nickname reset clears except for encountertrades (some have fixed
remove untraded check for HT memory verification, has to be traded if it
has a HT memory.
Store 4g giratina held item for enc->pkm legality
revise usages of GetSaneGender
Rearrange some logic
Better handle impossible version encounters (gen4)
gen 1-5 done, stuck on 659 - bunnelby egg...?
* B2 has an error in the encounter table for Route 3 Corphish Special
water encounter; GF edited from Basculin-1 to Corphish-1 and forgot to
update the form to 0.
* Ranch Trade egg locations
* Trade gender-PID set correctly
* static roamer glitch does not apply for emerald
* Mirage Island wild Wynaut case now allowed (collision with Gift Wynaut
egg hatched on Mirage Island?)
gen1-3 done; now at 413 (Wormadam) which currently yields an
EncounterEgg AS wormadam, which isn't right...
Graveler (SM Trade) -> Force applying handling trainer details for
ingame trades
Ponyta (Ranch Trade) Apply correct ability for encountertradePID
Up to 98 : Wild Gen2 Krabby (safari zone impossible location needs to
get filtered from possible encounters)
Gen5 does not follow the same convention, 0 = non, 1 = rnd, 2 = always;
not gonna bother updating for just that one
bool? occupies 2 bytes; enum:byte is 1 byte.
should probably move validity checking logic into the IEncounterable
objects instead...
WinForms->Core logic absorbing (CommonEdits)
loading ShowdownSet now applies properties to PKM instead of PKMEditor
Contest/IVs for Static/Trades are no longer set by default (less object
allocations), and are now checked by the encounter generator