pull out some move data fetching to separate class
add methods to quickly fetch if the move is learnable via that method
eventual plan is this:
'fetch all possible moves then look within' move validation
'peek if learnable, and get info how' move validation
- returns game the move was learned in and the level (if appropriate)
- infinitely less object creation (garbage collection)
- only looks for a given move, doesn't have to fetch everything before
- faster than full fetch, can be made even faster by optimizing lookups.
subject to change :)
Needs the events crew to produce serialized binaries with hash-flag data
for each generation before proceeding any further. I'm not really
interested in doing all the work for events since it doesn't impact
battle legality.
nickname reset clears except for encountertrades (some have fixed
remove untraded check for HT memory verification, has to be traded if it
has a HT memory.
stored as wc3's, make "Version" from IVersion rather than int so that
"WasXD" recognizes it.
Update handling for fateful encounter trade-away cases.
Gen7 weavile can exist in gen4 as sneasel; existing code had pruned it
from gen4. Skip pruning for this case
probably overdid the checks but whatever. works.
Thanks /u/ThrowawayReddNinja for pointing out this false flagged case
with an example!
Had relearnmoves defined but no current moves; better for generator to
spit out all moves rather than the special move (hold back)
store current moves for all link gifts
Too many classes in the same file, break up.
simplify things a little in EncounterArea (remove passing thru nulls,
should throw excpetion immediately if misconfigured).
amount of pkm obj classes is pretty high, move the static utility
classes to another folder
breaks usage of pkm.ShowdownText; removes a dependency from PKM.
* Fix minlevel of Pangoro/Tyrantrum/Aurorus in gen6
30: level + dark type in the party
32: level + day
33: level + night
34: level + female
Note Meowstic isn't affected due to another entry of level + male (23)
* Minor text usage fix
* Fix xorPID flipping in TransferEC check
Remove edge case handling for level 2 blissey; updates over the past 2
(yay 2 years of legality checking) can now handle that case without
special handling.
Store 4g giratina held item for enc->pkm legality
revise usages of GetSaneGender
Rearrange some logic
Better handle impossible version encounters (gen4)
gen 1-5 done, stuck on 659 - bunnelby egg...?