If you are having issues viewing certain symbols/text: Options -> Unicode // Main Window CTRL-O: Open CTRL-S: Export PKM CTRL-E: Export SAV CTRL-B: Export BAK CTRL-Q: Quit CTRL-D: Open PKM Database CTRL-F: Open Folder CTRL-G: Open Mystery Gift Database CTRL-R: Open Box Report CTRL-P: Open About PKHeX CTRL-T: Import Showdown Set CTRL-SHIFT-T: Export Showdown Set Control + Click on... - Species: Import Showdown/Smogon set from Clipboard. - Nickname/OT box: Bring up the ingame-special characters. - Individual IVs: Set IV to max (or max-1 if already max). - Individual EVs: Set EV to max. - Randomize IVs: Set all IVs to max. - Randomize EVs: Set all EVs to 0. - PP Ups Label: Set all PP Ups to 0. (Click = 3) - Friendship Label: Set Friendship to 0. (Click = 255 or Base) - Level box: Set Level to 100. Alt + Click on... - Preview Sprite to load from a QR url on your clipboard. - Species: Export Showdown/Smogon set to Clipboard. - Individual IVs: Set IV to 0. - Individual EVs: Set EV to 0. Shift + Click on... - Preview Sprite to bring up a QR for the viewed Pokémon. - Individual IVs: Hyper Train the IV (toggles Hyper Training in Gen7 onwards) Hold Control when dragging to save encrypted (ekx). Click on... - OT label: Set save file details to relevant properties. - Level / Met Location label: Suggest encounter information for relevant properties. - Moves groupbox: Suggest legal moves. - Relearn Moves groupbox: Suggest legal relearn moves. Drop WC7/WC6/PGF/PCD/PGT to convert to PKM in the main tabs. // Save File Doubleclick on the SAV Tab: Auto-detect/Reload latest save. // Boxes Control-Click Box Tab: Sort Current Box contents. Control-Shift-Click Box Tab: Sort All Boxes. Alt-Click Box Tab: Delete Current Box contents. Alt-Shift-Click Box Tab: Delete All Boxes. Control-RightClick a Box Slot to show extra options (ie Legality check) Control-Drag a Box Slot to Copy-Overwrite Alt-Drag a Box Slot to Delete-Overwrite Control-Alt-Click a slot to (Clone/Delete) set a Pokemon to every slot in the box. Control-Click a slot to load slot to tabs. Shift-Click a slot to set tabs to slot. Alt-Click a slot to delete the data in slot. Doubleclick the Box tab to open up a new Box Viewer. Only one is allowed at a time, unless you hold shift when doubleclicking. // Party / Battle Box Doubleclick on the Party or Battle Box label to export Showdown/Smogon Set (Team) to Clipboard. // Misc Editors POKEPUFF: - Control Click the All Button to give the best Pokepuffs. - Control Click the Sort Button to sort in reverse. MYSTERY GIFT: - Alt-Click QR to import from QR image.