mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
Add shared pk3/xk3/ck3 class
standard generation 3 pkm content & interactions generic inter-converter (more efficient than reflection) update conversion methods; specific format conversion is now in the object's src file now. may be worth doing for gen4 pk4<->bk4
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 284 additions and 241 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary> Generation 3 <see cref="PKM"/> format, exclusively for Pokémon Colosseum. </summary>
public sealed class CK3 : PKM, IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetCommon3, IRibbonSetUnique3, IRibbonSetOnly3, IShadowPKM
public sealed class CK3 : _K3, IShadowPKM
public static readonly byte[] ExtraBytes =
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
if (Data.Length != SIZE_PARTY)
Array.Resize(ref Data, SIZE_PARTY);
public CK3() => Data = new byte[SIZE_PARTY];
public override PKM Clone() => new CK3((byte[])Data.Clone(), Identifier);
private string GetString(int Offset, int Count) => StringConverter.GetBEString3(Data, Offset, Count);
@ -36,17 +37,6 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override byte[] OT_Trash { get => GetData(0x18, 20); set { if (value?.Length == 20) value.CopyTo(Data, 0x18); } }
// Future Attributes
public override uint EncryptionConstant { get => PID; set { } }
public override int Nature { get => (int)(PID % 25); set { } }
public override int AltForm { get => Species == 201 ? PKX.GetUnownForm(PID) : 0; set { } }
public override bool IsNicknamed { get => PKX.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(Species, Nickname, Format); set { } }
public override int Gender { get => PKX.GetGenderFromPID(Species, PID); set { } }
public override int Characteristic => -1;
public override int CurrentFriendship { get => OT_Friendship; set => OT_Friendship = value; }
public override int Ability { get { int[] abils = PersonalTable.RS.GetAbilities(Species, 0); return abils[abils[1] == 0 ? 0 : AbilityNumber >> 1]; } set { } }
public override int CurrentHandler { get => 0; set { } }
public override int Egg_Location { get => 0; set { } }
// Silly Attributes
public override ushort Sanity { get => 0; set { } } // valid flag set in pkm structure.
@ -149,30 +139,30 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override int CNT_Cute { get => Data[0xB4]; set => Data[0xB4] = (byte)value; }
public override int CNT_Smart { get => Data[0xB5]; set => Data[0xB5] = (byte)value; }
public override int CNT_Tough { get => Data[0xB6]; set => Data[0xB6] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Cool { get => Data[0xB7]; set => Data[0xB7] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Beauty { get => Data[0xB8]; set => Data[0xB8] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Cute { get => Data[0xB9]; set => Data[0xB9] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Smart { get => Data[0xBA]; set => Data[0xBA] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Tough { get => Data[0xBB]; set => Data[0xBB] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Cool { get => Data[0xB7]; set => Data[0xB7] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Beauty { get => Data[0xB8]; set => Data[0xB8] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Cute { get => Data[0xB9]; set => Data[0xB9] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Smart { get => Data[0xBA]; set => Data[0xBA] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Tough { get => Data[0xBB]; set => Data[0xBB] = (byte)value; }
public override int CNT_Sheen { get => Data[0xBC]; set => Data[0xBC] = (byte)value; }
// Ribbons
public bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get => Data[0xBD] == 1; set => Data[0xBD] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonWinning { get => Data[0xBE] == 1; set => Data[0xBE] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonVictory { get => Data[0xBF] == 1; set => Data[0xBF] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonArtist { get => Data[0xC0] == 1; set => Data[0xC0] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonEffort { get => Data[0xC1] == 1; set => Data[0xC1] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => Data[0xC2] == 1; set => Data[0xC2] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => Data[0xC3] == 1; set => Data[0xC3] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonChampionNational { get => Data[0xC4] == 1; set => Data[0xC4] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonCountry { get => Data[0xC5] == 1; set => Data[0xC5] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonNational { get => Data[0xC6] == 1; set => Data[0xC6] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonEarth { get => Data[0xC7] == 1; set => Data[0xC7] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool RibbonWorld { get => Data[0xC8] == 1; set => Data[0xC8] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public bool Unused1 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 0) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~1 | (value ? 1 : 0)); }
public bool Unused2 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 1) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~2 | (value ? 2 : 0)); }
public bool Unused3 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 2) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~4 | (value ? 4 : 0)); }
public bool Unused4 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 3) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~8 | (value ? 8 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get => Data[0xBD] == 1; set => Data[0xBD] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonWinning { get => Data[0xBE] == 1; set => Data[0xBE] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonVictory { get => Data[0xBF] == 1; set => Data[0xBF] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonArtist { get => Data[0xC0] == 1; set => Data[0xC0] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonEffort { get => Data[0xC1] == 1; set => Data[0xC1] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => Data[0xC2] == 1; set => Data[0xC2] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => Data[0xC3] == 1; set => Data[0xC3] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonChampionNational { get => Data[0xC4] == 1; set => Data[0xC4] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonCountry { get => Data[0xC5] == 1; set => Data[0xC5] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonNational { get => Data[0xC6] == 1; set => Data[0xC6] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonEarth { get => Data[0xC7] == 1; set => Data[0xC7] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool RibbonWorld { get => Data[0xC8] == 1; set => Data[0xC8] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool Unused1 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 0) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~1 | (value ? 1 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused2 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 1) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~2 | (value ? 2 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused3 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 2) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~4 | (value ? 4 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused4 { get => ((Data[0xC9] >> 3) & 1) == 1; set => Data[0xC9] = (byte)(Data[0xC9] & ~8 | (value ? 8 : 0)); }
