using System; using System.Diagnostics; using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives; namespace PKHeX.Core; public static class BVRequestUtil { public static string GetSMBattleVideoURL(string code) { code = code.Replace("-", string.Empty); Debug.Assert(code.Length == 16); var video_id = StrToU64(code, out bool valid); if (!valid) return string.Empty; return $"{video_id:D11}-00001"; // Sun datastore } public static ulong StrToU64(ReadOnlySpan input, out bool valid) { var chk = Pull(input[..4]) >> 4; // first four chars are checksum bits var result = Pull(input[4..]); // next 12 chars are the 70 value bits Span temp = stackalloc byte[8]; WriteUInt64LittleEndian(temp, result); var actual = Checksums.CRC16_CCITT(temp); valid = chk == actual; return result; static ulong Pull(ReadOnlySpan input) { ulong val = 0; foreach (char c in input) { if (c == '-') continue; val <<= 5; val |= Get5BitFromChar(c) & 0b11111; } return val; } } public static string U64ToStr(ulong input, bool insertDash) { Span temp = stackalloc byte[8]; WriteUInt64LittleEndian(temp, input); uint chk = Checksums.CRC16_CCITT(temp); Span buff = stackalloc char[16]; int ctr = 15; Push(buff, ref ctr, 12, input); // store value bits Push(buff, ref ctr, 04, chk << 4); // store checksum bits return !insertDash ? new string(buff) : GetStringWithDashesEvery(buff, 4); static void Push(Span buff, ref int ctr, int bit5Chunks, ulong value) { for (int i = 0; i < bit5Chunks; i++) { buff[ctr--] = Set5BitToChar((char)(value & 0x1F)); value >>= 5; } } } private static string GetStringWithDashesEvery(ReadOnlySpan buff, int spacer) { Span buff2 = stackalloc char[buff.Length + ((buff.Length / spacer) - 1)]; for (int i = 0, ctr = 0; i < buff.Length; i++) { buff2[ctr++] = buff[i]; if (i % spacer == 3 && ctr < buff2.Length) buff2[ctr++] = '-'; // add dash between every chunk of size {spacer} } return new string(buff2); } private static char Set5BitToChar(char c) { var shift = c > 9 ? '7' : '0'; c += shift; return MapToChar(c); } private static uint Get5BitFromChar(char c) { c = MapFromChar(c); var shift = c >= 'A' ? '7' : '0'; return (uint)(c - shift); } private static char MapToChar(char c) => c switch { '0' => 'W', '1' => 'X', 'I' => 'Y', 'O' => 'Z', _ => c, }; private static char MapFromChar(char c) => c switch { 'W' => '0', 'X' => '1', 'Y' => 'I', 'Z' => 'O', _ => c, }; }