namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Generation 9 Static Encounter /// /// public sealed record EncounterStatic9(GameVersion Version) : EncounterStatic(Version), IGemType { public override int Generation => 9; public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen9; public byte Size { get; init; } public GemType TeraType { get; init; } public bool IsTitan { get; init; } private bool NoScalarsDefined => Size == 0; public bool GiftWithLanguage => Gift; // Nice error by GameFreak -- all gifts (including eggs) set the HT_Language memory value in addition to OT_Language. public bool StarterBoxLegend => Gift && Species is (int)Core.Species.Koraidon or (int)Core.Species.Miraidon; protected override bool IsMatchPartial(PKM pk) { if (pk is IScaledSize v && !NoScalarsDefined) { if (Gift) { if (v.HeightScalar != Size) return true; if (v.WeightScalar != Size) return true; } if (pk is PK9 pk9) { if (pk9.Scale != Size) return true; } } return base.IsMatchPartial(pk); } public override bool IsMatchExact(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo) { if (TeraType != GemType.Random && pk is ITeraType t && !Tera9RNG.IsMatchTeraType(TeraType, Species, Form, (byte)t.TeraTypeOriginal)) return false; return base.IsMatchExact(pk, evo); } protected override void ApplyDetails(ITrainerInfo tr, EncounterCriteria criteria, PKM pk) { base.ApplyDetails(tr, criteria, pk); var pk9 = (PK9)pk; if (Gift) pk9.HT_Language = (byte)pk.Language; if (StarterBoxLegend) pk9.FormArgument = 1; // Not Ride Form. if (IsTitan) pk9.RibbonMarkTitan = true; pk9.Obedience_Level = (byte)pk9.Met_Level; const byte undefinedSize = 0; byte height, weight, scale; if (NoScalarsDefined) { height = weight = scale = undefinedSize; } else { // Gifts have a defined H/W/S, while capture-able only have scale. height = weight = Gift ? Size : undefinedSize; scale = Size; } const byte rollCount = 1; var pi = PersonalTable.SV.GetFormEntry(Species, Form); var param = new GenerateParam9((byte)pi.Gender, FlawlessIVCount, rollCount, height, weight, scale, Ability, Shiny); ulong init = Util.Rand.Rand64(); var success = this.TryApply64(pk9, init, param, criteria, IVs.IsSpecified); if (!success) this.TryApply64(pk9, init, param, EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted, IVs.IsSpecified); if (IVs.IsSpecified) { pk.IV_HP = IVs.HP; pk.IV_ATK = IVs.ATK; pk.IV_DEF = IVs.DEF; pk.IV_SPA = IVs.SPA; pk.IV_SPD = IVs.SPD; pk.IV_SPE = IVs.SPE; } if (Nature != Nature.Random) { pk.Nature = pk.StatNature = (int)Nature; } } }