Adds a new primary Hover Preview tooltip form. Users can change setting to use the old tooltip if they want.
When the user hovers over a slot in their Box / Party, PKHeX displays a tooltip indicating details about the Pokémon. This text tooltip shows the Showdown text (with some localization based on program setting), and includes details about the encounter the legality check matched it to.
Updates from net46->net7, dropping support for mono in favor of using the latest runtime (along with the performance/API improvements). Releases will be posted as 64bit only for now.
Refactors a good amount of internal API methods to be more performant and more customizable for future updates & fixes.
Adds functionality for Batch Editor commands to `>`, `<` and <=/>=
TID/SID properties renamed to TID16/SID16 for clarity; other properties exposed for Gen7 / display variants.
Main window has a new layout to account for DPI scaling (8 point grid)
Fixed: Tatsugiri and Paldean Tauros now output Showdown form names as Showdown expects
Changed: Gen9 species now interact based on the confirmed National Dex IDs (closes#3724)
Fixed: Pokedex set all no longer clears species with unavailable non-base forms (closes#3720)
Changed: Hyper Training suggestions now apply for level 50 in SV. (closes#3714)
Fixed: B2/W2 hatched egg met locations exclusive to specific versions are now explicitly checked (closes#3691)
Added: Properties for ribbon/mark count (closes#3659)
Fixed: Traded SV eggs are now checked correctly (closes#3692)
- Settings now stored as json next to exe
- Settings now exposes all legality checking setttings that can be changed
- Slot hovering now can play cries in MGDB/PKMDB/etc, not just the main boxes.
- Enhanced hover text for mystery gifts and encounters that have movesets
- Show recently loaded save files in ctrl-f browser
- Toggle auto-load savefile setting to be none/detect-latest/last-loaded
- Custom extensions & extra backup paths can now be configured directly in the json settings
- Settings editor now uses propertygrid & tabs.
Handle all warnings
obviously the usage of null! could potentially be avoided if the object init wasn't such garbage, but here we are with years of old junk and lack of abstraction in the GUI project