using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using FluentAssertions; using Xunit; using static PKHeX.Core.Encounters3XDTeams; using static PKHeX.Core.Encounters3ColoTeams; namespace PKHeX.Core.Tests.Legality.Shadow; public static class ValidityTests { public static IEnumerable Lock1() { // Zubat (F) (Serious) yield return new object[] { Poochyena, 0xAF4E3161, new[] { 11, 29, 25, 6, 23, 10 } }; // Murkrow (M) (Docile) yield return new object[] { Pineco, 0xC3A0F1E5, new[] { 30, 3, 9, 10, 27, 30 } }; } public static IEnumerable Lock2() { // Goldeen (F) (Serious) // Horsea (M) (Quirky) yield return new object[] { Spheal, 0xA459BF44, new[] { 0, 11, 4, 28, 6, 13 } }; // Kirlia (M) (Hardy) // Linoone (F) (Hardy) yield return new object[] { Natu, 0x8E14DAB6, new[] { 29, 24, 30, 16, 3, 18 } }; // Remoraid (M) (Docile) -- 73DB58CC // Golbat (M) (Bashful) -- F6B04390 yield return new object[] { Roselia, 0x30E87CC7, new[] { 22, 11, 8, 26, 4, 29 } }; // 519AEF0E // Duskull (M) (Quirky) -- 45BE3B97 // Spinarak (F) (Hardy) -- E18F5A3E yield return new object[] { ColoMakuhita, 0xC252FEBA, new[] { 15, 9, 17, 16, 24, 22 } }; // 559C5F72 -- Quirky F => skip // Duskull (M) (Quirky) -- A5AC2CCB // Spinarak (F) (Hardy) -- D08FF135 yield return new object[] { ColoMakuhita, 0x61C676FC, new[] { 20, 28, 21, 18, 9, 1 } }; // 3CCB97BA -- Quirky F => skip * 2, Hardy Skip // Duskull (M) (Quirky) -- 7F0D6783 @ 161 // Spinarak (F) (Hardy) -- 6C03F545 @ 182 yield return new object[] { ColoMakuhita, 0x3B27608D, new[] { 7, 12, 5, 19, 3, 7 } }; } public static IEnumerable Lock3() { // Luvdisc (F) (Docile) // Beautifly (M) (Hardy) // Roselia (M) (Quirky) yield return new object[] { Delcatty, 0x9BECA2A6, new[] { 31, 31, 25, 13, 22, 1 } }; // Kadabra (M) (Docile) // Sneasel (F) (Hardy) // Misdreavus (F) (Bashful) yield return new object[] { Meowth, 0x77D87601, new[] { 10, 27, 26, 13, 30, 19 } }; // Ralts (M) (Docile) // Voltorb (-) (Hardy) // Bagon (F) (Quirky) yield return new object[] { Numel, 0x37F95B26, new[] { 11, 8, 5, 10, 28, 14 } }; } public static IEnumerable Lock4() { // Ninetales (F) (Serious) // Jumpluff (M) (Docile) // Azumarill (F) (Hardy) // Shadow Tangela yield return new object[] { Butterfree, 0x2E49AC34, new[] { 15, 24, 7, 2, 11, 2 } }; // Huntail (M) (Docile) // Cacturne (F) (Hardy) // Weezing (F) (Serious) // Ursaring (F) (Bashful) yield return new object[] { Arbok, 0x1973FD07, new[] { 13, 30, 3, 16, 20, 9 } }; // Lairon (F) (Bashful) // Sealeo (F) (Serious) // Slowking (F) (Docile) // Ursaring (M) (Quirky) yield return new object[] { Primeape, 0x33893D4C, new[] { 26, 25, 24, 28, 29, 30 } }; } public static IEnumerable Lock5() { // many prior, all non shadow yield return new object[] { Seedot, 0x8CBD29DB, new[] { 19, 29, 30, 0, 7, 2 } }; } [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(Lock1))] [MemberData(nameof(Lock2))] [MemberData(nameof(Lock3))] [MemberData(nameof(Lock4))] [MemberData(nameof(Lock5))] public static void Verify(TeamLock[] teams, uint pid, int[] ivs) { var pk3 = new PK3 { PID = pid, IVs = ivs }; var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3); info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should match the CXD spread"); bool match = LockFinder.IsAllShadowLockValid(info, teams); match.Should().BeTrue($"because the lock conditions for {teams[0].Species} should have been verified"); } } public static class PIDTests { public static IEnumerable TestData() { yield