Single underscore discards (one of the c# language revisions allowed reusing the single underscore discard).
Remove a temporary allocation in BDSP flag editor
* Providing pkm/sav files via command line (dragging files onto exe / associated file launched) will more intelligently source a partner sav/pkm object if not provided.
* Gen1/2 mainline save files now indicate if they are VC era or GB era (legality implications) in the program title bar.
* Fixes loading VC era save backups not being recognized as VC era (`.bak` extension hides `.dat`)
* Export BAK moved to the SAV tab, which allows Export main to be deleted and Export SAV to be used as the single-click for exporting saves. `CTRL-E` is still the hotkey.
- Settings now stored as json next to exe
- Settings now exposes all legality checking setttings that can be changed
- Slot hovering now can play cries in MGDB/PKMDB/etc, not just the main boxes.
- Enhanced hover text for mystery gifts and encounters that have movesets
- Show recently loaded save files in ctrl-f browser
- Toggle auto-load savefile setting to be none/detect-latest/last-loaded
- Custom extensions & extra backup paths can now be configured directly in the json settings
- Settings editor now uses propertygrid & tabs.
Handle all warnings
obviously the usage of null! could potentially be avoided if the object init wasn't such garbage, but here we are with years of old junk and lack of abstraction in the GUI project
kinda have to restrict these to 'valid' choices; should be enough of a
selection->result to be adequate for changing version
restart the program after changing the setting; won't take effect until
need to hook into main window & delete old logic; when the logic flow
returns after closing the form, all the propagated settings will need to
be copied (ie where the setting is actually used).
translateinterface will translate the control text to a longform
descriptor per the current language.