public override int PKRS_Strain { get => Data[0xCA] & 0xF; set => Data[0xCA] = (byte)(value & 0xF); }
public override bool IsEgg { get => Data[0xCB] == 1; set => Data[0xCB] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
@ -187,26 +177,15 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override bool FatefulEncounter { get => Data[0x11C] == 1; set => Data[0x11C] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public new int EncounterType { get => Data[0xFB]; set => Data[0xFB] = (byte)value; }
// Generated Attributes
public override int PSV => (int)((PID >> 16 ^ PID & 0xFFFF) >> 3);
public override int TSV => (TID ^ SID) >> 3;
public override bool Japanese => Language == (int)LanguageID.Japanese;
protected override byte[] Encrypt()
return (byte[])Data.Clone();
// Maximums
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_3;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_3;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_3;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_3;
public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_3;
public override int MaxIV => 31;
public override int MaxEV => 252;
public override int OTLength => 7;
public override int NickLength => 10;
public PK3 ConvertToPK3()
var pk = ConvertTo<PK3>();
return pk;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary> Generation 3 <see cref="PKM"/> format. </summary>
public sealed class PK3 : PKM, IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetCommon3, IRibbonSetUnique3, IRibbonSetOnly3
public sealed class PK3 : _K3
public static readonly byte[] ExtraBytes =
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
if (Data.Length != SIZE_PARTY)
Array.Resize(ref Data, SIZE_PARTY);
public PK3() => Data = new byte[SIZE_PARTY];
public override PKM Clone() => new PK3((byte[])Data.Clone(), Identifier);
private string GetString(int Offset, int Count) => StringConverter.GetString3(Data, Offset, Count, Japanese);
@ -31,25 +32,16 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override byte[] Nickname_Trash { get => GetData(0x08, 10); set { if (value?.Length == 10) value.CopyTo(Data, 0x08); } }
public override byte[] OT_Trash { get => GetData(0x14, 7); set { if (value?.Length == 7) value.CopyTo(Data, 0x14); } }
// Future Attributes
public override uint EncryptionConstant { get => PID; set { } }
public override int Nature { get => (int)(PID % 25); set { } }
public override int AltForm { get => Species == 201 ? PKX.GetUnownForm(PID) : 0; set { } }
public override bool IsNicknamed { get => PKX.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(Species, Nickname, Format); set { } }
public override int Gender { get => PKX.GetGenderFromPID(Species, PID); set { } }
public override int Characteristic => -1;
public override int CurrentFriendship { get => OT_Friendship; set => OT_Friendship = value; }
public override int Ability { get { int[] abils = PersonalInfo.Abilities; return abils[AbilityBit && abils[1] != 0 ? 1 : 0]; } set { } }
public override int CurrentHandler { get => 0; set { } }
public override int Egg_Location { get => 0; set { } }
// At top for System.Reflection execution order hack
public override bool IsEgg { get => egg; set => egg = value; }
public override int Language { get => lang; set => lang = value; }
// 0x20 Intro
public override uint PID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x00); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x00); }
public override int TID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x04); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x04); }
public override int SID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x06); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x06); }
public override string Nickname { get => GetString(0x08, 10); set => SetString(IsEgg ? "タマゴ" : value, 10).CopyTo(Data, 0x08); }
public override int Language { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x12) & 0xFF; set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(IsEgg ? 0x601 : value | 0x200)).CopyTo(Data, 0x12); }
private int lang{ get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x12) & 0xFF; set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(IsEgg ? 0x601 : value | 0x200)).CopyTo(Data, 0x12); }
public override string OT_Name { get => GetString(0x14, 7); set => SetString(value, 7).CopyTo(Data, 0x14); }
public override int MarkValue { get => SwapBits(Data[0x1B], 1, 2); protected set => Data[0x1B] = (byte)SwapBits(value, 1, 2); }
public override ushort Checksum { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x1C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x1C); }
@ -115,35 +107,36 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override int IV_SPE { get => (int)(IV32 >> 15) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 15)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 15)); }
public override int IV_SPA { get => (int)(IV32 >> 20) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 20)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 20)); }
public override int IV_SPD { get => (int)(IV32 >> 25) & 0x1F; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~(0x1F << 25)) | (uint)((value > 31 ? 31 : value) << 25)); }
public override bool IsEgg { get => ((IV32 >> 30) & 1) == 1; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~0x40000000) | (uint)(value ? 0x40000000 : 0)); }
private bool egg { get => ((IV32 >> 30) & 1) == 1; set => IV32 = (uint)((IV32 & ~0x40000000) | (uint)(value ? 0x40000000 : 0)); }
public bool AbilityBit { get => IV32 >> 31 == 1; set => IV32 = (IV32 & 0x7FFFFFFF) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 31 : 0); }
private uint RIB0 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x4C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x4C); }
