Big thanks to @SciresM @sora10pls @Lusamine @architdate @ReignOfComputer for testing and contributing code / test cases. Can't add co-authors from the PR menu :(
Builds will fail because azure pipelines not yet updated with net6.
Static encounters (stationary and Max Lair), gift encounters, and some general purpose flags. Can filter most of these out in PKHeX settings by ignoring `KCaptured` and `KReceived`.
* Add metadata flagging for values
Allows users to set a minimum importance for the list displayed.
Could probably make this checkboxes within the flags UI.
* Add setting to filter out gen8 block names
Allows users to filter out unwanted low-value property names.
Co-authored-by: Kurt <>
* Providing pkm/sav files via command line (dragging files onto exe / associated file launched) will more intelligently source a partner sav/pkm object if not provided.
* Gen1/2 mainline save files now indicate if they are VC era or GB era (legality implications) in the program title bar.
* Fixes loading VC era save backups not being recognized as VC era (`.bak` extension hides `.dat`)
* Export BAK moved to the SAV tab, which allows Export main to be deleted and Export SAV to be used as the single-click for exporting saves. `CTRL-E` is still the hotkey.
Slap on interface for EntreeSlot
De-magic some 💯 numbers to indicate what they're doing
Improve perf of move-match-relearn check
Add an "else" as valid is never both values (history verifier)
Symptoms observed:
- Tiles were too dark (not high enough RBG value due to >>3; keep 8bit color here.
- Red/Blue channel inverted, swap R & B. Works? Hope this isn't something related to png storing rgb vs bgr and we'd need to check input pixel format?
- Tiles were misplaced slightly, off by 1. Fix order of operations so that the tile choice value is correct.
EncounterArea now stores a more specific type'd array for encounter slots. Better iteration and less casting, as the nonspecific `Slots` fetch is rarely referenced.
EncounterType renamed to GroundTile to reflect how it actually works in Gen4. Was previously an ambiguous field that was clarified a little; we can describe it a little better now. Keep the GUI the same to not scare the end users.
Change Trash Byte properties to get/set a Span. Trash Byte legality checking easier on the garbage collector?
* Track a PKM's Box,Slot,StorageFlags,Identifier metadata separately
Don't store within the object, track the slot origin data separately.
Batch editing now pre-filters if using Box/Slot/Identifier logic; split up mods/filters as they're starting to get pretty hefty.
- Requesting a Box Data report now shows all slots in the save file (party, misc)
- Can now exclude backup saves from database search via toggle (separate from settings preventing load entirely)
- Replace some linq usages with direct code
* Remove WasLink virtual in PKM
Inline any logic, since we now have encounter objects to indicate matching, rather than the proto-legality logic checking properties of a PKM.
* Use Fateful to directly check gen5 mysterygift origins
No other encounter types in gen5 apply Fateful
* Simplify double ball comparison
Used to be separate for deferral cases, now no longer needed to be separate.
* Grab move/relearn reference and update locally
Fix relearn move identifier
* Inline defog HM transfer preference check
HasMove is faster than getting moves & checking contains. Skips allocation by setting values directly.
* Extract more met location metadata checks: WasBredEgg
* Replace Console.Write* with Debug.Write*
There's no console output UI, so don't include them in release builds.
* Inline WasGiftEgg, WasEvent, and WasEventEgg logic
Adios legality tags that aren't entirely correct for the specific format. Just put the computations in EncounterFinder.
Format sizes are now accurate to game structure sizes. Added a few more editable fields, rid of label/textbox/etc for general base editing -- use a PropertyGrid instead.
Feels nice having a bank of saves to reference + idb to discover the struct layout.
Removes 1.5MB of allocation; we don't need to preserve the encrypted state.
Revise savefile clone operation to use its own constructor, as we need to call the base constructor first (backup file clone...) prior to decrypting.
Expose CryptStaticXorpadBytes as GetDecryptedRawData no longer exists.
More in line with modernizing the codebase with latest c# syntax
improve web-qr decode speed slightly (no linq skiptake)
get money/coin mask without a temporary string (lol performance)
- Settings now stored as json next to exe
- Settings now exposes all legality checking setttings that can be changed
- Slot hovering now can play cries in MGDB/PKMDB/etc, not just the main boxes.
- Enhanced hover text for mystery gifts and encounters that have movesets
- Show recently loaded save files in ctrl-f browser
- Toggle auto-load savefile setting to be none/detect-latest/last-loaded
- Custom extensions & extra backup paths can now be configured directly in the json settings
- Settings editor now uses propertygrid & tabs.
* Exploration: rework ability criteria to ability numbers desired
* Sync remaining changes
* Update EncounterCriteria.cs
* Add xmldoc
* Improve speed of IsDualGender check
* More xmldoc updates
Should be doing this on main but meh, this branch is gonna get merged later
* Fix typo
* Update WC7.cs
* Update PersonalInfo.cs
Remove hardcoded chunk lengths array
Remove cached chunk index array
Handle new-game files correctly (all blocks present check).
Consistently call things sector instead of chunk or block.
