0 is legal in most cases except for Gen2 and BDSP!
...it's technically possible to get 0 in BDSP if you have autosave turned on and have an Egg in your party after hatching one before it, but it will hatch immediately on your next game startup, so disallow it anyway.
Gen8: if held item, only give if can be legally held; if dmax crystal, only give if available.
Gen8b: if held item, only give if can be legally held
Others: unimplemented; pull requests accepted.
Keep the old localizations around for displaying gen6 format memories in their original localization.
I didn't rename the files so the git diff was clean for showing the re-localized lines.
Still does the same silly ARNG as gen4:
seed = 0x6C078965 * seed + 1;
to advance on each day
Do note that it sets event flag 1711 to true, and sets the absolute value of the "Random" to Work[436]. FLAG_DAILY_RANDOM, WK_DAILY_RANDOM, assumedly for easy use with scripts.
Removes a lot of the offset-by-1 indexing, notably in the `GameStrings.GetLocationName` method which shifted everything 1. BDSP files we dumped don't replicate this off by 1, and I don't see a reason to maintain this off-by-1 for prior games since it's unnecessary quirks to maintain.
Zero indexed ftw.
Some very minor changes made between SWSH and BDSP.
In BDSP (English), the Seal Case and Seal Bag are now localized to Sticker Case and Sticker Bag respectively, but because those items are unobtainable in BDSP, keep the older strings for Gen4's sake.
StreamingAssets\AssetAssistant\FureaiHiroba\fureai\masterdata\PoffinResult.json indicates which text line is used for a given MstID
Change Taste to Smooth to match community's naming
The RAM is pretty dirty for unallocated poffins; slots that have never been filled will have junk with whatever the unallocated pointer was looking at.
An empty poffin slot is just marked as FF, ignores the stats for that slot. Not sure on the naming, but Matt had a single Level 60 poffin -> must be Mild? Thus, all the names are -1 from the textfile array...