return new object[] { new[] { new uint[] {0xD118BA52, 0xA3127782, 0x16D95FA5, 0x31538B48}, new uint[] {0x7D5FFE3E, 0x1D5720ED, 0xE0D89C99, 0x3494CDA1}, new uint[] {0xAEB0C3A6, 0x956DC2FD, 0x3C11DCE8, 0xC93DF897}, new uint[] {0xACCE2655, 0xFF2BA0A2, 0x22A8A7E6, 0x5F5380F4}, new uint[] {0xDC1D1894, 0xFC0F75E2, 0x97BFAEBC, 0x38DDE117}, new uint[] {0xDE278967, 0xFD86C9F7, 0x3E16FCFD, 0x1956D8B5}, new uint[] {0xF8CB4CAE, 0x42DE628B, 0x48796CDA, 0xF6EAD3E2}, new uint[] {0x56548F49, 0xA308E7DA, 0x28CB8ADF, 0xBEADBDC3}, new uint[] {0xF2AC8419, 0xADA208E3, 0xDB3A0BA6, 0x5EEF1076}, new uint[] {0x9D28899D, 0xA3ECC9F0, 0x606EC6F0, 0x451FAE3C}, }, Delcatty, }; yield return new object[] { new[] { new uint[] {0x4D6BE487, 0xBB3EFBFB, 0x6FD7EE06, 0x289D435F, 0x0EC25CE5}, new uint[] {0xB04DF5B3, 0x661E499C, 0x94EB752D, 0xC5FA9DE5, 0x0A8C9738}, new uint[] {0xCBB9A3B0, 0x9AC1A0B8, 0xCA3CAD46, 0x54FFCA27, 0x1D5AEC4F}, new uint[] {0xB2AF145E, 0x455155C9, 0xB5CE4932, 0x4B8C6554, 0x55CE5E4B}, new uint[] {0x193A0F3B, 0xE1474ECF, 0x4C30D215, 0x72262B89, 0x9B2F5B53}, new uint[] {0xB73010B9, 0x361F1DB1, 0x2C65320A, 0x329A4A1E, 0x9334337E}, new uint[] {0xFB6A6770, 0xE0068ECC, 0xB99B326E, 0x08A18311, 0x92D31CC2}, new uint[] {0x5B1214BC, 0xB82FDDA9, 0x606D3D18, 0xA142F730, 0xCBA7A0C3}, new uint[] {0xC7315E32, 0x76566AA1, 0xC0CE436E, 0x98C45DA8, 0x9D1BDC4A}, new uint[] {0xB687F0AF, 0xC01DB6C6, 0xAD6DEC75, 0xDB041314, 0x0D949325}, }, Butterfree, }; } [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(TestData))] public static void VerifyResults(IReadOnlyList results, TeamLock[] team) { var pk = new PK3(); Span seeds = stackalloc uint[XDRNG.MaxCountSeedsPID]; for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { var result = results[i]; var pid = result[^1]; int count = XDRNG.GetSeeds(seeds, pid); var reg = seeds[..count]; bool match = false; foreach (var s in reg) { var seed = XDRNG.Prev3(s); PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(pk, PIDType.CXD, seed); var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk); info.OriginSeed.Should().Be(seed); info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should have matched the CXD spread"); if (!LockFinder.IsAllShadowLockValid(info, team)) continue; match = true; break; } match.Should().BeTrue($"because the lock conditions for result {i} and species {team[0].Species} should have been verified"); } } private static ReadOnlySpan MawileTeamPIDs => new uint[] { 0x4C3005E8, // Loudred 0xD28DE40E, // Girafarig (re - rolled 64 times to next viable match) 0x049F2F05, // Mawile }; private static ReadOnlySpan MawileIVs => new[] {31, 30, 29, 31, 23, 27}; [Fact] public static void VerifyMawileAntishiny() { VerifyResultsAntiShiny(MawileTeamPIDs, Mawile, 12345, 51882, MawileIVs); } private static void VerifyResultsAntiShiny(ReadOnlySpan resultPIDs, TeamLock[] team, ushort tid, ushort sid, ReadOnlySpan ivs) { var pk3 = new PK3 { PID = resultPIDs[^1], TID16 = tid, SID16 = sid, }; pk3.SetIVs(ivs); var info = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3); info.Type.Should().Be(PIDType.CXD, "because the PID should have matched the CXD spread"); bool result = LockFinder.IsAllShadowLockValid(info, team, pk3.TSV); result.Should().BeTrue(); // if you're here inspecting what's so special about this method, // double check that the Team's PIDs exactly match what's in the expected result array. // as of this test's date, the methods/fields aren't exposed for viewing. } }