Add safari min flawless IVs to reroll (can expand if #2025 is required
for egg group15)
Use EV/IVTotal (faster, not linq array based)
Fix missing pumpkaboo form regression, Closes#2026
Relocate swapbits to appropriate class, unneeded in PKM.cs
update handling that checked for this case to instead check for
equivalence to ability1 instead of 0
was generating a PGF with ability[1] = 0, which is not correct. Just fix
the binaries to behave and get rid of all the workarounds since future
tables don't have missing values.
amount of pkm obj classes is pretty high, move the static utility
classes to another folder
breaks usage of pkm.ShowdownText; removes a dependency from PKM.
previous hurdle a year ago was propertyinfo fetching not looking at the
base class's properties; dig deeper for all properties to mimic existing
code for netframework
end result is batch editing now possible without gui
if not allowed to be genderless, flag as invalid gender
only permit valid genders after genderless is ruled out
(both done by checking the low bit)
Store 4g giratina held item for enc->pkm legality
revise usages of GetSaneGender
Rearrange some logic
Better handle impossible version encounters (gen4)
gen 1-5 done, stuck on 659 - bunnelby egg...?
Closes#1912 , genderless ~= fixed gender I guess; shouldn't get these
gender-errors unless it's manually tampered data/ShowdownSet
remove unnecessary code in:
* PKMEditor (>=255 is already covered by == 255 and the fact that gt is
always <= 255)
* VerifyGender (3 <= x <= 5) check is already early-returned via
PIDGender check above
Update IsGenderValid knowing that VC mons have a gennumber <= 2
WinForms->Core logic absorbing (CommonEdits)
loading ShowdownSet now applies properties to PKM instead of PKMEditor
Contest/IVs for Static/Trades are no longer set by default (less object
allocations), and are now checked by the encounter generator
extract common nature amp logic
generic ienumerable copyto which now returns count of elements copied
(maybe useful later). prior usages never tried to copy an enumerable
larger than the dest array (now length checked).
reflection (now only used for backwards conversion) will use destination
order instead of source order so that the destination can order itself
for quirks
redo method call (probably breaks someone if they update, maybe pk2pk)
standard generation 3 pkm content & interactions
generic inter-converter (more efficient than reflection)
update conversion methods; specific format conversion is now in the
object's src file now.
may be worth doing for gen4 pk4<->bk4
fix roamer3 not setting IVs
fix usum z items rightmost pixel getting chopped off
use Gen* instead of GenNumber for specific cases (faster)
add WasGiftEgg location case for Gen7
remove some unnecessary array allocations
natures (>25) are invalid and causes IndexOutOfRangeException due to
being greater than the length of the array.
sanity check array length and amped stat prior to applying amplification
Resolves charmap duplications in the chinese char tables:
多边兽Z (Porygon-Z)
属性:空 (Type Null)
谜拟Q (Mimikyu)
卡璞・鸣鸣 (Tapu-Koko)
Games cannot have a nickname/OT in chinese as of current date... I
assume this will be fixed down the road
expose some useful IEnumerable methods (sorting / bin->pkm / copy) to
simplify some common operations
change some explicit arrays to IList for flexibility
remove old memecrypto bool (no longer necessary as XP is not supported)
rename some methods for more clarity
Restriction happens because Korean can not trade with non-Korean GB era games
- There is no Korean release for gen 1 pokemon, included VC
- With no gen1 pokemon means any Korean gen2 is Gen2_NotTradeback, that means no gen1 origin nor moves are Legal
- Crystal was never released in Korean
- Pokemon Stadium 2 was never released in Korean, that means no move reminder for gen 2 korean pokemon
- Generation 4 can not trade between Korean and not Korean games, but Korean games can use the palpark with any language
Chinese language restrictions
There is no Chinese release for gen 1 and 2 pokemon games, VC Chinese games are in Japanese
I think egg hatch location checking is wrong for traded eggs (see gen3
vs future games, origin game shouldn't change but could hatch ORAS egg
on XY at XY location?)
Checks for max language ID on transferred pkm (gen5 pkm on gen7 can't
have CHS/CHT etc)
handles edge case for JPN B/W ingame trades
update pk5->pk6 transfer logic to bump langID 0 to 1.
Thanks HaxAras & Britty for providing samples!