Returned messages are slightly misleading since missing/invalid are
mixed together with the static method.
~322 lines to check ribbons, on top of the interface abstraction... so
much required... kinda understandable as there's over 100 ribbons to
I also added comments where appropriate, because it took far too long to understand what was going on when reviewing the commit that fixed the original bug.
remove legality check's use of reflection which checked individual
properties; add interfaces to interact with the ribbons of each PKM
type. With this, every ribbon attribute is accessible via its
corresponding interface (cast)
will have to add checks for individual interfaces as per #1250
I didn't feel like adding much documentation, is pretty straightforward.
Cast a pkm object to the desired ribbon set; if not null, can access
ribbons regardless of pkm format.
Rewrote showdown set exporting to be much clearer, added auto-fixing of
relearn moves when importing showdown set (applies suggested relearn
Simplified main form loading routine (from ~160 to ~25 by extracting
pk4/bk4 only, obviously
side note, using static events is no-no, designer auto-removed them.
just manually reapply (as well to others that used it)
Evo table was not mutated correctly
clear florges evo table except for base form (for some reason it was
returning spewpa as base species)
gen<6 exeggcute evolves via item:8 (not via levelup:4)
Colosseum pokemon do not get fateful encounter, all pkm from XD (except
the starters) are fateful.
Add requirement for National ribbon if shadow CK3 is transferred to XK3
and vice versa; actually check for national ribbon during CK3/XK3
(RibbonSet1 interface)
999 is true max, set suggested give count to -4 from max (or 1).
Apply giveAll's max value restriction to modifyAll
Prevent giveall/modifyall for PCItems/FreeSpace due to mixed item types.
Previous approach was 'most likely to find valid', this approach is a
little greedier to try to find a more fitting match. Will result in a
small increase in computation time, but trying out EncounterTrades and
static encounters first is preferred.
Fix Rhydon ingame trade gender. Bulbapedia is wrong, that's a Male
Rhydon with those IVs.
I don't know what pkl byte means, I applied a function that convert
mapID to pkm.metlocationID.
This function is used when caught mons.
e.g. route29(18,03): (18-1)<<1=2E, rom[9402E]=4C79, 9*(03-1)=12,
4C79+5+12=4C90, rom[94C90]=02.
Only if compiled in debug; bumps my searchables to 6 figures lol
bulk legality scan yielded one exception (bad CXD pidiv for starters)
bullk sav fetch yielded one exception (unknown type didn't define
add default cosplay form at end, add range checks
prevent cosplay/spiky eared pichu from transferring up generations
set pkm to legal info on error (checking legality no longer continues
getFormeIndex returns the base species (670 or 671), which duplicates
entries on the chain
the evolution checks use the forme ID but also return 670/671, thus
making this unnecessary
gen5 N pkm already checked, don't flag SID
mystery gift non-eggs already checked, don't flag SID
add used DNA splicers to b2w2 permitted key item list
fix b2w2 new-altform movesets; kyurem is tricky where the form does not
exist in bw's moveset, so both indexes have to be used.
Closes#1211 , thanks @sora10pls !