The EncDB doesn't specify form; the encounter methods verify Form.
This is actually a fix; pkm that can change forms aren't really encounter trades, but we shouldn't be strict matching here.
Rotom Bike water upgrade isn't available until you have sufficient progress, so you can't get these dens with the lowest rank.
Co-Authored-By: Lusamine <>
Nice bug ya got there, gamefreak.
Coulda cleared the AffixedRibbon value instead of copying it on Shedinja creation, and it would have made this unnecessary.
Please ditch the Affixed Ribbon gimmick for future games, thanks!
Distribution raid encounters from before each of the DLC patches can only be captured in existing Wild Area locations.
Store the BCAT index in the encounter details and use it to compare when the BCAT was available.
Switch expression had an issue with interpreting the object's type (unboxing, yay)
should probably just return a typed object from the parse, but nah, this is a quick fix.
Farfetch’d uses the non-vertical apostrophe, still.
Showdown is consistent with their usage (in/outputting ’), but we'll keep the '->’ for that sanitization just in case other services/users enter the wrong char.
Exports are fine, imports with an ambiguous language (can be either JPN or INT) while illegal don't result in the above branches passing it.
Inputs with <=6 chars for OT&Nick will be ambiguous; PKM editor.
- Settings now stored as json next to exe
- Settings now exposes all legality checking setttings that can be changed
- Slot hovering now can play cries in MGDB/PKMDB/etc, not just the main boxes.
- Enhanced hover text for mystery gifts and encounters that have movesets
- Show recently loaded save files in ctrl-f browser
- Toggle auto-load savefile setting to be none/detect-latest/last-loaded
- Custom extensions & extra backup paths can now be configured directly in the json settings
- Settings editor now uses propertygrid & tabs.