Thanks MrPerson0 on discord for notifying us of this mechanic. Stadium 2 can utilize Gen1 learnset data while keeping them in PK2 format, retaining the met data.
Revise some logic flow and add comments indicating why
There is no wc.Gender==3 for any gift; that's not how things are specified in GameFreak's internal tool (suspected).
* Gen 4 French Egg Fix
Mauvais œuf, je le réparerai. Bon appétit!
Fixes Gen 4 edge case reported by Taya on Discord.
* Tweak flow to handle gen2
Add a comment to indicate why this special handling is required
The game also stores the Gender ID, Form ID, Encryption Constant, and Alcremie Sweet ID per block for each PKM's slot.
As for Sweet ID it is stored for all Types. However, since you obviously can't use Alcremie in non-Fairy Sparring they go unused. (They are the Int32 blocks you'll notice with a -1 value.)
- Changed suggested hyper training logic to not hyper train over some possibly intentional unusual speed IVs
- Showdown import will not do any hyper training on pokemon encountered in gen 8, because with Hidden Power removed from the game in gen 8, all specified IVs in the showdown format are guaranteed to be deliberate for stat purposes.
Adjust EggItemShift to account for using the big Egg sprite
Add Marowak to non-transferrable Totems (none of the USUM Totems can be transferred to SWSH)
* Misc big sprite fixes/additions
Add big Manaphy Egg sprite, do some renaming to fix Cosplay Pikachu, and fix Egg overlay (no more floating Egg in the top-left!)
* Show Cosplay sprite regardless of Gender
Add SIZE_BOXSLOT and update usages
Make SIZE_STORED protected like SIZE_PARTY
probably need to redesign how slot metadata is presented within the savefile...
Closes#2961 ty @Kermalis !
Check egg encounter for state rather than re-deriving some properties on the fly
Only check memories if memories are exposed
Remove debug assert (not always true?)
* Added PokeWalker Courses, Watts, and Steps editing
* Use util method for getting bitflags
* Keep old cheat method
Change signature so that the default value passed is to unlock all; can pass 0 instead to lock all
* Pass reference to derived sav4-type object
Wev'e already type-tested once, capture the reference and pass it into the appropriate load/save methods.
* Add control anchoring for window resizing
Also widen the labels for localization (longer strings possibly)