using System; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX { public sealed class SAV3 : SaveFile { public override string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{OT} ({Version})" +/* - {LastSavedTime}*/ "].bak"; public override string Filter => "SAV File|*.sav"; public override string Extension => ".sav"; /* SAV3 Structure: * 0xE000 per save file * 14 blocks @ 0x1000 each. * Blocks do not use all 0x1000 bytes allocated. * Via: */ private readonly int[] chunkLength = { 0xf2c, // 0 | Trainer info 0xf80, // 1 | Team / items 0xf80, // 2 | Unknown 0xf80, // 3 | Unknown 0xf08, // 4 | Rival info 0xf80, // 5 | PC Block 0 0xf80, // 6 | PC Block 1 0xf80, // 7 | PC Block 2 0xf80, // 8 | PC Block 3 0xf80, // 9 | PC Block 4 0xf80, // A | PC Block 5 0xf80, // B | PC Block 6 0xf80, // C | PC Block 7 0x7d0 // D | PC Block 8 }; public SAV3(byte[] data = null, GameVersion versionOverride = GameVersion.Any) { Data = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G3RAW] : (byte[])data.Clone(); BAK = (byte[])Data.Clone(); Exportable = !Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[Data.Length]); if (data == null) Version = GameVersion.FRLG; else if (versionOverride != GameVersion.Any) Version = versionOverride; else Version = SaveUtil.getIsG3SAV(Data); if (Version == GameVersion.Invalid) return; BlockOrder = new int[14]; ActiveSAV = SaveUtil.SIZE_G3RAWHALF == data.Length || BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0xFFC) > BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0xEFFC) ? 0 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) BlockOrder[i] = BitConverter.ToInt16(Data, ABO + i*0x1000 + 0xFF4); // Detect RS/E/FRLG // Section 0 stores Game Code @ 0x00AC; 0 for RS, 1 for FRLG, else for Emerald Trainer1 = Array.IndexOf(BlockOrder, 0)*0x1000 + ABO; Party = Array.IndexOf(BlockOrder, 1)*0x1000 + ABO; Block2 = Array.IndexOf(BlockOrder, 2)*0x1000 + ABO; Block3 = Array.IndexOf(BlockOrder, 3)*0x1000 + ABO; // Set up PC data buffer beyond end of save file. Box = Data.Length; Array.Resize(ref Data, Data.Length + 0x10000); // More than enough empty space. // Copy chunk to the allocated location for (int i = 5; i < 14; i++) { int blockIndex = Array.IndexOf(BlockOrder, i); if (blockIndex == -1) // block empty continue; Array.Copy(Data, blockIndex * 0x1000 + ABO, Data, Box + (i - 5)*0xF80, chunkLength[i]); } switch (Version) { case GameVersion.RS: LegalKeyItems = Legal.Pouch_Key_RS; OFS_PouchHeldItem = Party + 0x0560; OFS_PouchKeyItem = Party + 0x05B0; OFS_PouchBalls = Party + 0x0600; OFS_PouchTMHM = Party + 0x0640; OFS_PouchBerry = Party + 0x0740; Personal = PersonalInfo.RS; break; case GameVersion.FRLG: LegalKeyItems = Legal.Pouch_Key_FRLG; OFS_PouchHeldItem = Party + 0x0310; OFS_PouchKeyItem = Party + 0x03B8; OFS_PouchBalls = Party + 0x0430; OFS_PouchTMHM = Party + 0x0464; OFS_PouchBerry = Party + 0x054C; Personal = PersonalInfo.FR; // todo break; case GameVersion.E: LegalKeyItems = Legal.Pouch_Key_E; OFS_PouchHeldItem = Party + 0x0560; OFS_PouchKeyItem = Party + 0x05D8; OFS_PouchBalls = Party + 0x0650; OFS_PouchTMHM = Party + 0x0690; OFS_PouchBerry = Party + 0x0790; Personal = PersonalInfo.E; break; } LegalItems = Legal.Pouch_Items_RS; LegalBalls = Legal.Pouch_Ball_RS; LegalTMHMs = Legal.Pouch_TMHM_RS; LegalBerries = Legal.Pouch_Berries_RS; HeldItems = Legal.HeldItems_RS; if (!Exportable) resetBoxes(); } private readonly int ActiveSAV; private int ABO => ActiveSAV*0xE000; private readonly int[] BlockOrder; // Configuration public override SaveFile Clone() { return new SAV3(Data.Take(Box).ToArray(), Version); } public override int SIZE_STORED => PKX.SIZE_3STORED; public override int SIZE_PARTY => PKX.SIZE_3PARTY; public override PKM BlankPKM => new PK3(); protected override Type PKMType => typeof(PK3); public override int MaxMoveID => 354; public override int MaxSpeciesID => 386; public override