Somehow there was a bug with my FRLG save file's box data, which now loads completely?? Neat
Extract RSBOX checksum logic to checksum class
Allocate half as much for gen3 save detect
Simplify some expressions for GC save loading (x - size + offset, when x==size)
plugin adds a reader -> reader checks if it is a non-PKHeX.Core save type (they'd implement their own savefile/etc type) -> returns a matching save object if so
basically bypasses the base PKHeX logic
path.getfilename will never return null unless you pass null, which we don't do
setchecksums' base method does the AllBlocks.SetChecksums. move the battle team set to right before the usage of SetChecksums
Disassociate pk4/pk6 backing byte[] when converting to pk5|pk7, as we no longer make a copy of the byte[] in the pkm's constructor.
Change UpdatePKM to include isParty, as we want it optional to update FormArgument too.
Change FormArgument saving to be handled by FormConverter; kinda not really good to have it there, but nothing else is handling FormArgument values.
Expand IFormArgument to have all FormArgument values exposed. "Maximum" is furfrou only.
PK6: Max is in the "FormArgument" u32, and the remain/elapsed is in party stats (hence the reverting when boxed)
PK7: u8 remain, u8 elapsed, u8 max, u8 unused.
PK8: assumedly the same as PK7, given the disassembly hints that it's the same as past games (even though Furfrou and Hoopa are not in SWSH).
## Issue
We want to discard-but-remember any slots that aren't a perfect fit, on the off chance that a better one exists later in the search space. If there's no better match, then we gotta go with what we got.
## Example:
Wurmple exists in area `X`, and also has a more rare slot for Silcoon, with the same level for both slots.
* We have a Silcoon that we've leveled up a few times.
Was our Silcoon originally a Wurmple, or was it caught as a Silcoon?
* To be sure, we have to check the EC/PID if the Wurmple wouldn't evolve into Cascoon instead.
* We don't want to wholly reject that Wurmple slot, as maybe the Met Level isn't within Silcoon's slot range.
Existing implementation would store "deferred" matches in a list; we only need to keep 1 of these matches around (less allocation!). We also want to differentiate between a "good" deferral and a "bad" deferral; I don't think this is necessary but it's currently used by Mystery Gift matching (implemented for the Eeveelution mystery gifts which matter for evolution moves).
The existing logic didn't use inheritance, and instead had static methods being reused across generations. Quite kludgy. Also, the existing logic was a pain to modify the master encounter yield methods, as one generation's quirks had to not impact all other generations that used the method.
The new implementation splits out the encounter yielding methods to be separate for each generation / subset. Now, things don't have to check `WasLink` for Gen7 origin, because Pokémon Link wasn't a thing in Gen7.
## Future
Maybe refactoring yielders into "GameCores" that expose yielding behaviors / properties, rather than the static logic. As more generations and side-gamegroups get added (thanks LGPE/GO/GameCube), all this switch stuff gets annoying to maintain instead of just overriding/inheritance.
## Conclusion
This shouldn't impact any legality results negatively; if you notice any regressions, report them! This should reduce false flags where we didn't defer-discard an encounter when we should have (wild area mons being confused with raids).
Retain a stringbuilder to mutate the string rather than finalizing temporary strings
yields some speed improvements (less gen0 string objects allocated)
Closes#2954 ; can set directly from propertygrid already, but might as well clean things up a little bit to match the disassembly logic.
Open the simple editor center parent rather than next-form-position
don't use FIPS compliant hashing methods explicitly, no real reason to. hash.Create() will select managed vs csp depending on the framework/core and reg flags.
add >net46 incremental hash logic for swsh
remove static sha256 instance (single threaded overkill)
Further improvements can be made if there's a way to have a union struct (4 u16s, lumped u64) that has a simple 4bit diagonal mirror operation on it. Can be at least twice as fast.
Benchmarking with optimizations shows about 80-90% of the prior time taken, so at least a 10% speed optimization
Rarely used, was fun to try and optimize a little more.
Eliminate bounds checks by accessing/setting the highest element, and only index twice instead of 6x.
Eliminate u16 casts by leaving as int type (same result)
Eliminate temp value caching and instead directly write to storage. (no more _0123).
End result looks neat too, since the >> 0's removed looks like a diagonal, like the nibble rotation :D
Add xmldoc
Remove linq from memecrypto code (speed lmao)
Hide some methods that shouldn't be called directly
Name variables better for accessor const's
GCI, DSV, DUC are already supported, so I've written the abstraction for those and seed the Handler list on startup.
Can add a new class with recognition via SaveUtil.Handlers.Add(myHandler);
AltForm & Form & Forme => Form
GenNumber & Generation => Generation
Extract out SpeciesForm interface, and re-add IGeneration
For those using PKHeX as a dependency, this should be a pretty straightforward manual replacement... GenNumber and AltForm should be quick find-replace`s.
- Only retain the objects needed after calculation
- Reduce size of TreeCoordinates and remove allocation penalty (now a struct)
No more warnings for Release compilation :D
Move form-info logic from FormConverter to AltFormInfo; now FormConverter is entirely form=>string[]
Add a bunch of xmldoc
Make pogo no-end-date cmp agaisnt UTCnow rather than local now.
So I said that 0xF26B9151 was the first Max Lair Pokemon entry saved in my previous commit which turned out to be wrong and was in fact the Pokemon that is to be hinted by Peonia. Apologies for that mess up.
Handle all warnings
obviously the usage of null! could potentially be avoided if the object init wasn't such garbage, but here we are with years of old junk and lack of abstraction in the GUI project
Thanks @CarlosofKalos !
Setting 9999 for both on Rattata; capturing the 10,000th didn't increment, but transferring the 10,000th did.
Co-Authored-By: Matt <>