)Species.Shedinja)) // Shedinja doesn't copy Ribbons or Marks VerifyNoMarksPresent(data, m); else VerifyMarksPresent(data, m); VerifyAffixedRibbonMark(data, m); } private void VerifyNoMarksPresent(LegalityAnalysis data, IRibbonIndex m) { for (var x = RibbonIndex.MarkLunchtime; x <= RibbonIndex.MarkSlump; x++) { if (m.GetRibbon((int)x)) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LRibbonMarkingFInvalid_0, x))); } } private void VerifyMarksPresent(LegalityAnalysis data, IRibbonIndex m) { bool hasOne = false; for (var mark = RibbonIndex.MarkLunchtime; mark <= RibbonIndex.MarkSlump; mark++) { bool has = m.GetRibbon((int) mark); if (!has) continue; if (hasOne) { data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LRibbonMarkingFInvalid_0, mark))); return; } bool result = IsMarkValid(mark, data.pkm, data.EncounterMatch); if (!result) { data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LRibbonMarkingFInvalid_0, mark))); return; } hasOne = true; } } public static bool IsMarkValid(RibbonIndex mark, PKM pk, IEncounterable enc) { return IsMarkAllowedAny(enc) && IsMarkAllowedSpecific(mark, pk, enc); } public static bool IsMarkAllowedSpecific(RibbonIndex mark, PKM pk, IEncounterable x) => mark switch { RibbonIndex.MarkCurry when !IsMarkAllowedCurry(pk, x) => false, RibbonIndex.MarkFishing when !IsMarkAllowedFishing(x) => false, RibbonIndex.MarkDestiny => false, _ => true }; public static bool IsMarkAllowedAny(IEncounterable enc) => enc.Generation == 8 && enc switch { // Gen 8 WC8 or EncounterEgg or EncounterTrade or EncounterSlot8GO or EncounterStatic8U or EncounterStatic8N or EncounterStatic8ND or EncounterStatic8NC or EncounterStatic8 {Gift: true} or EncounterStatic8 {ScriptedNoMarks: true} => false, _ => true, }; public static bool IsMarkAllowedCurry(PKM pkm, IEncounterable enc) { // Curry are only encounter slots, from the hidden table (not symbol). Slots taken from area's current weather(?). if (enc is not EncounterSlot8 s) return false; var area = (EncounterArea8)s.Area; if (area.PermitCrossover) return false; var weather = s.Weather; if ((weather & AreaWeather8.All) == 0) return false; if (EncounterArea8.IsWildArea(s.Location)) return false; var ball = pkm.Ball; return (uint)(ball - 2) <= 2; } public static bool IsMarkAllowedFishing(IEncounterable enc) { // Fishing are only encounter slots, from the hidden table (not symbol). if (enc is not EncounterSlot8 s) return false; var area = (EncounterArea8)s.Area; if (area.PermitCrossover) return false; var weather = s.Weather; return (weather & AreaWeather8.Fishing) != 0; } private void VerifyAffixedRibbonMark(LegalityAnalysis data, IRibbonIndex m) { if (m is not PK8 pk8) return; var affix = pk8.AffixedRibbon; if (affix == -1) // None return; if ((byte)affix > (int)RibbonIndex.MarkSlump) { data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LRibbonMarkingAffixedF_0, affix))); return; } if (pk8.Species == (int)Species.Shedinja && data.EncounterOriginal.Species is not (int)Species.Shedinja) { VerifyShedinjaAffixed(data, affix, pk8); return; } EnsureHasRibbon(data, pk8, affix); } private void VerifyShedinjaAffixed(LegalityAnalysis data, sbyte affix, PK8 pk8) { // Does not copy ribbons or marks, but retains the Affixed Ribbon value. // Try re-verifying to see if it could have had the Ribbon/Mark. var enc = data.EncounterOriginal; if ((byte) affix >= (int) RibbonIndex.MarkLunchtime) { if (!IsMarkValid((RibbonIndex)affix, pk8, enc)) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LRibbonMarkingAffixedF_0, (RibbonIndex) affix))); return; } if (enc.Generation <= 4 && (pk8.Ball != (int)Ball.Poke || IsMoveSetEvolvedShedinja(pk8))) { // Evolved in a prior generation. EnsureHasRibbon(data, pk8, affix); return; } var clone = pk8.Clone(); clone.Species = (int) Species.Nincada; ((IRibbonIndex) clone).SetRibbon(affix); var parse = RibbonVerifier.GetRibbonResults(clone, enc); var expect = $"Ribbon{(RibbonIndex) affix}"; var name = RibbonStrings.GetName(expect); bool invalid = parse.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Name == name)?.Invalid == true; var severity = invalid ? Severity.Invalid : Severity.Fishy; data.AddLine(Get(string.Format(LRibbonMarkingAffixedF_0, affix), severity)); } private static bool IsMoveSetEvolvedShedinja(PK8 pk8) { // Check for gen3/4 exclusive moves that are Ninjask glitch only. if (pk8.HasMove((int) Move.Screech)) return true; if (pk8.HasMove((int) Move.SwordsDance)) return true; if (pk8.HasMove((int) Move.Slash)) return true; if (pk8.HasMove((int) Move.BatonPass)) return true; return pk8.HasMove((int)Move.Agility) && !pk8.GetMoveRecordFlag(12); // TR12 (Agility) } private void EnsureHasRibbon(LegalityAnalysis data, IRibbonIndex pk8, sbyte affix) { var hasRibbon = pk8.GetRibbonIndex((RibbonIndex) affix); if (!hasRibbon) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LRibbonMarkingAffixedF_0, (RibbonIndex) affix))); } } }