use 'u' to denote uint values, so that less IL ops are required
~(21->17) in the case of IVs
no functional change, just a fun exercise looking at generated IL and
finding ways to use less ops
no functional change, just rewrite some logic for better flow
fix subform popup count restriction (OwnedForms requires forms to be
added/removed manually; it doesn't automatically update)
sanitize box names when dumping boxes with separate folders (and bad box
Remove a bunch of duplicate accessing
use dictionary to fetch grid rather than searching control names
break up larger methods to reduce complexity
probably going to rewrite the giveAll/removeAll actions to do work
within the pouch, then reload the UI with the final pouch
hide setters for LegalInfo outside assembly (shouldn't overwrite the
stored values)
update GenNumber to Gen* if appropriate; GenNumber checks for first Gen*
to match, is a little more explicit and quicker than calling twice when
checking a range
kinda slow, if a save has 900 mons, it has to check 900*900 which is
O(n^2), takes a few seconds
as opposed to just doing a hashset checking contains, would be O(n)
gotta do some fun stuff to make it faster
relocate program language enum
test that test case is proper
move getcompatible & gettemplate to core
remove catch rate changing for pk1 (catchrate editor now used instead)
replace Friendship control click to match shortcut description (used to
do nothing)
Remove some duplicate translation strings
fix gameselect string formatting
apparently systemsounds changed in a recent win10 update, Question is
now silent?? Exclamation is now the same as Asterisk (same as Beep?) Use
hand instead of Exclamation.
only use asterisk for notifications
old overridden behavior didn't display the font cleanly
use TextRenderer instead with formatting, and squish things down to
regular size (-2px).
lightened the green color in a previous commit
since redrawing is good now, can maybe expand upon coloring (move type
shown on left side as a color?)
be explicit that the string is empty rather than possibly missing
disallow encrypted export for BK4 (they're not encrypted), removes type
simplify replaceall in showdownset (don't call ReplaceAll 4x, just get
valid chars and rebuild)
simplify get ribbon sprite name (precompute ToLower and appended values
bad logic causes the relearnmoves to get reset when first one is
applied, just revert to the old way instead of wrapping FieldsLoading
around this (repopulating legality would have to be manually called
Reuse some code in netutil for fetching stream (provide useragent for
all uses)
make sav4ranch use dynamicly read offsets to handle both variants
(quicker) #2248
sav1: assign personal table based on (detected/provided) version
catchrate editor: allow to use savefile personal
remove gb era prompt whenever gb/blank loaded; have it as a setting (can
be overridden for VC now). keep allowgbera as autodetect
personaltable: track format for debugging purposes/info
update translations
showdownset: contains char instead of string
gameinfo: static readonly array instead of redefining new on update
legality: order of operation / value reuse / simplification / comments
pkx: compare char instead of single character string
header/footer: move assignment into method as an out instead of ref
Provide gen1/2 gb only version origin fetch for personal/moves ty
shadowmario (i assume this fixes things)
make listbox use ingame font for special characters
2f6e30bb3c (r31924945)
ty @pmarkive
Closes#2242 , adds OT font without cloning
add font to secret base editor, fix ability combobox binding --
apparently nobody has used this editor since it was changed back in July
kinda have to restrict these to 'valid' choices; should be enough of a
selection->result to be adequate for changing version
restart the program after changing the setting; won't take effect until
rearrange pkm version groups for clear break between
clear pokelist for sav7b on non-exportable saves (prevents b1s1 from
showing markings)
rename horohoro (pgo) to non romaji lol, hide daycare/party tabs on
nonexportable save
remove some unnecessary operations
rewrite getallcontrolsoftype to remove ToList() and make generic
remove silly idle loop, call close manually
remove initialization check for generating sprite; now only calls at max
2x when starting up = not necessary to bypass with a special variable
Closes#2227 , validation failed to recognize this item since it wasn't
a ComboItem
only happens if a gen1/2 save is provided as the most recent/startup
holding ctrl-shift-alt bypasses pkmeditor restrictions, which normally
blocks exporting a pkm with 0 species.
fix catch error string (underlines the space, lol), use escape ampersand
Found while explaining #2227
can restore behavior by adding it as a custom user path; cgse isn't very
prevalent nowadays
now the only registry key checks are for checking net framework version
Add version specific search or all compatible
Add encounter type checkboxes (others are ignored)
Only return distinct encounters (by reference)
Refresh Checksum from generated iencounterable->pk before converting (to
eventually be fixed in iencounterable rewrite maybe)
Make extrabytes a pkm property (don't mutate array pls)
reconfigure startup loading to only initialize after initial load of sav
& pkm (using blanks if not provided)
* Put assembly version in window title
* Treat version.txt as a Version
* Cache current version
* Don't use resources anymore for version
* Re-add version.txt, for backwards compatibility
* Set old version.txt's build action to None
* Use GitHub API for version checking
remove lockedslots, store & save all teamslots for sav7
differentiate locked slots from overwrite protected slots by emitting an
enum containing info about the slot
locked = can't be replaced, period.
