Refer to previous commit, the apply-memory has a 1% chance of failing for 100% memories, resulting in the ability to have 0-memory HT via link trades.
In-game trades caused the previous logic, as those forget to set the HT memory (likely the same logic flaw as skipping the nickname check via game settings).
- Settings now stored as json next to exe
- Settings now exposes all legality checking setttings that can be changed
- Slot hovering now can play cries in MGDB/PKMDB/etc, not just the main boxes.
- Enhanced hover text for mystery gifts and encounters that have movesets
- Show recently loaded save files in ctrl-f browser
- Toggle auto-load savefile setting to be none/detect-latest/last-loaded
- Custom extensions & extra backup paths can now be configured directly in the json settings
- Settings editor now uses propertygrid & tabs.