Update egg location/level checks for 3-5

Extracted some reusable parts
This commit is contained in:
Kurt 2017-03-19 21:36:03 -07:00
parent 6076199013
commit 9c4c52eec9
5 changed files with 134 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -453,59 +453,114 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, $"Matches #{MatchedGift.CardID:0000} ({MatchedGift.CardTitle})", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return null;
private CheckResult verifyEncounterEgg()
if (pkm.GenNumber < 4)
if (pkm.Format <= 2) // can't check anything
return new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.HasOriginalMetLocation)
return new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// Check Hatch Locations
if (pkm.Met_Level != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid met level, expected 1.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// Check species
// Check Species
if (Legal.NoHatchFromEgg.Contains(pkm.Species))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Species cannot be hatched from an egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (pkm.Egg_Location == 30002)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Egg location shouldn't be 'traded' for an un-hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Met_Location == 30002)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid traded un-hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return pkm.Met_Location == 0
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid un-hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid location for un-hatched egg (expected no met location).", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.XY)
switch (pkm.GenNumber)
if (pkm.Egg_Location == 318)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid X/Y egg location.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return Legal.ValidMet_XY.Contains(pkm.Met_Location)
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid X/Y hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid X/Y location for hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
case 1:
case 2: return new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Encounter); // no met location info
case 3: return verifyEncounterEgg3();
case 4: return pkm.IsEgg ? verifyUnhatchedEgg(2002) : verifyEncounterEgg4();
case 5: return pkm.IsEgg ? verifyUnhatchedEgg(30002) : verifyEncounterEgg5();
case 6: return pkm.IsEgg ? verifyUnhatchedEgg(30002) : verifyEncounterEgg6();
case 7: return pkm.IsEgg ? verifyUnhatchedEgg(30002) : verifyEncounterEgg7();
default: // none of the above
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid location for hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private CheckResult verifyEncounterEgg3()
if (pkm.Format == 3)
if (pkm.Met_Level != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid met level, expected 0.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.IsEgg)
var loc = pkm.FRLG ? 146 /* Four Island */ : 32; /* RSE: Route 117 */
if (pkm.Met_Location != loc)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid unhatched egg met location.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
var locs = pkm.FRLG ? Legal.ValidMet_FRLG : pkm.E ? Legal.ValidMet_E : Legal.ValidMet_RS;
if (!locs.Contains(pkm.Met_Location))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid hatch (met) location.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Met_Level < 5)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid met level for transfer.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Egg_Location != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Egg location, expected none.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Format == 4 && pkm.Met_Location != 0x37) // Pal Park
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Met location, expected Pal Park.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Format != 4 && pkm.Met_Location != 30001)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Met location, expected Transporter.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private CheckResult verifyEncounterEgg4()
if (pkm.Format == 4)
return verifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(0, pkm.HGSS ? Legal.ValidMet_HGSS : pkm.Pt ? Legal.ValidMet_Pt : Legal.ValidMet_DP);
// transferred
if (pkm.Met_Level < 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid met level for transfer.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Met_Location != 30001)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Met location, expected Transporter.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private CheckResult verifyEncounterEgg5()
return verifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(1, pkm.B2W2 ? Legal.ValidMet_B2W2 : Legal.ValidMet_BW);
private CheckResult verifyEncounterEgg6()
if (pkm.AO)
return Legal.ValidMet_AO.Contains(pkm.Met_Location)
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid OR/AS hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid OR/AS location for hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return verifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(1, Legal.ValidMet_AO);
if (pkm.Egg_Location == 318)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid X/Y egg location.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return verifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(1, Legal.ValidMet_XY);
private CheckResult verifyEncounterEgg7()
if (pkm.SM)
return Legal.ValidMet_SM.Contains(pkm.Met_Location)
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid S/M hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid S/M location for hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return verifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(1, Legal.ValidMet_SM);
// no other games
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid location for hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private CheckResult verifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(int eggLevel, int[] MetLocations)
if (pkm.Met_Level != eggLevel)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, $"Invalid met level, expected {eggLevel}.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return MetLocations.Contains(pkm.Met_Location)
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid hatch (met) location.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid hatch (met) location.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private CheckResult verifyUnhatchedEgg(int tradeLoc)
if (pkm.Egg_Location == tradeLoc)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Egg location shouldn't be 'traded' for an un-hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Met_Location == tradeLoc)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid traded un-hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return pkm.Met_Location == 0
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, "Valid un-hatched egg.", CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid location for un-hatched egg (expected no met location).", CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private CheckResult verifyEncounterSafari()
if (pkm.Species == 670 || pkm.Species == 671) // Floette

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@ -347,5 +347,17 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_RS =
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_E = ValidMet_RS.Concat(new int[]
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_FRLG =

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@ -562,5 +562,18 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_DP =
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_Pt = ValidMet_DP.Concat(new int[]
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_HGSS =

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@ -290,5 +290,14 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
// Gift
new EncounterTrade { Species = 570, Level = 25, Ability = 1, TID = 00002, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {30,30,30,30,30,30}, Nature = Nature.Hasty, } //N's Zorua
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_BW =
// todo
internal static readonly int[] ValidMet_B2W2 =
// todo

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@ -263,13 +263,15 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public bool VC2 => Version >= 39 && Version <= 41;
public bool VC1 => Version >= 35 && Version <= 38;
public bool Horohoro => Version == 34;
public bool E => Version == (int)GameVersion.E;
public bool FRLG => Version == (int)GameVersion.FR || Version == (int)GameVersion.LG;
public bool Pt => (int)GameVersion.Pt == Version;
public bool HGSS => Version == (int)GameVersion.HG || Version == (int)GameVersion.SS;
public bool B2W2 => Version == (int)GameVersion.B2 || Version == (int)GameVersion.W2;
public bool XY => Version == (int)GameVersion.X || Version == (int)GameVersion.Y;
public bool AO => Version == (int)GameVersion.AS || Version == (int)GameVersion.OR;
public bool SM => Version == (int)GameVersion.SN || Version == (int)GameVersion.MN;
protected bool PtHGSS => GameVersion.Pt == (GameVersion)Version || HGSS;
protected bool PtHGSS => Pt || HGSS;
public bool VC => VC1 || VC2;
public bool Gen7 => Version >= 30 && Version <= 33;
public bool Gen6 => Version >= 24 && Version <= 29;