starter/battleteam = can't be pasted over by bulk-pastes
can eventually show more specific sprite layers to denote party
Starter Pikachu & Eevee have different growth rates than their base
forms (seriously WHY?)
remove old api surface in PKX as a breaking change as adding the
parameter is necessary.
Program boots -> load extra locations rather than constantly fetching.
These files won't change location or presence (not an external drive).
just store the locations instead of constantly fetching, we already call
detect once when loading the form anyway.
extract final pkm manipulation logic from pkm editor
add xmldoc to boxmanipulator, add utility class for enum->manip fetching
fix xmldoc referencing removed enum member
relocate boxmanip overview logic to utility class
move SAVPaths file pointer to Main for reuse #2109 , will add to
autodetect in a later commit
open/save dialog with extra extensions: ignore ones already present
click ball sprite/label to cycle through legal balls
hold alt to use old behavior (set to pokeball)
hold shift to cycle through legal balls randomly (default behavior goes
want to randomize setting balls? use the ApplyBallLegalRandom method at
the end :)
can't really get too fancy as only one color is stored in the personal
data, pkm aren't one single color.
move encountertype datasource providing to core
fix rerolling EC not updating characteristic
remove some repeat logic calls
relocate geolocation name fetch to separate class, add tests to ensure
functionality, add languageID->country/region fetch method
hides pid & ec in pkmeditor, gamesync & securevalue in saveditor
easier to share screenshots/stream without leaking identifying
fix auto-centering of pkmeditor subwindows when a savefile is detected
on program load(tab_otmisc isn't initialized and reads an incorrect
egg sprites can be a little difficult to see what's underneath (glance
make the new egg sprite method the new default; adds setting to revert
to old behavior
adds translation text for the mega rayq control from #2098
would reset the battle box sprites legality to not shown; also, the
prior fix for #2069 did not work for reloaded save files since
GetSlotFiller was called instead.
use trainerstat editor control in gen6 editor
fill in some details from the disassembly via setrecord usages
still slightly fuzzy on some:
fureai (based on usum idb name, similar logic)
soaring sky counts
looks like there's some other usages of the fields which were outside
the stat range, throwing an exception when loading to NumericUpDown,
added bypass logic
Thanks Holla!
Yay sneaky smart solutions!
Instead of refilling the combobox when the legal move list changes, wait
until the full list is required then repopulate the individual combobox
can't even notice the lag besides the individual tab load. yess
cache a hashset to determine if the legally allowed moves are the same.
reuse cache in paint method
previously, was noticeable if you load the Moves tab then check
legality; the legality message was delayed by a couple hundred
milliseconds due to repopulating 4 comboboxes (Combobox.NativeAdd
hotspot triggered by RefreshItems, which happens when we set the
datasource). By skipping unnecessary repopulations, gui lag is lessened.
would be preferred if I can just reorder the list inside, but noo.
Don't autosize columns on each row addition
About 15 rows appear; resize on row 0, 7, and 14, and once more when
was O(n), now is O(min(n,3)+1)
Don't unlock/lock the GlowBase bitmap repeatedly; store the bytes
separately for frame generating. Fixes any memory access exceptions
(unlock->unlock due to program lag).
Do more preprocessing of egg glow sprites for cleaner appearance (now
glow inside sprite)
extract glow method for easier reuse
use some close synonyms (Reiniciar -> Borrar)
omit some words (potential / training) to keep layout compact
capitalize Equipado to match main window
Sprite creation uses slot>=0 for determining if it's in a box or not;
kinda should redo the logic but there's no upside to passing 0-6 to the
sprite generator for these.
Closes#2069 thanks @iiippppk !
