Pass them as Legal for wild encounters similar to M1/M2/M4.
Add test cases & test pkm validation
Add pid generator support
I decided against checking these PIDIVs after all others; inlined
Closes#2328 , thanks @pokecal !
hide setters for LegalInfo outside assembly (shouldn't overwrite the
stored values)
update GenNumber to Gen* if appropriate; GenNumber checks for first Gen*
to match, is a little more explicit and quicker than calling twice when
checking a range
Check max case for level first, then iterate upwards (eliminates inner
change wc* nature to sbyte (update comparisons, 0xFF too magic-y)
use Rand.Next(x) instead of (0, x)
Store 4g giratina held item for enc->pkm legality
revise usages of GetSaneGender
Rearrange some logic
Better handle impossible version encounters (gen4)
gen 1-5 done, stuck on 659 - bunnelby egg...?
Fixes Krabby / etc.
Fix genderless encounterstatic gender set (Voltorb)
Now at 103, Exeggutor
pretty cool that over 100 species can have every single encounter
generate a legal pkm ;)
might be useful to add metrics to count how many encounters are
generated in a session
Fix/add missing gameversion references (BU instead of BW,
increase reuse of pidgenerator & add more generating methods.
seems like it's generating pkm fine besides the PID edge cases, which is
fixes 10ANIV pikachu having Thunderbolt twice
un-duplicates CHANNEL event data
adds seed->PIDIV generator template for M1/2/4, CXD, Channel, and BACD
improve pkm converter to update nickname of hatched eggs. isn't perfect
(farfetch'd) but works better than before