public int RibbonCountG3Cool { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 00) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 00)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 00); }
public int RibbonCountG3Beauty { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 03) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 03)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 03); }
public int RibbonCountG3Cute { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 06) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 06)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 06); }
public int RibbonCountG3Smart { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 09) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 09)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 09); }
public int RibbonCountG3Tough { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 12) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 12)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 12); }
public bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 15)) == 1 << 15; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 15) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 15 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonWinning { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 16)) == 1 << 16; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 16) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 16 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonVictory { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 17)) == 1 << 17; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 17) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 17 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonArtist { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 18)) == 1 << 18; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 18) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 18 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonEffort { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 19)) == 1 << 19; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 19) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 19 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 20)) == 1 << 20; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 20) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 20 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 21)) == 1 << 21; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 21) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 21 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 22)) == 1 << 22; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 22) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 22 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonCountry { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 23)) == 1 << 23; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 23) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 23 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 24)) == 1 << 24; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 24) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 24 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonEarth { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 25)) == 1 << 25; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 25) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 25 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonWorld { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 26)) == 1 << 26; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 26) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 26 : 0)); }
public bool Unused1 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 27)) == 1 << 27; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 27) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 27 : 0)); }
public bool Unused2 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 28)) == 1 << 28; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 28) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 28 : 0)); }
public bool Unused3 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 29)) == 1 << 29; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 29) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 29 : 0)); }
public bool Unused4 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 30)) == 1 << 30; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 30) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 30 : 0)); }
public override int RibbonCountG3Cool { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 00) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 00)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 00); }
public override int RibbonCountG3Beauty { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 03) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 03)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 03); }
public override int RibbonCountG3Cute { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 06) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 06)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 06); }
public override int RibbonCountG3Smart { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 09) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 09)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 09); }
public override int RibbonCountG3Tough { get => (int)(RIB0 >> 12) & 7; set => RIB0 = (uint)((RIB0 & ~(7 << 12)) | (uint)(value & 7) << 12); }
public override bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 15)) == 1 << 15; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 15) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 15 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonWinning { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 16)) == 1 << 16; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 16) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 16 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonVictory { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 17)) == 1 << 17; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 17) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 17 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonArtist { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 18)) == 1 << 18; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 18) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 18 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonEffort { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 19)) == 1 << 19; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 19) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 19 