Autodetect location not stored in a button path will show up as "???";
check the typical homebrew autodetect paths, then display the parent
eg, Path.Combine(root, "3ds", "Checkpoint", "saves");
shave off "saves" to return X:\3ds\Checkpoint
add range checks to label translation
Folderlist stores savefile objects, can open A, edit A, open B, open A,
and all edits from prior are still there. Just re-open the save file
from disk. The folderlist already checks if the path exists prior to
calling it to reopen.
original file path is not saved with the two listed properties, add
FileFolder and relcoate existing FilePath functions to that field
move some GetVariantSAV usages to the string method instead of byte[]
max IVs use flawless method directly with 6 IVs specified
move color blend/stat calc to ImageUtil
move potential string to commonedits
expose color properties for pkmeditor
don't constantly create/dispose brushes for drawing legal moves
reduce pk3/ck3/xk3 logic, share AbilityBit property within _K3, and when
loading, type check (favored over hardcoding individual load cases)
pull some non-gui code from PKMEditor to core/etc for general data
all usages besides fetching a 32bit random value should use
remove unnecessary do-while loop for calculating random EVs (always
returns 510 in total)
push unsaved IVTotal/EVTotal stuff from prior commit
rework exposed types for evo chain
initial trim now uses much less linq
can probably redo the get initial chain to provide a species to break
continued simplification
core.cs is pretty much the following:
misc one-off junk
moveset fetch
encounter table fetch
evo chain fetch
might eventually move things around a bit further for cleanliness so
that misc meta junk is the only thing that remains in core.
Rework box fetch in SaveFile to be a little more flexible, can now fetch
a single box
Hold control to... export all boxes :)
I wonder if there's a decorator that showdown skips when importing lines
that can help differentiate the boxes since there's the potential for
hundreds output (ie comments in a showdown set?) doubt it.
update handling that checked for this case to instead check for
equivalence to ability1 instead of 0
was generating a PGF with ability[1] = 0, which is not correct. Just fix
the binaries to behave and get rid of all the workarounds since future
tables don't have missing values.
no changes had been submitted since originally committed on 3/5/2015; 3y
of inactivity.
users can always place "lang_en" to replace the english translation with
their own GUI strings; not worth maintaining non-series language
nickname reset clears except for encountertrades (some have fixed
remove untraded check for HT memory verification, has to be traded if it
has a HT memory.
clamp species list based on savefile
fix form control index set
remove slot from list (avoid duplicates, there's 530 slots and both
games have more than that available).
search caused cross thread exception due to ConfigurAwait not returning
finish await -> update controls with after restoring context.
don't rebox results 2x lmao; keep results as list due to other Remove
operations being present in other events.
Closes#1964 ; any redirected load request has its own 'fail to load'
(dragdrop a save file on a box slot; message is no longer presented that
'could not set to this slot').
Move TID/SID load to after version set (special handling for pk1/pk2
which don't store version, just call manually).
Update TID/SID on every gameversion change anyway
Rename LoadOTID to LoadOT since it does not deal with ID.
retain save provider
add optional visibility toggle criteria (not present => always visible)
now hides sort/mod/delete if the criteria is not applicable to the
current format
Is there a reason for having GSC newTrack as USUM? This causes `origintrack = newTrack;` not to happen and thus controls don't switch from G2->G7 correctly.
savexts.txt if you wanna update it without recompiling
Keep in mind these are just aliases for raw data. No conversion is done,
it only allows the file to be filtered to.
move distinct filter to reflectutil as it is spitting out
inherited(overriden) property names after the current class' property
remove original (default) memory strings; had removed Items.Clear()
earlier (why would I need to clear if there was nothing there?) but
there was something there needing to be cleared. Remove the useless
initialization to fix that :)
Thanks Davil!
remove todo comment
fix exception when refreshing slot coloring
update box when saveslot index changed, not validated.
update boxviewers when saveslot changes
amount of pkm obj classes is pretty high, move the static utility
classes to another folder
breaks usage of pkm.ShowdownText; removes a dependency from PKM.
previous hurdle a year ago was propertyinfo fetching not looking at the
base class's properties; dig deeper for all properties to mimic existing
code for netframework
end result is batch editing now possible without gui
ilmerging assemblies somehow ignores the loadFromRemoteSources app
setting, so allow the compiler (user) to specify that the main app
should ignore those security checks.
had addressed the loading, however, it did not address the saving
update pkx to not create a new array every time IsPKM is called
(possibly a lot)
reference PKHeX.Core, main window loads assemblies & initializes
providing an ISaveProvider and the menustrip control (to insert controls
pretty rough but should allow for inserting external control buttons &
allowing it to edit the UI a little
feedback is appreciated
using keyboard instead of mouse can change box without moving mouse
outside the slot picturebox
trigger an update when the box is changed, but only if the updating
parent has the hovered child (ie a boxviewer changing box while hovering
the main window won't re-cry the main window slot since it wasn't
add some gender threshold properties to personalinfo