not enough documentation to know what every single flag does; just be
I assume that flags being present XK3->PK3 will set fateful, so we could
remove that logic...
Exposing bitflags for editing isn't fun for the editor, so just ignore
it behind the fateful bool get/set.
fateful required for all xk3 origin
still isn't close enough, but removes the usage of decimals for cp calc.
CP calc doesn't flag anything I have that is legal, but the calc is
still off by 2 bits at most... whyyyy? Even the same code run in cpp
results in the same inaccuracy? Maybe this is some arm64 difference?
how did this get forgotten so easily lol
added legality check; eggs can't participate in pokestar studio.
not editable from GUI, use ExtraBytes editor.
Re-add 0x86 (array was copied from pk4?) and reorder/comment
V### names weren't enjoyable to work with; use similar verbose style as
the program message strings.
updating the translation files with the remapped variable names shortly
remap list:
0, [9,19] are set (didn't see 15), but there's also a switch case which
references all values 0-19.
these values are used by a 80 sbyte array (4*20) in the Resort.cro
remove usages of "goto case"
some cards may permit being recieved on incorrect games
some wcxfulls permit games they shouldn't (tapu koko flags permit USUM
but games released after the distribution window)
lots of wcx lacking restrictions completely
tested flagging USUM rockruff & zeraora
might be worth discarding MysteryGiftVerifier and instead just using
unused fields for prior formats to supply the data.
Checks.cs initially started out small, but over the years it has grown
to handle multiple types of checks. With all these checks next to
eachother, it's hard to see the overall groups. Splitting them up
(potentially further?) allows for more focused maintenance &
Not sure if I'm happy with the overall bandaids used (checks no longer
done within LegalityAnalysis so variable repointing is excessively
used), but I'm happier the way it is now compared to the huge Checks.cs