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 20)) == 1 << 20; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 20) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 20 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 21)) == 1 << 21; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 21) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 21 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 22)) == 1 << 22; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 22) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 22 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonCountry { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 23)) == 1 << 23; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 23) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 23 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 24)) == 1 << 24; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 24) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 24 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonEarth { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 25)) == 1 << 25; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 25) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 25 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonWorld { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 26)) == 1 << 26; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 26) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 26 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused1 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 27)) == 1 << 27; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 27) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 27 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused2 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 28)) == 1 << 28; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 28) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 28 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused3 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 29)) == 1 << 29; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 29) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 29 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused4 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 30)) == 1 << 30; set => RIB0 = (uint)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 30) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 30 : 0)); }
public override bool FatefulEncounter { get => RIB0 >> 31 == 1; set => RIB0 = (RIB0 & ~(1 << 31)) | (uint)(value ? 1 << 31 : 0); }
public override int Stat_Level { get => Data[0x54]; set => Data[0x54] = (byte)value; }
public sbyte HeldMailID { get => (sbyte)Data[0x55]; set => Data[0x55] = (byte)value; }
public override int Stat_HPCurrent { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x56); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x56); }
public override int Stat_HPMax { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x58); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x58); }
public override int Stat_ATK { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x5A); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x5A); }
@ -151,29 +144,10 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override int Stat_SPE { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x5E); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x5E); }
public override int Stat_SPA { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x60); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x60); }
public override int Stat_SPD { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x62); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0x62); }
public sbyte HeldMailID { get => (sbyte)Data[0x55]; set => Data[0x55] = (byte)value; }
// Generated Attributes
public override int AbilityNumber { get => 1 << (AbilityBit ? 1 : 0); set => AbilityBit = value > 1; } // 1/2 -> 0/1
public override int PSV => (int)((PID >> 16 ^ PID & 0xFFFF) >> 3);
public override int TSV => (TID ^ SID) >> 3;
public override bool Japanese => IsEgg || Language == (int)LanguageID.Japanese;
public override bool WasEvent => Met_Location == 255; // Fateful
public override bool WasIngameTrade => Met_Location == 254; // Trade
public override bool WasGiftEgg => IsEgg && Met_Location == 253; // Gift Egg, indistinguible from normal eggs after hatch
public override bool WasEventEgg => IsEgg && Met_Location == 255; // Event Egg, indistinguible from normal eggs after hatch
// Maximums
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_3;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_3;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_3;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_3;
public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_3;
public override int MaxIV => 31;
public override int MaxEV => 255;
public override int OTLength => 7;
public override int NickLength => 10;
protected override byte[] Encrypt()
@ -305,5 +279,20 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
return pk4;
public XK3 ConvertToXK3()
var pk = ConvertTo<XK3>();
pk.Stat_Level = pk.CurrentLevel;
return pk;
public CK3 ConvertToCK3()
var pk = ConvertTo<CK3>();
pk.Stat_Level = pk.CurrentLevel;
return pk;
@ -901,59 +901,6 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a <see cref="XK3"/> or <see cref="PK3"/> to <see cref="CK3"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><see cref="CK3"/> format <see cref="PKM"/></returns>
public PKM ConvertToCK3()
if (Format != 3)
return null;
if (GetType() == typeof(CK3))
return this;
var pk = new CK3();
TransferPropertiesWithReflection(this is XK3 ? ConvertToPK3() : this, pk);
pk.Stat_Level = pk.CurrentLevel;
return pk;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a <see cref="PK3"/> or <see cref="CK3"/> to <see cref="XK3"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><see cref="XK3"/> format <see cref="PKM"/></returns>
public PKM ConvertToXK3()
if (Format != 3)
return null;
if (GetType() == typeof(XK3))
return this;
var pk = new XK3();
TransferPropertiesWithReflection(this is CK3 ? ConvertToPK3() : this, pk);
pk.Stat_Level = pk.CurrentLevel;
return pk;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a <see cref="CK3"/> or <see cref="XK3"/> to <see cref="PK3"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><see cref="PK3"/> format <see cref="PKM"/></returns>
public PKM ConvertToPK3()
if (Format != 3)
return null;
if (GetType() == typeof(PK3))
return this;
var pk = new PK3();
TransferPropertiesWithReflection(this, pk);
// Transferring XK3 to PK3 when it originates from XD sets the fateful encounter (obedience) flag.
