using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core { public static class MoveBreed { public static bool Process(int generation, int species, int form, GameVersion version, int[] moves) { _ = Process(generation, species, form, version, moves, out var valid); return valid; } public static object Process(int generation, int species, int form, GameVersion version, int[] moves, out bool valid) => generation switch { 2 => MoveBreed2.Validate(species, version, moves, out valid), 3 => MoveBreed3.Validate(species, version, moves, out valid), 4 => MoveBreed4.Validate(species, version, moves, out valid), 5 => MoveBreed5.Validate(species, version, moves, out valid), _ => MoveBreed6.Validate(generation, species, form, version, moves, out valid), }; public static int[] GetExpectedMoves(int[] moves, IEncounterTemplate enc) { var parse = Process(enc.Generation, enc.Species, enc.Form, enc.Version, moves, out var valid); if (valid) return moves; return GetExpectedMoves(enc.Generation, enc.Species, enc.Form, enc.Version, moves, parse); } public static int[] GetExpectedMoves(int generation, int species, int form, GameVersion version, int[] moves, object parse) { // Try rearranging the order of the moves. // Build an info table var x = (byte[])parse; var details = new MoveOrder[moves.Length]; for (byte i = 0; i < x.Length; i++) details[i] = new MoveOrder((ushort) moves[i], x[i]); // Kick empty slots to the end, then order by source priority. IOrderedEnumerable expect = generation != 2 ? details.OrderBy(z => z.Move == 0).ThenBy(z => z.Source) : details.OrderBy(z => z.Move == 0).ThenBy(z => z.Source != (byte) EggSource2.Base); // Reorder the moves. var reorder1 = new int[moves.Length]; var exp = expect.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) reorder1[i] = exp[i].Move; // Check if that worked... _ = Process(generation, species, form, version, reorder1, out var valid); if (valid) return reorder1; // Well, that didn't work; probably because the moves aren't valid. Let's remove all the base moves, and get a fresh set. var reorder2 = reorder1; // reuse instead of reallocate var learn = GameData.GetLearnsets(version); var table = GameData.GetPersonal(version); var index = table.GetFormIndex(species, form); var learnset = learn[index]; var baseMoves = learnset.GetBaseEggMoves(generation >= 4 ? 1 : 5); RebuildMoves(baseMoves, exp, reorder2); // Check if that worked... _ = Process(generation, species, form, version, reorder2, out valid); if (valid) return reorder2; // Total failure; just return the base moves. baseMoves.CopyTo(reorder2); for (int i = baseMoves.Length; i < reorder2.Length; i++) reorder2[i] = 0; return reorder2; } private static void RebuildMoves(ReadOnlySpan baseMoves, List exp, int[] result) { var notBase = new List(); foreach (var m in exp) { if (m.Source == 0) continue; // invalid int move = m.Move; if (baseMoves.IndexOf(move) != -1) notBase.Add(move); } int baseCount = 4 - notBase.Count; if (baseCount > baseMoves.Length) baseCount = baseMoves.Length; int ctr = 0; for (; ctr < baseCount; ctr++) result[ctr] = baseMoves[baseMoves.Length - baseCount + ctr]; foreach (var m in notBase) result[ctr] = m; for (int i = ctr; i < result.Length; i++) result[i] = 0; } private readonly struct MoveOrder { public readonly ushort Move; public readonly byte Source; public MoveOrder(ushort move, byte source) { Move = move; Source = source; } } } }