using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// Locks associated to a given NPC PKM that appears before a .
public sealed class NPCLock
public int Species;
public uint Nature;
public uint Gender;
public uint Ratio;
public bool Shadow;
public bool Seen = false;
public NPCLock(int s, uint n, uint g, uint r)
Species = s;
Nature = n;
Gender = g;
Ratio = r;
public NPCLock(int s, bool seen = false)
Species = s;
Nature = 25;
Shadow = true;
Seen = seen;
public bool MatchesLock(uint PID)
if (Shadow)
return true;
if (Gender != 2 && Gender != ((PID & 0xFF) < Ratio ? 1 : 0))
return false;
if (Nature != PID % 25)
return false;
return true;
internal NPCLock Clone() => (NPCLock)MemberwiseClone();
/// Contains various Colosseum/XD 'wait for value' logic related to PKM generation.
/// "Locks" are referring to the being "locked" to a certain value, e.g. requiring Nature to be neutral.
/// These locks cause the of the current to be rerolled until the requisite lock is satisfied.
/// locks require a certain , which is derived from the .
/// locks require a certain gender value, which is derived from the and ratio.
/// Not sure if Abilities are locked for the encounter, assume not. When this code is eventually utilized, our understanding can be tested!
public static class LockFinder
// Message Passing
private struct SeedFrame
public uint PID;
public int FrameID;
public static bool FindLockSeed(uint originSeed, IEnumerable lockList, bool XD, out uint origin)
var locks = new Stack(lockList);
var pids = new Stack();
var cache = new FrameCache(RNG.XDRNG.Reverse(originSeed, 2), RNG.XDRNG.Prev);
var result = FindLockSeed(cache, 0, locks, null, pids, XD, out var originFrame);
origin = cache.GetSeed(originFrame);
return result;
// Recursively iterates to visit possible locks until all locks (or none) are satisfied.
private static bool FindLockSeed(FrameCache cache, int ctr, Stack Locks, NPCLock prior, Stack PIDs, bool XD, out int originFrame)
if (Locks.Count == 0)
return VerifyNPC(cache, ctr, PIDs, XD, out originFrame);
var l = Locks.Pop();
var frames = FindPossibleLockFrames(cache, ctr, l, prior);
foreach (var poss in frames)
PIDs.Push(poss.PID); // possible match
if (FindLockSeed(cache, poss.FrameID, Locks, l, PIDs, XD, out originFrame))
return true; // all locks are satisfied
PIDs.Pop(); // no match, remove
Locks.Push(l); // return the lock, lock is impossible
originFrame = 0;
return false;
private static IEnumerable FindPossibleLockFrames(FrameCache cache, int ctr, NPCLock l, NPCLock prior)
if (prior == null || prior.Shadow)
return GetSingleLockFrame(cache, ctr, l);
return GetComplexLockFrame(cache, ctr, l, prior);
private static IEnumerable GetSingleLockFrame(FrameCache cache, int ctr, NPCLock l)
uint pid = cache[ctr + 1] << 16 | cache[ctr];
if (l.MatchesLock(pid))
yield return new SeedFrame { FrameID = ctr + 6, PID = pid };
private static IEnumerable GetComplexLockFrame(FrameCache cache, int ctr, NPCLock l, NPCLock prior)
// Since the prior(next) lock is generated 7+2*n frames after, the worst case break is 7 frames after the PID.
// Continue reversing until a sequential generation case is found.
// Check
int start = ctr;
while (true)
int p7 = ctr - 7;
if (p7 > start)
uint cid = cache[p7 + 1] << 16 | cache[p7];
if (prior.MatchesLock(cid))
yield break;
uint pid = cache[ctr + 1] << 16 | cache[ctr];
if (l.MatchesLock(pid))
yield return new SeedFrame { FrameID = ctr + 6, PID = pid };
ctr += 2;
private static bool VerifyNPC(FrameCache cache, int ctr, IEnumerable PIDs, bool XD, out int originFrame)
originFrame = ctr+2;
var tid = cache[ctr+1];
var sid = cache[ctr];
// verify none are shiny
foreach (var pid in PIDs)
if (IsShiny(tid, sid, pid))
return true; // todo
return true;
// Helpers
private static bool IsShiny(uint TID, uint SID, uint PID) => (TID ^ SID ^ (PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 0xFFFF)) < 8;
private static bool IsShiny(int TID, int SID, uint PID) => (TID ^ SID ^ (PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 0xFFFF)) < 8;
// Colosseum/XD Starters
public static bool IsXDStarterValid(uint seed, int TID, int SID)
// pidiv reversed 2x yields SID, 3x yields TID. shift by 7 if another PKM is generated prior
var SIDf = RNG.XDRNG.Reverse(seed, 2);
var TIDf = RNG.XDRNG.Prev(SIDf);
return SIDf >> 16 == SID && TIDf >> 16 == TID;
public static bool IsColoStarterValid(int species, ref uint seed, int TID, int SID, uint pkPID, uint IV1, uint IV2)
// reverse the seed the bare minimum
int rev = 2;
if (species == 196)
rev += 7;
var rng = RNG.XDRNG;
var SIDf = rng.Reverse(seed, rev);
int ctr = 0;
uint temp = 0;
while ((temp = rng.Prev(SIDf)) >> 16 != TID || SIDf >> 16 != SID)
SIDf = temp;
if (ctr > 32) // arbitrary
return false;
var next = rng.Next(SIDf);
// generate Umbreon
var PIDIV = GenerateValidColoStarterPID(ref next, TID, SID);
if (species == 196) // need espeon, which is immediately next
PIDIV = GenerateValidColoStarterPID(ref next, TID, SID);
if (!PIDIV.Equals(pkPID, IV1, IV2))
return false;
seed = rng.Reverse(SIDf, 2);
return true;
private struct PIDIVGroup
public uint PID;
public uint IV1;
public uint IV2;
public bool Equals(uint pid, uint iv1, uint iv2) => PID == pid && IV1 == iv1 && IV2 == iv2;
private static PIDIVGroup GenerateValidColoStarterPID(ref uint uSeed, int TID, int SID)
var rng = RNG.XDRNG;
PIDIVGroup group = new PIDIVGroup();
uSeed = rng.Advance(uSeed, 2); // skip fakePID
group.IV1 = (uSeed >> 16) & 0x7FFF;
uSeed = rng.Next(uSeed);
group.IV2 = (uSeed >> 16) & 0x7FFF;
uSeed = rng.Next(uSeed);
uSeed = rng.Advance(uSeed, 1); // skip ability call
group.PID = GenerateStarterPID(ref uSeed, TID, SID);
uSeed = rng.Advance(uSeed, 2); // PID calls consumed
return group;
private static uint GenerateStarterPID(ref uint uSeed, int TID, int SID)
uint PID;
const byte ratio = 0x20; // 12.5% F (can't be female)
while (true)
var next = RNG.XDRNG.Next(uSeed);
PID = (uSeed & 0xFFFF0000) | (next >> 16);
if ((PID & 0xFF) > ratio && !IsShiny(TID, SID, PID))
uSeed = RNG.XDRNG.Next(next);
return PID;