if (this is XK3 xk3 && xk3.Version == 15 && xk3.IsOriginXD())
pk.FatefulEncounter = true;
return pk;
/// <summary>
/// Applies all shared properties from <see cref="Source"/> to <see cref="Destination"/>.
/// </summary>
@ -964,7 +911,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
// Only transfer declared properties not defined in PKM.cs but in the actual type
var SourceProperties = ReflectUtil.GetPropertiesCanWritePublicDeclared(Source.GetType());
var DestinationProperties = ReflectUtil.GetPropertiesCanWritePublicDeclared(Destination.GetType());
foreach (string property in SourceProperties.Intersect(DestinationProperties).Reverse())
foreach (string property in SourceProperties.Intersect(DestinationProperties))
var prop = ReflectUtil.GetValue(this, property);
if (prop != null && !(prop is byte[]))
@ -280,19 +280,20 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
case nameof(CK3):
pkm = ((CK3)pkm).ConvertToPK3();
goto case nameof(PK3); // fall through
case nameof(XK3):
// interconverting C/XD needs to visit main series format
// ends up stripping purification/shadow etc stats
pkm = pkm.ConvertToPK3();
pkm = ((XK3)pkm).ConvertToPK3();
goto case nameof(PK3); // fall through
case nameof(PK3):
if (toFormat == 3) // Gen3 Inter-trading
if (toFormat == 3)
pkm = InterConvertPK3(pkm, PKMType);
if (PKMType == typeof(CK3))
pkm = ((PK3)pkm).ConvertToCK3();
else if (PKMType == typeof(XK3))
pkm = ((PK3)pkm).ConvertToXK3();
if (fromType.Name != nameof(PK3))
pkm = pkm.ConvertToPK3();
pkm = ((PK3) pkm).ConvertToPK4();
if (toFormat == 4)
@ -356,28 +357,6 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Converts a PKM from one Generation 3 format to another. If it matches the destination format, the conversion will automatically return.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk">PKM to convert</param>
/// <param name="desiredFormatType">Format/Type to convert to</param>
/// <remarks><see cref="PK3"/>, <see cref="CK3"/>, and <see cref="XK3"/> are supported.</remarks>
/// <returns>Converted PKM</returns>
private static PKM InterConvertPK3(PKM pk, Type desiredFormatType)
// if already converted it instantly returns
switch (desiredFormatType.Name)
case nameof(CK3):
return pk.ConvertToCK3();
case nameof(XK3):
return pk.ConvertToXK3();
case nameof(PK3):
return pk.ConvertToPK3();
default: throw new FormatException();
/// <summary>
/// Force hatches a PKM by applying the current species name and a valid Met Location from the origin game.
