Change the data structure so that different locations are tied to the table, rather than separate usages of the table.
This de-bloats from 344KB->85KB and has less runtime memory consumption.
Update 22.02.04
Individual commits from this PR are not cherry-pickable in a vacuum; these were manually re-committed from a staging repo in order to group together changes for general public viewing. There were over 250 commits on the private development repo for this update.
For roamers, go back to Lake Valor/Fullmoon Island, and re-interact with Mesprit/Cresselia so that the game can generate a new one.
Also add Rotom rebattle event flag, and fix consistency with flag labels.
Of all the available Pokémon in BDSP, the following cannot have these corresponding Egg Moves:
Snorlax: Power-Up Punch
Taillow: Boomburst
Chatot: Boomburst
Revert this commit when HOME is available for BDSP
Keep the old localizations around for displaying gen6 format memories in their original localization.
I didn't rename the files so the git diff was clean for showing the re-localized lines.
Removes a lot of the offset-by-1 indexing, notably in the `GameStrings.GetLocationName` method which shifted everything 1. BDSP files we dumped don't replicate this off by 1, and I don't see a reason to maintain this off-by-1 for prior games since it's unnecessary quirks to maintain.
Zero indexed ftw.
Some very minor changes made between SWSH and BDSP.
In BDSP (English), the Seal Case and Seal Bag are now localized to Sticker Case and Sticker Bag respectively, but because those items are unobtainable in BDSP, keep the older strings for Gen4's sake.
StreamingAssets\AssetAssistant\FureaiHiroba\fureai\masterdata\PoffinResult.json indicates which text line is used for a given MstID
Change Taste to Smooth to match community's naming
The RAM is pretty dirty for unallocated poffins; slots that have never been filled will have junk with whatever the unallocated pointer was looking at.
An empty poffin slot is just marked as FF, ignores the stats for that slot. Not sure on the naming, but Matt had a single Level 60 poffin -> must be Mild? Thus, all the names are -1 from the textfile array...