7ef8a88678 (commitcomment-29123689)
A better fix may be to just make all line endings consistent ('\n'), but
string resource loading time is negligible
swallow error for invalid filenames in saveutil -- don't bother
detecting those files.
on fail to getmoveset, return the current moves instead of null.
Gen7 weavile can exist in gen4 as sneasel; existing code had pruned it
from gen4. Skip pruning for this case
probably overdid the checks but whatever. works.
Thanks /u/ThrowawayReddNinja for pointing out this false flagged case
with an example!
Had relearnmoves defined but no current moves; better for generator to
spit out all moves rather than the special move (hold back)
store current moves for all link gifts
move distinct filter to reflectutil as it is spitting out
inherited(overriden) property names after the current class' property
remove original (default) memory strings; had removed Items.Clear()
earlier (why would I need to clear if there was nothing there?) but
there was something there needing to be cleared. Remove the useless
initialization to fix that :)
Thanks Davil!
remove todo comment
fix exception when refreshing slot coloring
update box when saveslot index changed, not validated.
update boxviewers when saveslot changes
Too many classes in the same file, break up.
simplify things a little in EncounterArea (remove passing thru nulls,
should throw excpetion immediately if misconfigured).
amount of pkm obj classes is pretty high, move the static utility
classes to another folder
breaks usage of pkm.ShowdownText; removes a dependency from PKM.
previous hurdle a year ago was propertyinfo fetching not looking at the
base class's properties; dig deeper for all properties to mimic existing
code for netframework
end result is batch editing now possible without gui
had addressed the loading, however, it did not address the saving
update pkx to not create a new array every time IsPKM is called
(possibly a lot)
reference PKHeX.Core, main window loads assemblies & initializes
providing an ISaveProvider and the menustrip control (to insert controls
pretty rough but should allow for inserting external control buttons &
allowing it to edit the UI a little
example: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeXPluginExample
feedback is appreciated
using keyboard instead of mouse can change box without moving mouse
outside the slot picturebox
trigger an update when the box is changed, but only if the updating
parent has the hovered child (ie a boxviewer changing box while hovering
the main window won't re-cry the main window slot since it wasn't
add some gender threshold properties to personalinfo
* Fix minlevel of Pangoro/Tyrantrum/Aurorus in gen6
30: level + dark type in the party
32: level + day
33: level + night
34: level + female
Note Meowstic isn't affected due to another entry of level + male (23)
* Minor text usage fix
* Fix xorPID flipping in TransferEC check