/// </summary>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 Base <see cref="PKM"/> Class
/// </summary>
public abstract class _K3 : PKM, IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetCommon3, IRibbonSetUnique3, IRibbonSetOnly3
// Maximums
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_3;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_3;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_3;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_3;
public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_3;
public override int MaxIV => 31;
public override int MaxEV => 255;
public override int OTLength => 7;
public override int NickLength => 10;
// Generated Attributes
public override int PSV => (int)((PID >> 16 ^ PID & 0xFFFF) >> 3);
public override int TSV => (TID ^ SID) >> 3;
public override bool Japanese => Language == (int)LanguageID.Japanese;
public override bool WasEvent => Met_Location == 255; // Fateful
public override bool WasIngameTrade => Met_Location == 254; // Trade
public override bool WasGiftEgg => IsEgg && Met_Location == 253; // Gift Egg, indistinguible from normal eggs after hatch
public override bool WasEventEgg => IsEgg && Met_Location == 255; // Event Egg, indistinguible from normal eggs after hatch
public override int Ability { get { int[] abils = PersonalInfo.Abilities; return abils[abils[1] == 0 ? 0 : AbilityNumber >> 1]; } set { } }
public override uint EncryptionConstant { get => PID; set { } }
public override int Nature { get => (int)(PID % 25); set { } }
public override int AltForm { get => Species == 201 ? PKX.GetUnownForm(PID) : 0; set { } }
public override bool IsNicknamed { get => PKX.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(Species, Nickname, Format); set { } }
public override int Gender { get => PKX.GetGenderFromPID(Species, PID); set { } }
public override int Characteristic => -1;
public override int CurrentFriendship { get => OT_Friendship; set => OT_Friendship = value; }
public override int CurrentHandler { get => 0; set { } }
public override int Egg_Location { get => 0; set { } }
public abstract bool RibbonEarth { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonNational { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonCountry { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionBattle { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionRegional { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionNational { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonArtist { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonEffort { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonWinning { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonVictory { get; set; }
public abstract int RibbonCountG3Cool { get; set; }
public abstract int RibbonCountG3Beauty { get; set; }
public abstract int RibbonCountG3Cute { get; set; }
public abstract int RibbonCountG3Smart { get; set; }
public abstract int RibbonCountG3Tough { get; set; }
public abstract bool RibbonWorld { get; set; }
public abstract bool Unused1 { get; set; }
public abstract bool Unused2 { get; set; }
public abstract bool Unused3 { get; set; }
public abstract bool Unused4 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Interconversion for Generation 3 <see cref="PKM"/> formats.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Generation 3 format to convert to</typeparam>
/// <returns>New object with transferred properties.</returns>
protected T ConvertTo<T>() where T : _K3, new()
return new T // Convert away!
Species = Species,
Language = Language,
HeldItem = HeldItem,
AbilityNumber = AbilityNumber,
IsEgg = IsEgg,
FatefulEncounter = FatefulEncounter,
Met_Location = Met_Location,
Met_Level = Met_Level,
Version = Version,
Ball = Ball,
Nickname = Nickname,
OT_Name = OT_Name,
OT_Gender = OT_Gender,
OT_Friendship = OT_Friendship,
Move1_PPUps = Move1_PPUps,
Move2_PPUps = Move2_PPUps,
Move3_PPUps = Move3_PPUps,
Move4_PPUps = Move4_PPUps,
Move1 = Move1,
Move2 = Move2,
Move3 = Move3,
Move4 = Move4,
Move1_PP = Move1_PP,
Move2_PP = Move2_PP,
Move3_PP = Move3_PP,
Move4_PP = Move4_PP,
CNT_Cool = CNT_Cool,
CNT_Beauty = CNT_Beauty,
CNT_Cute = CNT_Cute,
CNT_Smart = CNT_Smart,
CNT_Tough = CNT_Tough,
CNT_Sheen = CNT_Sheen,
PKRS_Days = PKRS_Days,
PKRS_Strain = PKRS_Strain,
// Transfer Ribbons
RibbonCountG3Cool = RibbonCountG3Cool,
RibbonCountG3Beauty = RibbonCountG3Beauty,
RibbonCountG3Cute = RibbonCountG3Cute,
RibbonCountG3Smart = RibbonCountG3Smart,
RibbonCountG3Tough = RibbonCountG3Tough,
RibbonChampionG3Hoenn = RibbonChampionG3Hoenn,
RibbonWinning = RibbonWinning,
RibbonVictory = RibbonVictory,
RibbonArtist = RibbonArtist,
RibbonEffort = RibbonEffort,
RibbonChampionBattle = RibbonChampionBattle,
RibbonChampionRegional = RibbonChampionRegional,
RibbonChampionNational = RibbonChampionNational,
RibbonCountry = RibbonCountry,
RibbonNational = RibbonNational,
RibbonEarth = RibbonEarth,
RibbonWorld = RibbonWorld,
Unused1 = Unused1,
Unused2 = Unused2,
Unused3 = Unused3,
Unused4 = Unused4,
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary> Generation 3 <see cref="PKM"/> format, exclusively for Pokémon XD. </summary>
public sealed class XK3 : PKM, IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetCommon3, IRibbonSetUnique3, IRibbonSetOnly3, IShadowPKM
public sealed class XK3 : _K3, IShadowPKM
public static readonly byte[] ExtraBytes =
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
if (Data.Length != SIZE_PARTY)
Array.Resize(ref Data, SIZE_PARTY);
public XK3() => Data = new byte[SIZE_PARTY];
public override PKM Clone() => new XK3((byte[])Data.Clone(), Identifier) {Purification = Purification};
private string GetString(int Offset, int Count) => StringConverter.GetBEString3(Data, Offset, Count);
@ -33,19 +34,6 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override byte[] Nickname_Trash { get => GetData(0x4E, 20); set { if (value?.Length == 20) value.CopyTo(Data, 0x4E); } }
public override byte[] OT_Trash { get => GetData(0x38, 20); set { if (value?.Length == 20) value.CopyTo(Data, 0x38); } }
// Future Attributes
public override uint EncryptionConstant { get => PID; set { } }
public override int Nature { get => (int)(PID % 25); set { } }