int MaxAbilityID => 77; public override int MaxItemID => 374; public override int MaxBallID => 0xC; public override int MaxGameID => 5; public override int BoxCount => 14; public override int MaxEV => 252; public override int Generation => 3; protected override int GiftCountMax => 1; public override int OTLength => 8; public override int NickLength => 10; private int Block2, Block3; // Checksums protected override void setChecksums() { for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { byte[] chunk = Data.Skip(ABO + i*0x1000).Take(chunkLength[BlockOrder[i]]).ToArray(); ushort chk = SaveUtil.check32(chunk); BitConverter.GetBytes(chk).CopyTo(Data, ABO + i + 0xFF4); } } public override bool ChecksumsValid { get { for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { byte[] chunk = Data.Skip(ABO + i * 0x1000).Take(chunkLength[BlockOrder[i]]).ToArray(); ushort chk = SaveUtil.check32(chunk); if (chk != BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, ABO + i*0xFF4)) return false; } return true; } } public override string ChecksumInfo { get { string r = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { byte[] chunk = Data.Skip(ABO + i * 0x1000).Take(chunkLength[BlockOrder[i]]).ToArray(); ushort chk = SaveUtil.check32(chunk); if (chk != BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, ABO + i * 0xFF4)) r += $"Block {BlockOrder[i]} @ {i*0x1000} (len {chunkLength[BlockOrder[i]]}) invalid." + Environment.NewLine; } return r.Length == 0 ? "Checksums valid." : r.TrimEnd(); } } // Trainer Info public override GameVersion Version { get; protected set; } private bool Japanese; private uint SecurityKey { get { switch (Version) { case GameVersion.E: return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Trainer1 + 0xAC); case GameVersion.FRLG: return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Trainer1 + 0xAF8); default: return 0; } } } public override string OT { get { return PKX.getG3Str(Data.Skip(Trainer1).Take(0x10).ToArray(), Japanese) .Replace("\uE08F", "\u2640") // Nidoran ♂ .Replace("\uE08E", "\u2642") // Nidoran ♀ .Replace("\u2019", "\u0027"); // Farfetch'd } set { if (value.Length > 7) value = value.Substring(0, 7); // Hard cap string TempNick = value // Replace Special Characters and add Terminator .Replace("\u2640", "\uE08F") // Nidoran ♂ .Replace("\u2642", "\uE08E") // Nidoran ♀ .Replace("\u0027", "\u2019"); // Farfetch'd PKX.setG3Str(TempNick, Japanese).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1); } } public override int Gender { get { return Data[Trainer1 + 8]; } set { Data[Trainer1 + 8] = (byte)value; } } public override ushort TID { get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, Trainer1 + 0xA + 0); } set { BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0xA + 0); } } public override ushort SID { get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, Trainer1 + 0xC); } set { BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0xC); } } public override int PlayedHours { get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, Trainer1 + 0xE); } set { BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0xE); } } public override int PlayedMinutes { get { return Data[Trainer1 + 0x10]; } set { Data[Trainer1 + 0x10] = (byte)value; } } public override int PlayedSeconds { get { return Data[Trainer1 + 0x11]; } set { Data[Trainer1 + 0x11] = (byte)value; } } public int PlayedFrames { get { return Data[Trainer1 + 0x12]; } set { Data[Trainer1 + 0x12] = (byte)value; } } public override uint Money { get { switch (Version) { case GameVersion.RS: case GameVersion.E: return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Party + 0x0490) ^ SecurityKey; case GameVersion.FRLG: return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Party + 0x0290) ^ SecurityKey; default: return 0; } } set { switch (Version) { case GameVersion.RS: case GameVersion.E: