using System.Linq; using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Verifies the . /// public sealed class LevelVerifier : Verifier { protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Level; public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pk = data.Entity; var enc = data.EncounterOriginal; if (enc is MysteryGift gift) { if (gift.Level != pk.Met_Level && pk.HasOriginalMetLocation) { switch (gift) { case WC3 wc3 when wc3.Met_Level == pk.Met_Level || wc3.IsEgg: break; case WC7 wc7 when wc7.MetLevel == pk.Met_Level: break; case PGT {IsManaphyEgg: true} when pk.Met_Level == 0: break; default: data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LLevelMetGift)); return; } } if (gift.Level > pk.CurrentLevel) { data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LLevelMetGiftFail)); return; } } if (pk.IsEgg) { int elvl = enc.LevelMin; if (elvl != pk.CurrentLevel) { data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, elvl))); return; } var reqEXP = enc is EncounterStatic2Odd ? 125 // Gen2 Dizzy Punch gifts always have 125 EXP, even if it's more than the Lv5 exp required. : Experience.GetEXP(elvl, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth); if (reqEXP != pk.EXP) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggEXP)); return; } int lvl = pk.CurrentLevel; if (lvl >= 100) { var expect = Experience.GetEXP(100, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth); if (pk.EXP != expect) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LLevelEXPTooHigh)); } if (lvl < pk.Met_Level) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LLevelMetBelow)); else if (!enc.IsWithinEncounterRange(pk) && lvl != 100 && pk.EXP == Experience.GetEXP(lvl, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth)) data.AddLine(Get(LLevelEXPThreshold, Severity.Fishy)); else data.AddLine(GetValid(LLevelMetSane)); } public void VerifyG1(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pk = data.Entity; var enc = data.EncounterMatch; if (pk.IsEgg) { const int elvl = 5; if (elvl != pk.CurrentLevel) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, elvl))); return; } if (pk.Met_Location != 0) // crystal { int lvl = pk.CurrentLevel; if (lvl < pk.Met_Level) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LLevelMetBelow)); } if (IsTradeEvolutionRequired(data, enc)) { // Pokemon has been traded illegally between games without evolving. // Trade evolution species IDs for Gen1 are sequential dex numbers. var species = enc.Species; var evolved = ParseSettings.SpeciesStrings[species + 1]; var unevolved = ParseSettings.SpeciesStrings[species]; data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEvoTradeReqOutsider, unevolved, evolved))); } } /// /// Checks if a Gen1 trade evolution must have occurred. /// private static bool IsTradeEvolutionRequired(LegalityAnalysis data, IEncounterTemplate enc) { // There is no way to prevent a Gen1 trade evolution, as held items (Everstone) did not exist. // Machoke, Graveler, Haunter and Kadabra captured in the second phase evolution, excluding in-game trades, are already checked var pk = data.Entity; var species = pk.Species; // This check is only applicable if it's a trade evolution that has not been evolved. if (!GBRestrictions.Trade_Evolution1.Contains(enc.Species) || enc.Species != species) return false; // Context check is only applicable to gen1/2; transferring to Gen2 is a trade. // Stadium 2 can transfer across game/generation boundaries without initiating a trade. // Ignore this check if the environment's loaded trainer is not from Gen1/2 or is from GB Era. if (ParseSettings.ActiveTrainer.Generation >= 3 || ParseSettings.AllowGBCartEra) return false; // Gen2 stuff can be traded between Gen2 games holding an Everstone, assuming it hasn't been transferred to Gen1 for special moves. if (enc.Generation == 2) return data.Info.Moves.Any(z => z.Generation != 2); // Gen1 stuff can only be un-evolved if it was never traded from the OT. if (data.Info.Moves.Any(z => z.Generation != 1)) return true; // traded to Gen2 for special moves if (pk.Format != 1) return true; // traded to Gen2 (current state) return !ParseSettings.IsFromActiveTrainer(pk); // not with OT } }