public override int AltForm { get => Species == 201 ? PKX.GetUnownForm(PID) : 0; set { } }
public override bool IsNicknamed { get => PKX.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(Species, Nickname, Format); set { } }
public override int Gender { get => PKX.GetGenderFromPID(Species, PID); set { } }
public override int Characteristic => -1;
public override int CurrentFriendship { get => OT_Friendship; set => OT_Friendship = value; }
public override int Ability { get { int[] abils = PersonalTable.RS.GetAbilities(Species, 0); return abils[abils[1] == 0 ? 0 : AbilityNumber >> 1]; } set { } }
public override int CurrentHandler { get => 0; set { } }
public override int Egg_Location { get => 0; set { } }
// Silly Attributes
public override ushort Sanity { get => 0; set { } } // valid flag set in pkm structure.
public override ushort Checksum { get => SaveUtil.CRC16_CCITT(Data); set { } } // totally false, just a way to get a 'random' ident for the pkm.
@ -96,22 +84,22 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
private string Nickname2 { get => GetString(0x64, 20); set => SetString(value, 10).CopyTo(Data, 0x64); } // +2 terminator
// 0x7A-0x7B Unknown
private ushort RIB0 { get => BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, 0x7C); set => BigEndian.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x7C); }
public bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 15)) == 1 << 15; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 15) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 15 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonWinning { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 14)) == 1 << 14; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 14) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 14 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonVictory { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 13)) == 1 << 13; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 13) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 13 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonArtist { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 12)) == 1 << 12; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 12) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 12 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonEffort { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 11)) == 1 << 11; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 11) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 11 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 10)) == 1 << 10; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 10) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 10 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 09)) == 1 << 09; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 09) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 09 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 08)) == 1 << 08; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 08) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 08 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonCountry { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 07)) == 1 << 07; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 07) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 07 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 06)) == 1 << 06; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 06) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 06 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonEarth { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 05)) == 1 << 05; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 05) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 05 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonWorld { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 04)) == 1 << 04; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 04) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 04 : 0)); }
public bool Unused1 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 03)) == 1 << 03; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 03) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 03 : 0)); }
public bool Unused2 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 02)) == 1 << 02; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 02) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 02 : 0)); }
public bool Unused3 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 01)) == 1 << 01; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 01) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 01 : 0)); }
public bool Unused4 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 00)) == 1 << 00; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 00) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 00 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionG3Hoenn { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 15)) == 1 << 15; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 15) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 15 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonWinning { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 14)) == 1 << 14; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 14) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 14 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonVictory { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 13)) == 1 << 13; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 13) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 13 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonArtist { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 12)) == 1 << 12; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 12) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 12 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonEffort { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 11)) == 1 << 11; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 11) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 11 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 10)) == 1 << 10; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 10) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 