clear both if zero
set value to dp location if a valid dp location, else set faraway place
set value to pthgss location if originated from pthgss
insert to front of list if the species matches
eevee gift in gen7 has all species at 50 including eevee; not sure if
this strategy is needed for the other formats but just in case.
Evolution info was not checked for non-eggs; for mystery gifts check
that the level of the evolution is not less than the level of the
matched encounter
fix spacing (cosmetic)
add temp flagging for magnetpull/static slots (will eventually refactor
into something functional that considers a set of slots including
Properly handle egg hatch counters for generated mystery gifts, as well
as HT friendship for gen6+
fetch form specific (friendship doesn't change but abilities fetch
species specific data later, so just fetch once up front). Do not depend
on save file as SAV7 importing PGF may have different abilities
Pad buttons for folder popup
fix double Japanese/International error message for importing jpk1<->pk1
allows loading of tab separated value text file "savpaths.txt" which can
also be used to 'favorite' locations (ie, the program checks for
duplicate paths and only adds the first).
folder availability checked on form creation
shortcut: press ctrl-F on main window
Thanks @sora10pls !