using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using static PKHeX.Core.LearnMethod; using static PKHeX.Core.LearnEnvironment; using static PKHeX.Core.LearnSource4; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Exposes information about how moves are learned in . /// public sealed class LearnSource4DP : ILearnSource, IEggSource { public static readonly LearnSource4DP Instance = new(); private static readonly PersonalTable4 Personal = PersonalTable.DP; private static readonly Learnset[] Learnsets = Legal.LevelUpDP; private static readonly EggMoves6[] EggMoves = Legal.EggMovesDPPt; private const int MaxSpecies = Legal.MaxSpeciesID_4; private const LearnEnvironment Game = DP; private const int Generation = 4; private const int CountTM = 92; public Learnset GetLearnset(ushort species, byte form) => Learnsets[Personal.GetFormIndex(species, form)]; public bool TryGetPersonal(ushort species, byte form, [NotNullWhen(true)] out PersonalInfo? pi) { pi = null; if (species > MaxSpecies) return false; pi = Personal[species]; return true; } public bool GetIsEggMove(ushort species, byte form, ushort move) { if (species > MaxSpecies) return false; var moves = EggMoves[species]; return moves.GetHasEggMove(move); } public ReadOnlySpan GetEggMoves(ushort species, byte form) { if (species > MaxSpecies) return ReadOnlySpan.Empty; return EggMoves[species].Moves; } public MoveLearnInfo GetCanLearn(PKM pk, PersonalInfo pi, EvoCriteria evo, ushort move, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All, LearnOption option = LearnOption.Current) { if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp)) { var learn = GetLearnset(evo.Species, evo.Form); var level = learn.GetLevelLearnMove(move); if (level != -1 && level <= evo.LevelMax) return new(LevelUp, Game, (byte)level); } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Machine)) { if (GetIsTM(pi, move)) return new(TMHM, Game); if ((move is (int)Move.Defog || pk.Format == Generation) && GetIsHM(pi, move)) return new(TMHM, Game); } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.TypeTutor) && GetIsTypeTutor(evo.Species, move)) return new(Tutor, Game); if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SpecialTutor) && GetIsSpecialTutor(pi, move)) return new(Tutor, Game); return default; } private static bool GetIsTypeTutor(ushort species, ushort move) { var index = Array.IndexOf(SpecialTutors_4, move); if (index == -1) return false; var list = SpecialTutors_Compatibility_4[index].AsSpan(); return list.IndexOf(species) != -1; } private static bool GetIsSpecialTutor(PersonalInfo pi, ushort move) { var index = Array.IndexOf(Tutors_4, move); if (index == -1) return false; return pi.TypeTutors[index]; } private static bool GetIsTM(PersonalInfo info, ushort move) { var index = Array.IndexOf(TM_4, move); if (index == -1) return false; return info.TMHM[index]; } private static bool GetIsHM(PersonalInfo info, ushort move) { var index = Array.IndexOf(HM_DPPt, move); if (index == -1) return false; return info.TMHM[CountTM + index]; } public void GetAllMoves(Span result, PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All) { if (!TryGetPersonal(evo.Species, evo.Form, out var pi)) return; if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp)) { var learn = GetLearnset(evo.Species, evo.Form); (bool hasMoves, int start, int end) = learn.GetMoveRange(evo.LevelMax); if (hasMoves) { var moves = learn.Moves; for (int i = end; i >= start; i--) result[moves[i]] = true; } } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Machine)) { var flags = pi.TMHM; var moves = TM_4; for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) { if (flags[i]) result[moves[i]] = true; } if (pk.Format == Generation) { moves = HM_DPPt; for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) { if (flags[CountTM + i]) result[moves[i]] = true; } } else { // Permit Defog to leak through if transferred to Gen5+ (via HG/SS) if (flags[CountTM + 4]) result[(int)Move.Defog] = true; } } if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SpecialTutor)) { var flags = pi.TypeTutors; var moves = Tutors_4; for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) { if (flags[i]) result[moves[i]] = true; } } } }