BitConverter.GetBytes(value ^ SecurityKey).CopyTo(Data, Party + 0x0490); break; case GameVersion.FRLG: BitConverter.GetBytes(value ^ SecurityKey).CopyTo(Data, Party + 0x0290); break; } } } public uint Coin { get { switch (Version) { case GameVersion.RS: case GameVersion.E: return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Party + 0x0494) ^ SecurityKey; case GameVersion.FRLG: return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Party + 0x0294) ^ SecurityKey; default: return 0; } } set { switch (Version) { case GameVersion.RS: case GameVersion.E: BitConverter.GetBytes(value ^ SecurityKey).CopyTo(Data, Party + 0x0494); break; case GameVersion.FRLG: BitConverter.GetBytes(value ^ SecurityKey).CopyTo(Data, Party + 0x0294); break; } } } public int BP { get { return Data[Trainer1 + 0xEB8]; } set { Data[Trainer1 + 0xEB8] = (byte)value; } } private readonly ushort[] LegalItems, LegalKeyItems, LegalBalls, LegalTMHMs, LegalBerries; public override InventoryPouch[] Inventory { get { InventoryPouch[] pouch = { new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Items, LegalItems, 95, OFS_PouchHeldItem, (OFS_PouchKeyItem - OFS_PouchHeldItem)/4), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.KeyItems, LegalKeyItems, 1, OFS_PouchKeyItem, (OFS_PouchBalls - OFS_PouchKeyItem)/4), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Balls, LegalBalls, 95, OFS_PouchBalls, (OFS_PouchTMHM - OFS_PouchBalls)/4), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.TMHMs, LegalTMHMs, 95, OFS_PouchTMHM, (OFS_PouchBerry - OFS_PouchTMHM)/4), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Berries, LegalBerries, 95, OFS_PouchBerry, Version == GameVersion.FRLG ? 43 : 46), }; foreach (var p in pouch) { p.SecurityKey = SecurityKey; p.getPouch(ref Data); } return pouch; } set { foreach (var p in value) p.setPouch(ref Data); } } public override int getDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) { return Daycare + slot * SIZE_PARTY; } public override ulong? getDaycareRNGSeed(int loc) { return null; } public override uint? getDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) { int ofs = Daycare + (slot + 1) * SIZE_PARTY - 4; return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, ofs); } public override bool? getDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) { return null; } public override void setDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) { int ofs = Daycare + (slot + 1) * SIZE_PARTY - 4; BitConverter.GetBytes(EXP).CopyTo(Data, ofs); } public override void setDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { } // Storage public override int PartyCount { get { int ofs = 0x34; if (GameVersion.FRLG != Version) ofs += 0x200; return Data[Party + ofs]; } protected set { int ofs = 0x34; if (GameVersion.FRLG != Version) ofs += 0x200; Data[Party + ofs] = (byte)value; } } public override int getBoxOffset(int box) { return Box + 4 + SIZE_STORED * box * 30; } public override int getPartyOffset(int slot) { int ofs = 0x38; if (GameVersion.FRLG != Version) ofs += 0x200; return Party + ofs + SIZE_PARTY * slot; } public override int CurrentBox { get { return Data[Box]; } set { Data[Box] = (byte)value; } } public override int getBoxWallpaper(int box) { // Box Wallpaper is directly after the Box Names int offset = getBoxOffset(BoxCount); offset += BoxCount * 0x9; return Data[offset]; } public override string getBoxName(int box) { int offset = getBoxOffset(BoxCount); return PKX.getG3Str(Data.Skip(offset + box * 9).Take(9).ToArray(), Japanese); } public override void setBoxName(int box, string value) { if (value.Length > 8) value = value.Substring(0, 8); // Hard cap int offset = getBoxOffset(BoxCount); PKX.setG3Str(value, Japanese).CopyTo(Data, offset + box * 9); } public override PKM getPKM(byte[] data) { return new PK3(data); } public override byte[] decryptPKM(byte[] data) { return PKX.decryptArray3(data); } } }