10 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 09)) == 1 << 09; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 09) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 09 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonChampionNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 08)) == 1 << 08; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 08) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 08 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonCountry { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 07)) == 1 << 07; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 07) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 07 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 06)) == 1 << 06; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 06) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 06 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonEarth { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 05)) == 1 << 05; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 05) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 05 : 0)); }
public override bool RibbonWorld { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 04)) == 1 << 04; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 04) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 04 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused1 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 03)) == 1 << 03; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 03) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 03 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused2 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 02)) == 1 << 02; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 02) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 02 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused3 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 01)) == 1 << 01; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 01) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 01 : 0)); }
public override bool Unused4 { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 00)) == 1 << 00; set => RIB0 = (ushort)(RIB0 & ~(1 << 00) | (ushort)(value ? 1 << 00 : 0)); }
// 0x7E-0x7F Unknown
// Moves
@ -182,45 +170,44 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public override int CNT_Cute { get => Data[0xB0]; set => Data[0xB0] = (byte)value; }
public override int CNT_Smart { get => Data[0xB1]; set => Data[0xB1] = (byte)value; }
public override int CNT_Tough { get => Data[0xB2]; set => Data[0xB2] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Cool { get => Data[0xB3]; set => Data[0xB3] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Beauty { get => Data[0xB4]; set => Data[0xB4] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Cute { get => Data[0xB5]; set => Data[0xB5] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Smart { get => Data[0xB6]; set => Data[0xB6] = (byte)value; }
public int RibbonCountG3Tough { get => Data[0xB7]; set => Data[0xB7] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Cool { get => Data[0xB3]; set => Data[0xB3] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Beauty { get => Data[0xB4]; set => Data[0xB4] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Cute { get => Data[0xB5]; set => Data[0xB5] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Smart { get => Data[0xB6]; set => Data[0xB6] = (byte)value; }
public override int RibbonCountG3Tough { get => Data[0xB7]; set => Data[0xB7] = (byte)value; }
public int ShadowID { get => BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, 0xBA); set => BigEndian.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, 0xBA); }
// Purification information is stored in the save file and accessed based on the Shadow ID.
public int Purification { get; set; }
// Generated Attributes
public override int PSV => (int)((PID >> 16 ^ PID & 0xFFFF) >> 3);
public override int TSV => (TID ^ SID) >> 3;
public override bool Japanese => Language == (int)LanguageID.Japanese;
protected override byte[] Encrypt()
return (byte[])Data.Clone();
// Maximums
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_3;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_3;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_3;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_3;
public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_3;
public override int MaxIV => 31;
public override int MaxEV => 252;
public override int OTLength => 7;
public override int NickLength => 10;
public bool IsOriginXD()
public PK3 ConvertToPK3()
var pk = ConvertTo<PK3>();
if (Version == 15)
// Transferring XK3 to PK3 when it originates from XD sets the fateful encounter (obedience) flag.
if (ShadowID != 0)
pk.RibbonEarth = true; // must be purified before trading away; force purify
if (IsOriginXD())
pk.FatefulEncounter = true;
return pk;
private bool IsOriginXD()
if (ShadowID != 0)
return true;
return IsOriginXD(Species, Met_Level);
public static bool IsOriginXD(int species, int metLevel)
private static bool IsOriginXD(int species, int metLevel)
switch (species)
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
int RibbonCountG3Cute { get; set; }
int RibbonCountG3Smart { get; set; }
int RibbonCountG3Tough { get; set; }
bool RibbonWorld { get; set; }
bool Unused1 { get; set; }
bool Unused2 { get; set; }
bool Unused3 { get; set; }
bool Unused4 { get; set; }
internal static partial class RibbonExtensions
@ -16,6 +22,10 @@
nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.RibbonCountG3Cool), nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.RibbonCountG3Beauty), nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.RibbonCountG3Cute),
nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.RibbonCountG3Smart), nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.RibbonCountG3Tough),
nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.Unused1), nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.Unused2),
nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.Unused3), nameof(IRibbonSetOnly3.Unused4),
internal static int[] RibbonCounts(this IRibbonSetOnly3 set)
Add table
Reference in a new issue