using System;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// Mystery Gift Template File
public abstract class MysteryGift : IEncounterable, IMoveset, IRelearn, ITrainerID32, IFatefulEncounterReadOnly, IEncounterMatch
/// Determines whether the given length of bytes is valid for a mystery gift.
/// Length, in bytes, of the data of which to determine validity.
/// A boolean indicating whether the given length is valid for a mystery gift.
public static bool IsMysteryGift(long len) => len is
// WC9.Size or SAME AS WA8
WA8.Size or WB8.Size or WC8.Size or
WC6Full.Size or WC6.Size or
PGF.Size or PGT.Size or
/// Converts the given data to a .
/// Raw data of the mystery gift.
/// Extension of the file from which the was retrieved.
/// An instance of representing the given data, or null if or is invalid.
/// This overload differs from by checking the / combo for validity. If either is invalid, a null reference is returned.
public static DataMysteryGift? GetMysteryGift(byte[] data, ReadOnlySpan ext) => data.Length switch
PGT.Size when Equals(ext, ".pgt") => new PGT(data),
PCD.Size when Equals(ext, ".pcd", ".wc4") => new PCD(data),
PGF.Size when Equals(ext, ".pgf") => new PGF(data),
WC6.Size when Equals(ext, ".wc6") => new WC6(data),
WC7.Size when Equals(ext, ".wc7") => new WC7(data),
WB7.Size when Equals(ext, ".wb7") => new WB7(data),
WR7.Size when Equals(ext, ".wr7") => new WR7(data),
WC8.Size when Equals(ext, ".wc8", ".wc8full") => new WC8(data),
WB8.Size when Equals(ext, ".wb8") => new WB8(data),
WA8.Size when Equals(ext, ".wa8") => new WA8(data),
WC9.Size when Equals(ext, ".wc9") => new WC9(data),
PGF.SizeFull when Equals(ext, ".wc5full") => new PGF(data),
WB7.SizeFull when Equals(ext, ".wb7full") => new WB7(data),
WC6Full.Size when Equals(ext, ".wc6full") => new WC6Full(data).Gift,
WC7Full.Size when Equals(ext, ".wc7full") => new WC7Full(data).Gift,
_ => null,
private static bool Equals(ReadOnlySpan c, ReadOnlySpan cmp) => c.Equals(cmp, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static bool Equals(ReadOnlySpan c, ReadOnlySpan cmp1, ReadOnlySpan cmp2) => Equals(c, cmp1) || Equals(c, cmp2);
/// Converts the given data to a .
/// Raw data of the mystery gift.
/// An instance of representing the given data, or null if is invalid.
public static DataMysteryGift? GetMysteryGift(byte[] data) => data.Length switch
PGT.Size => new PGT(data),
PCD.Size => new PCD(data),
PGF.Size => new PGF(data),
WR7.Size => new WR7(data),
WB8.Size => new WB8(data),
// WC8/WC5Full: WC8 0x2CF always 0, WC5Full 0x2CF contains card checksum
WC8.Size => data[0x2CF] == 0 ? new WC8(data) : new PGF(data),
// WA8/WC9: WA8 CardType >0 for WA8, 0 for WC9.
WA8.Size => data[0xF] > 0 ? new WA8(data) : new WC9(data),
// WC6/WC7: Check year
WC6.Size => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(data.AsSpan(0x4C)) / 10000 < 2000 ? new WC7(data) : new WC6(data),
// WC6Full/WC7Full: 0x205 has 3 * 0x46 for Gen6, now only 2.
WC6Full.Size => data[0x205] == 0 ? new WC7Full(data).Gift : new WC6Full(data).Gift,
_ => null,
public string Extension => GetType().Name.ToLowerInvariant();
public string FileName => $"{CardHeader}.{Extension}";
public abstract int Generation { get; }
public abstract EntityContext Context { get; }
public abstract bool FatefulEncounter { get; }
public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo tr) => ConvertToPKM(tr, EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted);
public abstract PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo tr, EncounterCriteria criteria);
public abstract bool IsMatchExact(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo);
protected abstract bool IsMatchDeferred(PKM pk);
protected abstract bool IsMatchPartial(PKM pk);
public EncounterMatchRating GetMatchRating(PKM pk)
if (IsMatchPartial(pk))
return EncounterMatchRating.PartialMatch;
if (IsMatchDeferred(pk))
return EncounterMatchRating.Deferred;
return EncounterMatchRating.Match;
/// Creates a deep copy of the object data.
public abstract MysteryGift Clone();
/// Gets a friendly name for the underlying type.
public string Type => GetType().Name;
/// Gets a friendly name for the underlying type for the interface.
public string Name => "Event Gift";
/// Gets a friendly name for the underlying type for the interface.
public string LongName => $"{Name} ({Type})";
public virtual GameVersion Version
get => GameUtil.GetVersion(Generation);
set { }
// Properties
public virtual ushort Species { get => 0; set { } }
public abstract AbilityPermission Ability { get; }
public abstract bool GiftUsed { get; set; }
public abstract string CardTitle { get; set; }
public abstract int CardID { get; set; }
public abstract bool IsItem { get; set; }
public abstract int ItemID { get; set; }
public abstract bool IsEntity { get; set; }
public virtual int Quantity { get => 1; set { } }
public virtual bool Empty => false;
public virtual string CardHeader => (CardID > 0 ? $"Card #: {CardID:0000}" : "N/A") + $" - {CardTitle.Replace('\u3000',' ').Trim()}";
// Search Properties
public virtual Moveset Moves { get => default; set { } }
public virtual Moveset Relearn { get => default; set { } }
public virtual int[] IVs { get => []; set { } }
public virtual bool HasFixedIVs => true;
public virtual void GetIVs(Span value) { }
public virtual bool IsShiny => false;
public virtual Shiny Shiny
get => Shiny.Never;
init => throw new InvalidOperationException();
public virtual bool IsEgg { get => false; set { } }
public virtual int HeldItem { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int AbilityType { get => -1; set { } }
public abstract int Gender { get; set; }
public abstract byte Form { get; set; }
public abstract uint ID32 { get; set; }
public abstract ushort TID16 { get; set; }
public abstract ushort SID16 { get; set; }
public abstract string OT_Name { get; set; }
public abstract int Location { get; set; }
public abstract byte Level { get; set; }
public byte LevelMin => Level;
public byte LevelMax => Level;
public abstract int Ball { get; set; }
public virtual bool EggEncounter => IsEgg;
public abstract int EggLocation { get; set; }
protected virtual bool IsMatchEggLocation(PKM pk)
var expect = EggEncounter ? EggLocation : pk is PB8 ? Locations.Default8bNone : 0;
return pk.Egg_Location == expect;
public Ball FixedBall => (Ball)Ball;
public TrainerIDFormat TrainerIDDisplayFormat => this.GetTrainerIDFormat();
public uint TrainerTID7 { get => this.GetTrainerTID7(); set => this.SetTrainerTID7(value); }
public uint TrainerSID7 { get => this.GetTrainerSID7(); set => this.SetTrainerSID7(value); }
public uint DisplayTID { get => this.GetDisplayTID(); set => this.SetDisplayTID(value); }
public uint DisplaySID { get => this.GetDisplaySID(); set => this.SetDisplaySID(value); }
/// Checks if the has the in its current move list.
public bool HasMove(ushort move) => Moves.Contains(move);